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Trump - no transgender people will serve in U.S. military: Twitter


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6 minutes ago, UncleFester said:

Ah, to be so confused about things so simple for most to comprehend.  The President is Command in Chief.  Now somehow banning trannies from the military is genocidal?  And you bring up the old canard about Nazis too?  You're just too precious.

I never said banning transgender patriots is the same as genocide.

I was talking more generally about following orders. 

I think if the president gives a go on the nuclear codes, then yes the military is obligated to follow, even if totally insane like nuking Canada for legalizing pot.

Another good reason that this particular mentally ill president MUST be removed ASAP. On the LGBTQ civil rights issues, VP Pence is definitely even worse, but that's all academic compared to a madman having the nuclear football. 

trump is definitely running out of the classic right wing  fascist playbook so in his case comparisons to the rise of Hitler's Germany are appropriate. That's not the same thing as saying he will ever be as bad as Hitler.

Desist from the personal insults. 

Edited by Jingthing
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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Many nations say it's OK with no problem. 

Wonderful.  You take them.  You transgender them.  You pay for it.  We don't want to pay for nonsense and certainly not from a military budget.  The Few, The Proud, The Transgender Marines.


Uh um .... no.

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3 minutes ago, UncleFester said:

Wonderful.  You take them.  You transgender them.  You pay for it.  We don't want to pay for nonsense and certainly not from a military budget.  The Few, The Proud, The Transgender Marines.


Uh um .... no.

What does "you transgender them" actually mean? I get it. Your extremist bigotry towards the USA transgender patriots is loud and clear, not loud and queer. It's base people like you that trump is playing to. Shame on that disgusting draft dodging demagogue. 

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

What does "you transgender them" actually mean? I get it. Your extremist bigotry towards the USA transgender patriots is loud and clear, not loud and queer. It's base people like you that trump is playing to. Shame on that disgusting draft dodging demagogue. 

I see you are having trouble with concentration.  You begin your rant by quoting something I said but then turn it into a screed on draft dodging.  This is a possibly a skill in your country?

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Transgender volunteers are subject to the same medical screening as others. My Dad wanted to be a fighter pilot but was rejected for being color blind. So he fixed airplanes instead. trump intends to ban transgender patriots from ALL military roles. It's purely political. To fire up his base of bigots. 


To add, all my Dad's buddies that were fighter pilots died very young ... 

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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

What does "you transgender them" actually mean? I get it. Your extremist bigotry towards the USA transgender patriots is loud and clear, not loud and queer. It's base people like you that trump is playing to. Shame on that disgusting draft dodging demagogue. 

Didn't a Transgender in muay boxing smoke a thai resently. 

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1 minute ago, UncleFester said:

I see you are having trouble with concentration.  You begin your rant by quoting something I said but then turn it into a screed on draft dodging.  This is a possibly a skill in your country?

It's relevant that trump was a draft dodger and now thinks he "owns" the military generals. He is indeed commander in chief, and that's tragic because he's a totally immoral sleazeball, but they are not "his" generals. 

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45 minutes ago, UncleFester said:

Hopefully.  We need real men and women in the armed services.  

So what's a 'real man and woman ' ? Only heterosexuals? Have you arrived here in a time machine from the 19th century, or maybe even earlier? Most amazing ignorant bigotry openly displayed for all to see. I bet that pleases you no end!

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1 minute ago, Beats56 said:

Didn't a Transgender in muay boxing smoke a thai resently. 

Wait a minute. ..I am not against Transgender by any means. I think you miss understand me. More power to them.

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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It's relevant that trump was a draft dodger and now thinks he "owns" the military generals. He is indeed commander in chief, and that's tragic because he's a totally immoral sleazeball, but they are not "his" generals. 

Donald John Trump is the 45th President of the United States of America.  He is the Commander in Chief.  He owns the Generals and everyone who is on active duty or subject to being called to active duty.  You seem to be having difficulty understanding long-standing concepts in law and war.  


You have now more than once claimed that Trump dodged the draft.  


Do tell us all how he did that.  


Be specific.


We are all waiting for you to show us that you can make a valid point.

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50 minutes ago, thaihome said:

No, getting a sunburn is not a punishable crime in the military 



Also, transitioning in the military is only done when recommended by military doctors.



Paid for by the US taxpayer or ME. I don't like it and never will. I have nothing against gays but they have to make their own choices and so do I,  I cannot get cosmetic surgery for free nor should I be able to. If you elect to disfigure yourself you should pay for it and any complications that may arise from it for the rest of your life. And anybody unstable enough to do so should not be allowed in the military. That is my view and you have yours OK.

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1 minute ago, UncleFester said:

My son just today was in a school play.  That doesn't make him a Hollywood Actor.  My first reaction to your statement, is .... so what?

Just a statement no big deal.

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3 minutes ago, UncleFester said:

Donald John Trump is the 45th President of the United States of America.  He is the Commander in Chief.  He owns the Generals and everyone who is on active duty or subject to being called to active duty.  You seem to be having difficulty understanding long-standing concepts in law and war.  


You have now more than once claimed that Trump dodged the draft.  


Do tell us all how he did that.  


Be specific.


We are all waiting for you to show us that you can make a valid point.

Don't bother attempting to bait me again. The internet is there for you. 

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Unstable Trump Kicked Transgender People Out Of The Military Without Telling The Pentagon


Trump announced that transgender people would no longer be allowed to serve in the military while his Secretary of Defense was on vacation, and the Pentagon was told nothing about the decision in advance.



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24 minutes ago, UncleFester said:

Wonderful.  You take them.  You transgender them.  You pay for it.  We don't want to pay for nonsense and certainly not from a military budget.  The Few, The Proud, The Transgender Marines.


Uh um .... no.


"We don't want to pay for nonsense"
And yet the taxpayers are paying $3m almost every weekend for the president to play golf at his own resorts, a man who had loudly proclaimed he would spend his weekends at The WH.
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1 minute ago, UncleFester said:

So what you are saying, is that your statement is false.  I accept that you made a false statement.  Thank you for sharing.

I did no such thing and you know it. Again, desist in baiting me. It is not OK. 

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

I did no such thing and you know it. Again, desist in baiting me. It is not OK. 

You stated that Trump is a draft dodger.  I didn't make the statement negative or affirmative.  Now prove it.  Show me some proof.  


Otherwise, anyone with some common sense should relegate you to the dust bin for making a false and salacious statement designed to troll the membership who support President Trump.

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5 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:


Simple enough....if one group is favored over another, it's discriminatory.   Copy??


It's being said about a ban on recruiting transgenders, so obviously it applies if transgenders are recruited to the exclusion of other groups.


Before you get too excited and start frothing at the mouth, it's a hypothetical situation.  It hasn't, and won't, happen.


There's your 'nugget of wisdom'.   I can't make it any simpler for you.



The only I see 'frothing' at the mouth is you with your backward insane logic - like you said, ain't gonna happen is it :) 

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Just now, UncleFester said:

You stated that Trump is a draft dodger.  I didn't make the statement negative or affirmative.  Now prove it.  Show me some proof.  


Otherwise, anyone with some common sense should relegate you to the dust bin for making a false and salacious statement designed to troll the membership who support President Trump.

The internet is your friend. I'm not your googlebot. Again, stop baiting me. 

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Another aspect of this and why this disgusting bigoted move from the clown president is such a big deal is what it means to civil rights in general for transgender Americans in the GREATER society.


Historically and now, transgender Americans have been a very misunderstood and very OPPRESSED minority group. 


Statistically, transgender Americans volunteer at high percentage rates compared to their numbers in the general population.


Looking at history. This is how oppressed minority groups move civil rights FORWARD.


The best example, African Americans. African Americans found in the military a real MERITOCRACY that discriminated against them much less than in the overall society.


Transgender Americans started to find the same thing.

Then we get this tin pot draft dodging fascist saying no ... you can't have that path.


It's damaging not only to those transgender people now in the military and wanting to be, but to ALL transgender Americans.


And remember ... first they came for (you know the rest)

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16 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

The internet is your friend. I'm not your googlebot. Again, stop baiting me. 

Your obvious inability to provide anything factual to back up your statement should show all that you have erred. Would you care to retract your false statement?

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Just now, UncleFester said:

Your obvious inability to provide anything factual to back up your statement should show all that you have erred. Would you care to retract your false statement?

No retraction. Stop baiting me. 

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18 minutes ago, UncleFester said:

You stated that Trump is a draft dodger.  I didn't make the statement negative or affirmative.  Now prove it.  Show me some proof.  


Otherwise, anyone with some common sense should relegate you to the dust bin for making a false and salacious statement designed to troll the membership who support President Trump.

I would like you to answer the question which was asked to you previously. : as you stated you don't want tax payer money to be for transgenders, do you agree to spend tax money on Golf weekends by Trump?


On a side note it is hilarious to see someone like you who sounds more and more homophobic and anti-lgbt using the name Uncle Fester and such picture, as the actor was openly gay!

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2 minutes ago, hyku1147 said:

Good Lord! Institutionalized hetrophobia could warp the minds of the young. Why hasn't the effects of systemic forced deconstruction, and subsequent reconstruction, been properly studied? That is the real question. Could the fear of shame, guilt, and academic ostracization  be the answer?

I'm sure you thought that was clever ... 

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