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Moscow warns new U.S. sanctions take ties into uncharted waters


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41 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Russia 100% interfered in the US elections.  There's no "maybe". 


There's a huge difference between making a speech indicating your opinion and that of your country versus hacking into their computers and putting the details up on the public internet.  Then denying you did it and calling it fake news.  Right?

Oh so your a Twitter Fan

No I believe Russia interefered

As I suspect so did China

Tit for tat

Yes Obama only suggested about European affairs but the US has actively funded political activities in other Countries to influence outcomes in their favor.

Speculation no

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7 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

Russia "warns" U.S.? Russia is only a gas station with an army.

Russia represents a vast concentration of wealth centered around a ruling criminal elite. Whether a criminal elite or some other elite, such a vast concentration of wealth is a formidable adversary to a more dispersed concentration of wealth.  Very bad things happen when individuals begin to control billions in capital.  Armies??  Even the US military can have its attention diverted with sufficient organization and funding.

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2 minutes ago, Kiwiken said:

Oh so your a Twitter Fan

No I believe Russia interefered

As I suspect so did China

Tit for tat

Yes Obama only suggested about European affairs but the US has actively funded political activities in other Countries to influence outcomes in their favor.

Speculation no

Only time I look at Twitter is when Trump tweets something silly....LOL


But it isn't tit for tat.  That would imply the US did exactly the same thing.  Which they haven't.  Spy vs. spy?  Absolutely.  Every country in the world has spies.


Funding political activities isn't illegal.  Russia did that in the French elections.  And even regarding Brexit.  You are aware of this, right?






Russia Brexit meddling? Labour MPs DEMAND inquiry over Putin's influence in Leave vote

SENIOR MPs have increased pressure on the Government to reveal whether Russian hackers interfered with the European Union referendum.



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17 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Crimea a river, Moscow.

Maybe Putin and his minions should have thought twice before meddling the U.S. elections.

They did a massive amount of damage to the U.S. democracy with their dirty tricks.

Karma time. 

Ah, so you've seen the election meddling evidence then? I was a skeptical as nothing substantial, only words and innuendo have been cited. So what was the actual hardcore evidence of their dirty tricks?

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3 minutes ago, Rancid said:

Ah, so you've seen the election meddling evidence then? I was a skeptical as nothing substantial, only words and innuendo have been cited. So what was the actual hardcore evidence of their dirty tricks?

Evidence is overwhelming, and out there in the media.  It's well documented and even partially admitted to by Putin himself. LOL

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15 hours ago, Jingthing said:


You mean we finally get to see Trump's pee videos?



If they exist not sure how it would ever benefit Putin to ever let them flow forth. More power in holding them against trump.


Trump is done.  The GOP is bailing on him as he seems to have gone off the script, even for him.  The ban on military service for trans-genders was the best distraction he could come up with for the news that will come out tomorrow.  Stay tuned.

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12 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I agree. Another political distraction. But it's never easy to remove any president and OMG this one should be removed ASAP. 

Yes. The way this is developing it has turned into a domestic US politics issue. And fighting out your internal squabbles on the international stage with consequences for many is never a good thing.

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1 minute ago, stevenl said:

Yes. The way this is developing it has turned into a domestic US politics issue. And fighting out your internal squabbles on the international stage with consequences for many is never a good thing.

I was talking about the transgender military ban. Sorry for any misunderstanding. 

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4 hours ago, Kiwiken said:

Yes the Pot calls the Kettle black. i have no doubt Russia uses all means to get an outcome seemingly favorable to it in other nations elections . So do the USA, UK, France, China etc.

Did Russia blatently interfere in the US elections "Yes no Maybe".

Did not Obama try and influence the outcome of the Brexit vote?

Did not the USA again extol a view in the hope of swaying French voters.

My Country NZ has elections in September do I expect the USA, Britain and big brother Oz to interfere hell yes why would you reverse Policy of the past 100 years.

Since none of us here know what Russia did in the election yet it might be a little early to judge. Any country can voice its opinion on what candidate they would prefer to have win in another's election, but to effect it in a way like the watergate break in would be serious breach of security. If Trump colluded with the Russians, that is an internal issue also.


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8 minutes ago, Grubster said:

Since none of us here know what Russia did in the election yet it might be a little early to judge. Any country can voice its opinion on what candidate they would prefer to have win in another's election, but to effect it in a way like the watergate break in would be serious breach of security. If Trump colluded with the Russians, that is an internal issue also.


What is know is that Russia did the hack.  There's no denying that.  What's not know is if there was collusion.  Or, if the hack had an impact on the elections.  But it seems it did.  I've posted this before, but an interesting read:





For Clinton, “email” pops out of the word cloud, the most frequently mentioned word or topic by far. For Trump, there is no dominant word or theme.

Breaking it down by week, the dominance of the email scandal throughout the Clinton campaign is jaw-dropping. In the final weeks of the campaign, literally every word that registers with enough people to be visualized is about it: Email, FBI, investigation, foundation, reopening, scandal.


Kinda hard to say it didn't have an impact.  Especially with the election being so close, and the predictions changing so much around these email announcements.

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4 hours ago, selftaopath said:

Russia "warns" U.S.? Russia is only a gas station with an army.

Very funny !!   Well they can send 7300 nuclear weapons and USA can only send 7100 so that's America's fault,  they should catch up.

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33 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

Very funny !!   Well they can send 7300 nuclear weapons and USA can only send 7100 so that's America's fault,  they should catch up.

Sadly, both countries are rebuilding their nuclear weapons.  The US got rid of a lot many years ago, Russia did not.  Not sure why you would think this is a good thing.  It'd be the end of the world as we know it. 

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

What is know is that Russia did the hack.  There's no denying that.  What's not know is if there was collusion.  Or, if the hack had an impact on the elections.  But it seems it did.  I've posted this before, but an interesting read:



Kinda hard to say it didn't have an impact.  Especially with the election being so close, and the predictions changing so much around these email announcements.

Even if the Russians hacked into Dem's e-mails and if this has had an influence on the US elections there seems to be an arrogance in the USA.


  • First, it was not the only issue deciding the last US election. That there have been so many – I repeat so many – stupid and uninformed people who gave more weight to these e-mail-affaire than to the content of all tweets and speeches of the LOTUS (Liar Of ….). That is the problem of the last election. That they didn't consider the wretched character of this man is nearly not excusable although clearly noticeable.

  • Second, this means the Americans try to defend this flaw, mentioned before, although there have been bigger problems concerning Trump and his campaign.

  • Third, the Russians occupied the Crimea in March 2014, more than 3 years ago. Now the unbelievable contradiction. Suddenly the Reps – before denying (maybe knowing about) the Russian e-mail hack – punish the Russians just for this reason. An irrational reason, because it concerns „the pride“ of the USA, being invaded in a modern technical style, be it true or not.

  • The real reason for this new enforced sanction is economical - in conjunction with the new policy. From: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/07/06/trump-natural-gas-europe-leaders.html

    President Donald Trump on Thursday pitched U.S. energy exports to Europe as an alternative to supplies from Russia, a nation he suggested had held the region hostage in the past.

  • America first by using the elbows. Congratulation for this policy. You and others defend it by ignoring the real reason(s).

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22 minutes ago, puck2 said:

First, it was not the only issue deciding the last US election.

No kidding, there are many issues. We don't even know the extent of the Russian involvement yet, but the US is able to put sanctions on any country for any reason.

The US put heavy sanctions on Russia for invading Crimea, where were you.


Russia has threatened cutting off its natural gas supplies to western Europe, now the US is making a huge liquefied gas port to alleviate the possibility that Russia will get anywhere with that threat. The US gas industry will be thanking Putin for this for many years.


The US has allowed many countries to dump or send their goods to the US tariff free for a long time. An equal playing field will be a big loss to most countries.


 Russia knew the US would not be happy about these issues and the fact that they do these things anyway makes the wounds self inflicted.

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37 minutes ago, puck2 said:

Even if the Russians hacked into Dem's e-mails and if this has had an influence on the US elections there seems to be an arrogance in the USA.


  • First, it was not the only issue deciding the last US election. That there have been so many – I repeat so many – stupid and uninformed people who gave more weight to these e-mail-affaire than to the content of all tweets and speeches of the LOTUS (Liar Of ….). That is the problem of the last election. That they didn't consider the wretched character of this man is nearly not excusable although clearly noticeable.

  • Second, this means the Americans try to defend this flaw, mentioned before, although there have been bigger problems concerning Trump and his campaign.

  • Third, the Russians occupied the Crimea in March 2014, more than 3 years ago. Now the unbelievable contradiction. Suddenly the Reps – before denying (maybe knowing about) the Russian e-mail hack – punish the Russians just for this reason. An irrational reason, because it concerns „the pride“ of the USA, being invaded in a modern technical style, be it true or not.

  • The real reason for this new enforced sanction is economical - in conjunction with the new policy. From: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/07/06/trump-natural-gas-europe-leaders.html

    President Donald Trump on Thursday pitched U.S. energy exports to Europe as an alternative to supplies from Russia, a nation he suggested had held the region hostage in the past.

  • America first by using the elbows. Congratulation for this policy. You and others defend it by ignoring the real reason(s).

100% agree with part of your post.  As for item #3, sanctions were put in place several years ago.  Before the email hacks.  Now, they want more because of that and other things. This bill also has sanctions for North Korea.  Something that was sort of snuck in.  Not sure why this is a contradiction?


As for Russian gas, the EU is being held hostage by Russia over this.  It's a big reason Russia's involved in Syria (Qatar gas pipelines) and why they are meddling around in Georgia and Armenia (another gas pipeline).  Trump just made a speech.  Russia has invaded countries over this. 





Congress overwhelmingly passed a bill Tuesday to impose new sanctions on Russia over its interference in the 2016 US election, as well as its human rights violations, annexation of Crimea and military operations in eastern Ukraine.
The bill also gives Congress a way to block any easing of new sanctions against Russia, North Korea and Iran, as well as older ones against Russia.



You can't blame the US for everything bad that happens in the world.  Though many try.

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15 hours ago, Grubster said:

What can Putin do with this strategic port that might effect the USA or NATO that would be a big threat? Obviously the US or NATO is not in the position to stop Russia from taking bits and pieces of the Soviet Union back without confronting them militarily, but they can hurt him and his people gravely with sanctions and have. Like I said, his marble bag is empty unless of course he wants to go for broke. Maybe he will, I doubt it.

like i said, the dogs are howling but are afraid to bite :coffee1:

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1 minute ago, Naam said:

like i said, the dogs are howling but are afraid to bite :coffee1:

On the contrary the dogs are chewing on the meat of this bad man. If you were a Russian you would be feeling the bite.

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Just now, Naam said:

please tell us the result of these "heavy" sanctions :laugh:

Well lets see. The Russian economy is in the tank and the rubble is in the tank.  Their people are getting very tired of living day to day. This may not effect Putin, but it effects his people, and if the sanctions are not having effect then why are they throwing threats around over them.

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2 hours ago, Grubster said:

Russia has threatened cutting off its natural gas supplies to western Europe, now the US is making a huge liquefied gas port to alleviate the possibility that Russia will get anywhere with that threat. The US gas industry will be thanking Putin for this for many years.

i recommend you do some homework instead of shooting from the hip!


Western Europe's demand for natural gas is 18 (eighteen) times of the total U.S. production. yawn... 

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9 minutes ago, Grubster said:

On the contrary the dogs are chewing on the meat of this bad man. If you were a Russian you would be feeling the bite.

make up your mind who's meat they are chewing. that of Putin or of Russian citizens?

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Just now, Naam said:

i recommend you do some homework instead of shooting from the hip!


Western Europe's demand for natural gas is 18 (eighteen) times of the total U.S. production. yawn... 

Very true but the future US production that is ramping up right now as we speak is nearly endless. The US can and will fill the void if needed. Natural gas is easy to extract and is in abundance in the US and other western nations. Yawn.

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