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24 minutes ago, billd766 said:


And no doubt that all the paperwork and business cards etc were scrapped every time.


I prefer the old name and style as found here.





Songs from before your dad was a lad.

It's no wonder that some of us have quaintly archaic and unfashionable opinions.




Cyber, your thread has great potential but after 23 pages the only thing you have managed to do is let it degenerate into a complete and utter sh!tshow, mostly by refusing repeated requests to elaborate on what kind of speech you consider to be extremely racist. I understand your desire to steer the conversation away from politics but you must be aware that in the current climate your rhetoric is wholly typical of one that is widely employed by leftists. I think your fault (and the fault of those whose responses I am about to quote) lies in conflating the action of critiquing a culture together with race-based discrimination. You then condemn those people as dangerous without refuting their critique on a factual basis.


Because I myself have been branded a racist bigot many times elsewhere for my views on culture and demographics (despite my assertions that I am not) and also because I am highly critical of Thailand I think it would be fairly probable that like your American companion I would likewise be branded a racist bigot by you if I was in his place having that discussion with you. As such I want to clarify my position to you as it pertains to Thailand in the hope that it might shed light on the psyche of bitter jaded Thai-bashing farangs who get branded similar labels and have been the subject of this thread. Keep in mind that contrary to what you might imagine I am not some old boozed-up whoremonger who has carried over his supremacist views from his own country. I am in my 20’s and moved to Thailand specifically for the purpose of starting a business with my partner who is a well-educated Thai woman from a respectable family. Prior to Thailand I lived for years in multiple countries on various continents and spoke several foreign languages. When I came to this country I had the mindset of a progressive liberal with socialist leanings who believed that all cultures had something wonderful about them. Since then my beliefs on culture and governance have done a complete 180 and this was largely due to my own experiences and personal observations of life here.


My issue with Thai people is not so much to do with race, it is with the degree to which they are the product of a supposedly compassionate culture which I regrettably find to be utterly unpalatable and morally reprehensible on multiple levels. What infuriates me the most are all the half-assed jobs , attitudes and actions (which continue to create hazards and headaches for everybody) that are somehow consistently given a free pass in the name of tolerance and compassion when they could instead be easily corrected with a modicum of effort. I have long given up on reprimanding Thais on their less-than-stellar performances as doing so more often than not elicits a bovine-like facial expression that embodies a combination of complacency, disgust and irritability.


However, the family and social circles of my Thai partner are filled with highly-intelligent, industrious, morally upstanding and business-savvy individuals whose achievements and character stand taller than any farang I have ever met here. Through our business we have also had the pleasure of dealing with some very respectable Thais. It is interesting to note that virtually all of these people have had a history of going abroad for higher education. Unfortunately in my experience these individuals are needles in a haystack and I believe this is because the dominant culture in Thailand does not adequately punish those whose actions are in opposition to justice, honesty and morality. Thai culture is incapable of appropriately conducting checks and balances against the stupid and destructive actions (intended or accidental) of individuals. Instead everything comes down to compromises. And when I or others like me point out that in the long run everybody falls victim to this culture of “mai pen rai” we are labelled racists, bigots or told to go home if we don’t like it here.




On ‎7‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 11:13 PM, Rc2702 said:


The funniest ones are the guys who bare children to thai women then slag off non whites or blame their countries take on immigrants and yet they are pretty much in the same boat as the people they complain about.





The very fact that these men marry and father children outside of their own race should be proof to you that they are not racist. Do you honestly think they hate-<deleted> their wives every night? And then growl and scowl at them over the dining table for years while seething with hate? Come on.



On ‎7‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 1:26 AM, rogeroc said:


like you i often don't like what i hear and the lack of an open mind which is often so evident both in expat  life in Thailand and on this forum.



Nobody has to care whether you like an opinion or not. If you disagree with it then prove why they are wrong and you are right.


On ‎7‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 9:05 AM, KhaoNiaw said:

I think you missed the point of the OP. It's not criticism he's talking about. It's racist, bigoted abuse. If that's not you, then I don't think he's referring to you.





Yes but too many people tend to conflate the two. If you’re critical of their views you are automatically labelled a racist bigot.





On ‎7‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 10:36 AM, daphnia88 said:

. No wonder the expats living here feel like they have the freedom to say whatever they want.

There is no shortage of proof that the Thai government is infinitely worse than Western governments when it comes to allowing freedom of speech of unconventional discussions. If expats in this kind of environment do feel like they can air their views its only because unlike the West there aren’t mobs of irrational power-hungry leftists ready to shout them down, beat them, torch cop cars and baselessly brand their ideological opponents with labels like “bigots, racists, misogynist, etc” while un-ironically calling themselves anti-fascists.




On ‎7‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 11:59 AM, cyberfarang said:

These types of expats I find obnoxious and there seems an awful lot of these types over here and believe these issues should be addressed. 





Your feelings about them are irrelevant. Nobody should care whether you find them obnoxious or not. Do you find them to be incorrect? If yes provide an example of their reasoning and your refutation of it. Then we can start to address the issue properly.


On ‎7‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 2:32 PM, Thai Ron said:

I share the OP's sentiments.

Racism among expats here is at its most vivid whenever a foreigner commits a crime or is caught up in some kind of aggravation in Thailand.

White person -

The authorities and/or the police investigation are immediately discredited

Absolutely MUST have been a Thai involved in the background

White people don't commit crime in Thailand-type attitude

"Thais are out to get us farangs"


Non-white guy

No questions asked - Definitely guilty

"Why are they even allowed into the country?"

"Deport the scum"


Wasn't My Mate Nate a white guy? I don't recall much love for him on this forum...


On ‎7‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 2:54 PM, cyberfarang said:

there is no room for bigots that try to give one group superiority over another group, it sort of throws a spanner into the works and is bad for the country. Listening or reading the comments from these people leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Again, I don’t care what taste is left in your mouth. Nobody cares about your emotional reaction. What is it that has been said by these so-called racists that is factually incorrect?

As for giving one group superiority over another group, that is done everywhere, all over the world in every society and group. And there is nothing wrong with it. In fact it is being done right here in Thailand. By Thais. Would you call the Thai immigration officers bigots for giving superiority to their own in-group by making it infuriatingly difficult for non-Thais to legally work here?

You are guilty of the very thing you are advocating against. You claim superiority of your own group (inclusive progressive cultural relativists) over those that do not share your view. Not only that but you have yet to provide an example of anything they have said and explain why they are wrong.




On ‎7‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 2:57 PM, Thaidream said:

Sometimes, people have opinions or thoughts that I consider wrong or offensive.  If I can't change the subject- I drink up and move on.

Why don’t you instead debate them or challenge their views? If they are wrong you should be able to articulate and prove your point. Changing the subject or removing yourself from the situation doesn’t change anything.



On ‎7‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 3:17 PM, joecoolfrog said:

If one rails against foreigners in their own country , yet lives as a foreigner abroad , then they are at the very least a raging hypocrite.

No. This is equivalent to saying “all people and cultures are equal and a foreigner in one place is the same as a foreigner in another”.

Are foreigners rapidly expatriating to Thailand to the tune of tens of millions? Is the Thai government complicit in the forced importation of tens of millions of undocumented white people with no money who will live off state handouts funded by the taxpayer while contributing to huge increases in crime statistics? Have they swelled to such numbers as to establish enclaves with their own judicial system separate from that of the host country? Are most of them young men that will eventually out-breed the indigenous populations with their high birth rates? Has Thailand established its own hate-crime cyber monitoring squads that routinely round up and imprison people for airing anti-foreign sentiments on FB? Is the government here preparing to sue member states that refuse to accept this forced influx of foreigners? Do these foreigners consistently rape, bomb and murder the locals? Do the media then go on a campaign to remind people that not all foreigners are rapist/bombers/murderers and that the locals should embrace diversity?

The situation of white foreigners in Thailand and non-white foreigners in the West (and in particular Western Europe) is not even closely remote in its magnitude.


On ‎7‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 5:59 PM, Thaidream said:

They are just ignorant.  The solution is simple- if one doesn't like the message do not associate with the person.



This is a typical characteristic of Thais that borders on the infantile – If one disagrees with an opinion simply run away or extricate oneself from the situation to avoid unpleasant feelings. No. Disassociating yourself from people you disagree with isn’t going to discredit their opinions or make them go away. If you disagree with someone’s opinions then you should be able to articulate your opposing viewpoint. If you can’t do that effectively then you should accept that they are right and you are wrong.



On ‎7‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 7:13 PM, Thaidream said:


When black people use the word- they use it as a mocking of the racial overtones that it has as its history and sometimes as a term of endearment.  Does anyone really think the oppressor has the right to tell the oppressed how to use this word?


The word “slave” was originally derived from the word “Slav” due to many of them being captured and enslaved in the medieval wars. Yet nobody decries this double-standard of having to tip-toe around some peoples’ sensitivities but not others. Only white people can be racist, right?

And regarding this oppressor/oppressed nonsense I’m sure I don’t have to explain to you that: A- nobody who owned African slaves is alive today (except in Africa where the slave trade is alive and well) & B- nobody is oppressing black people today (except black people themselves with bad family planning decisions and a dysfunctional culture).


On ‎7‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 2:03 AM, cyberfarang said:

Correct. Some posters want me to give examples so they can diverse and then start delving into the politics of any groups I mention



Some posters (including myself) want you to provide examples of what you consider to be the (supposedly) extremely racist sentiments raised by expats here in Thailand so that we can see if your accusations are based on anything other than feelings. This is because there is a current trend that providing statistical information regarding certain sensitive demographic trends is often dismissed as a racist sentiment without any factual refutation.


On ‎7‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 2:20 AM, Rc2702 said:

The pavements you walk on fix themself?

No, sometimes I have to do it. Or the villagers. Because we live in a largely dysfunctional society where the taxes paid by me, you or them are consistently mismanaged by authorities due to a lack of oversight and, once again, a culture of “mai pen rai” complacency. Am I a racist now? Is this an example of extremely racist sentiments which the OP has yet to deliver?

Come to think of it, the pavements where I live got washed away with the rains years ago.



It is a great fallacy to believe that all people and cultures are equal. To denounce those who point out these differences by baselessly accusing them of being racist bigots is to spit in the face of our ancestors who bled and died preserving our own cultural heritage so that we could all sh!tpost on the internet today.

1 hour ago, Genmai said:

Cyber, your thread has great potential but after 23 pages the only thing you have managed to do is let it degenerate into a complete and utter sh!tshow, mostly by refusing repeated requests to elaborate on what kind of speech you consider to be extremely racist. I understand your desire to steer the conversation away from politics but you must be aware that in the current climate your rhetoric is wholly typical of one that is widely employed by leftists. I think your fault (and the fault of those whose responses I am about to quote) lies in conflating the action of critiquing a culture together with race-based discrimination. You then condemn those people as dangerous without refuting their critique on a factual basis.


Because I myself have been branded a racist bigot many times elsewhere for my views on culture and demographics (despite my assertions that I am not) and also because I am highly critical of Thailand I think it would be fairly probable that like your American companion I would likewise be branded a racist bigot by you if I was in his place having that discussion with you. As such I want to clarify my position to you as it pertains to Thailand in the hope that it might shed light on the psyche of bitter jaded Thai-bashing farangs who get branded similar labels and have been the subject of this thread. Keep in mind that contrary to what you might imagine I am not some old boozed-up whoremonger who has carried over his supremacist views from his own country. I am in my 20’s and moved to Thailand specifically for the purpose of starting a business with my partner who is a well-educated Thai woman from a respectable family. Prior to Thailand I lived for years in multiple countries on various continents and spoke several foreign languages. When I came to this country I had the mindset of a progressive liberal with socialist leanings who believed that all cultures had something wonderful about them. Since then my beliefs on culture and governance have done a complete 180 and this was largely due to my own experiences and personal observations of life here.


My issue with Thai people is not so much to do with race, it is with the degree to which they are the product of a supposedly compassionate culture which I regrettably find to be utterly unpalatable and morally reprehensible on multiple levels. What infuriates me the most are all the half-assed jobs , attitudes and actions (which continue to create hazards and headaches for everybody) that are somehow consistently given a free pass in the name of tolerance and compassion when they could instead be easily corrected with a modicum of effort. I have long given up on reprimanding Thais on their less-than-stellar performances as doing so more often than not elicits a bovine-like facial expression that embodies a combination of complacency, disgust and irritability.


However, the family and social circles of my Thai partner are filled with highly-intelligent, industrious, morally upstanding and business-savvy individuals whose achievements and character stand taller than any farang I have ever met here. Through our business we have also had the pleasure of dealing with some very respectable Thais. It is interesting to note that virtually all of these people have had a history of going abroad for higher education. Unfortunately in my experience these individuals are needles in a haystack and I believe this is because the dominant culture in Thailand does not adequately punish those whose actions are in opposition to justice, honesty and morality. Thai culture is incapable of appropriately conducting checks and balances against the stupid and destructive actions (intended or accidental) of individuals. Instead everything comes down to compromises. And when I or others like me point out that in the long run everybody falls victim to this culture of “mai pen rai” we are labelled racists, bigots or told to go home if we don’t like it here.





The very fact that these men marry and father children outside of their own race should be proof to you that they are not racist. Do you honestly think they hate-<deleted> their wives every night? And then growl and scowl at them over the dining table for years while seething with hate? Come on.



Nobody has to care whether you like an opinion or not. If you disagree with it then prove why they are wrong and you are right.


Yes but too many people tend to conflate the two. If you’re critical of their views you are automatically labelled a racist bigot.





There is no shortage of proof that the Thai government is infinitely worse than Western governments when it comes to allowing freedom of speech of unconventional discussions. If expats in this kind of environment do feel like they can air their views its only because unlike the West there aren’t mobs of irrational power-hungry leftists ready to shout them down, beat them, torch cop cars and baselessly brand their ideological opponents with labels like “bigots, racists, misogynist, etc” while un-ironically calling themselves anti-fascists.





Your feelings about them are irrelevant. Nobody should care whether you find them obnoxious or not. Do you find them to be incorrect? If yes provide an example of their reasoning and your refutation of it. Then we can start to address the issue properly.



Wasn't My Mate Nate a white guy? I don't recall much love for him on this forum...


Again, I don’t care what taste is left in your mouth. Nobody cares about your emotional reaction. What is it that has been said by these so-called racists that is factually incorrect?

As for giving one group superiority over another group, that is done everywhere, all over the world in every society and group. And there is nothing wrong with it. In fact it is being done right here in Thailand. By Thais. Would you call the Thai immigration officers bigots for giving superiority to their own in-group by making it infuriatingly difficult for non-Thais to legally work here?

You are guilty of the very thing you are advocating against. You claim superiority of your own group (inclusive progressive cultural relativists) over those that do not share your view. Not only that but you have yet to provide an example of anything they have said and explain why they are wrong.




Why don’t you instead debate them or challenge their views? If they are wrong you should be able to articulate and prove your point. Changing the subject or removing yourself from the situation doesn’t change anything.



No. This is equivalent to saying “all people and cultures are equal and a foreigner in one place is the same as a foreigner in another”.

Are foreigners rapidly expatriating to Thailand to the tune of tens of millions? Is the Thai government complicit in the forced importation of tens of millions of undocumented white people with no money who will live off state handouts funded by the taxpayer while contributing to huge increases in crime statistics? Have they swelled to such numbers as to establish enclaves with their own judicial system separate from that of the host country? Are most of them young men that will eventually out-breed the indigenous populations with their high birth rates? Has Thailand established its own hate-crime cyber monitoring squads that routinely round up and imprison people for airing anti-foreign sentiments on FB? Is the government here preparing to sue member states that refuse to accept this forced influx of foreigners? Do these foreigners consistently rape, bomb and murder the locals? Do the media then go on a campaign to remind people that not all foreigners are rapist/bombers/murderers and that the locals should embrace diversity?

The situation of white foreigners in Thailand and non-white foreigners in the West (and in particular Western Europe) is not even closely remote in its magnitude.



This is a typical characteristic of Thais that borders on the infantile – If one disagrees with an opinion simply run away or extricate oneself from the situation to avoid unpleasant feelings. No. Disassociating yourself from people you disagree with isn’t going to discredit their opinions or make them go away. If you disagree with someone’s opinions then you should be able to articulate your opposing viewpoint. If you can’t do that effectively then you should accept that they are right and you are wrong.



The word “slave” was originally derived from the word “Slav” due to many of them being captured and enslaved in the medieval wars. Yet nobody decries this double-standard of having to tip-toe around some peoples’ sensitivities but not others. Only white people can be racist, right?

And regarding this oppressor/oppressed nonsense I’m sure I don’t have to explain to you that: A- nobody who owned African slaves is alive today (except in Africa where the slave trade is alive and well) & B- nobody is oppressing black people today (except black people themselves with bad family planning decisions and a dysfunctional culture).


Some posters (including myself) want you to provide examples of what you consider to be the (supposedly) extremely racist sentiments raised by expats here in Thailand so that we can see if your accusations are based on anything other than feelings. This is because there is a current trend that providing statistical information regarding certain sensitive demographic trends is often dismissed as a racist sentiment without any factual refutation.


No, sometimes I have to do it. Or the villagers. Because we live in a largely dysfunctional society where the taxes paid by me, you or them are consistently mismanaged by authorities due to a lack of oversight and, once again, a culture of “mai pen rai” complacency. Am I a racist now? Is this an example of extremely racist sentiments which the OP has yet to deliver?

Come to think of it, the pavements where I live got washed away with the rains years ago.



It is a great fallacy to believe that all people and cultures are equal. To denounce those who point out these differences by baselessly accusing them of being racist bigots is to spit in the face of our ancestors who bled and died preserving our own cultural heritage so that we could all sh!tpost on the internet today.

Your attitudes are a main part of the western arrogant views I`ve been ranting on about. You claim to being highly critical of the Thai people and Thai society as a whole and not so much racist (maybe just a little bit then?) with exceptions of your Thai partner, her family and social circles who you consider to be the creme de la creme and models of Thai society.  This has been my point that some expats make certain Thai people exceptions to their bigoted views because it suits them and in their benefits to do so. And you say you came here to do some business with your Thai partner. Don`t know what sort of business you are in, but I guess it maybe an uphill struggle and you`re blaming Thai bureaucracy for what you may believe is holding you back.


Your comments reek of arrogance and having a superior image of yourself, you, who stem from a perfect society and have found the perfect Thai partner in an ocean of people who you consider are inferior to yourself, whether culturally or lifestyles.  How on Earth do you intend to create a successful business in Thailand if you have a destain for the majority of Thai people and the country as a whole? Your viewpoints are simply not logical. This is why I believe too many expats with your kind of thinking are bad for the country. And if that makes me a leftist in your opinion, then I`m a leftist, a Nazi, a liberal or whatever you prefer to label me, but who cares.


All I`ve done is pointed out the reality of the kinds of extreme racist and/or bigoted views shared by many expats living in Thailand, for which you don`t seem to like although your post has confirmed one of them. No political agendas involved.


1 hour ago, cyberfarang said:

All I`ve done is pointed out the reality of the kinds of extreme racist and/or bigoted views shared by many expats living in Thailand, for which you don`t seem to like although your post has confirmed one of them. No political agendas involved.

Except you haven't. You made a wide-sweeping statement and refuse to give examples.

5 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Your attitudes are a main part of the western arrogant views I`ve been ranting on about. You claim to being highly critical of the Thai people and Thai society as a whole and not so much racist (maybe just a little bit then?) with exceptions of your Thai partner, her family and social circles who you consider to be the creme de la creme and models of Thai society.  This has been my point that some expats make certain Thai people exceptions to their bigoted views because it suits them and in their benefits to do so. And you say you came here to do some business with your Thai partner. Don`t know what sort of business you are in, but I guess it maybe an uphill struggle and you`re blaming Thai bureaucracy for what you may believe is holding you back.


Your comments reek of arrogance and having a superior image of yourself, you, who stem from a perfect society and have found the perfect Thai partner in an ocean of people who you consider are inferior to yourself, whether culturally or lifestyles.  How on Earth do you intend to create a successful business in Thailand if you have a destain for the majority of Thai people and the country as a whole? Your viewpoints are simply not logical. This is why I believe too many expats with your kind of thinking are bad for the country. And if that makes me a leftist in your opinion, then I`m a leftist, a Nazi, a liberal or whatever you prefer to label me, but who cares.


All I`ve done is pointed out the reality of the kinds of extreme racist and/or bigoted views shared by many expats living in Thailand, for which you don`t seem to like although your post has confirmed one of them. No political agendas involved.


'Your comments reek of arrogance and having a superior image of yourself'


That's rich sir coming from you of all people oh and maybe ireason. Methinks you protesteth too much!  Most of us 'normal' people can see through that 'superiority' for what it is. Step off your high horse sir!

8 hours ago, Genmai said:

Wasn't My Mate Nate a white guy? I don't recall much love for him on this forum...

Talk about missing the point.

My Mate Nate was vilified as an individual but his actions weren't blamed on character traits that come with being white, were they?


If My Mate Nate had been non-white, there'd have been a huge outcry from the bigots insisting his entire race are criminals with no respect and they should all be deported.

9 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Your attitudes are a main part of the western arrogant views I`ve been ranting on about. You claim to being highly critical of the Thai people and Thai society as a whole and not so much racist (maybe just a little bit then?) with exceptions of your Thai partner, her family and social circles who you consider to be the creme de la creme and models of Thai society.  This has been my point that some expats make certain Thai people exceptions to their bigoted views because it suits them and in their benefits to do so. And you say you came here to do some business with your Thai partner. Don`t know what sort of business you are in, but I guess it maybe an uphill struggle and you`re blaming Thai bureaucracy for what you may believe is holding you back.


Your comments reek of arrogance and having a superior image of yourself, you, who stem from a perfect society and have found the perfect Thai partner in an ocean of people who you consider are inferior to yourself, whether culturally or lifestyles.  How on Earth do you intend to create a successful business in Thailand if you have a destain for the majority of Thai people and the country as a whole? Your viewpoints are simply not logical. This is why I believe too many expats with your kind of thinking are bad for the country. And if that makes me a leftist in your opinion, then I`m a leftist, a Nazi, a liberal or whatever you prefer to label me, but who cares.


All I`ve done is pointed out the reality of the kinds of extreme racist and/or bigoted views shared by many expats living in Thailand, for which you don`t seem to like although your post has confirmed one of them. No political agendas involved.



The problem I have with you is that the crux of your point rests on your opinion that any kind of discrimination of human beings is bad (race-based or otherwise) and that if the offender is a foreigner in Thailand then that person must be a bigoted racist and is somehow dangerous to the country. This is simply not true. I stated in my first paragraph that you are guilty of lumping those who critique a culture together with those who discriminate based on race, and you continue to make this mistake.


I previously made the point that by intimately associating with Thais myself and others like me who you accuse of being racist bigots are obviously shown to not be racist bigots since they intimately associate with Thais. Is this such a difficult thing to grasp? The whole point of being a racist is that you have disdain for someone and avoid associating with them based entirely on their race.


As for “some expats making certain Thai people exceptions to their bigoted views”:


My Thai gangster neighbor burns rubbish, has loud parties and comes home at 3am on a Harley that you can hear from miles away. Am I a bigot for being intolerant of his views, much of which stem from an infantile culture that holds sanuk-happy-happy-fun-time values above all others?


I simply pick the kinds of people I associate with and that decision has nothing to do with race, age, gender or sexual orientation, etc. That decision has everything to do with whether that person is a dangerous moron and I make that decision the same way in whatever country I happen to be in. I’m making the claim that Thailand has a lot more dangerous morons than elsewhere as a result of a culture that is geared towards fostering child-like behavior.



“This is why I believe too many expats with your kind of thinking are bad for the country”.


Really? People like me who point out problems and short-comings in the hopes of rectifying the situation are bad for the country?


I don’t drink and moan about my predicament (to Thais or farangs) and these sorts of discussions remain confined to my online interactions with people. I do not berate Thais for their shoddy work. Instead I have built a company from scratch with my own money and constantly hold myself, our staff and our work to the highest standard as much as possible. I employ several Thai locals full-time and they receive my highest admiration and respect (because hey guess what, I judge people on their merits since I’m not a racist). Apart from that I go out to town once a week to buy produce and enjoy a cup of tea in the garden.


Now please explain why you believe me and my views to be dangerous and bad for the country. Or accept that everything you’ve said is false.


This was one of today’s news stories and is an excellent example of how the dominant culture in Thailand fails to keep dangerous morons from creating nuisances. Why should I be tolerant of the views of whoever happened to be the idiot behind this fiasco?


13 hours ago, StreetCowboy said:

Songs from before your dad was a lad.

It's no wonder that some of us have quaintly archaic and unfashionable opinions.




Actually it was from when I was a lad.


I was born in 1944 and my Dad was born in 1889 but he died in 1959.


Who are you to decide what is archaic and to dictate fashions?


There was no profanity in the words of the song and it is possible to hear and understand every word. A change from the profanity laden screechings that puport to be songs nowadays.


4 hours ago, billd766 said:


Actually it was from when I was a lad.


I was born in 1944 and my Dad was born in 1889 but he died in 1959.


Who are you to decide what is archaic and to dictate fashions?


There was no profanity in the words of the song and it is possible to hear and understand every word. A change from the profanity laden screechings that puport to be songs nowadays.


"You can't call that music, that's just shouting", to quote my dear old late grandmother "And that's not much of a frock she's got on, either".  We never went to concerts together.



On 8/1/2017 at 5:30 AM, cyberfarang said:

Your attitudes are a main part of the western arrogant views I`ve been ranting on about. You claim to being highly critical of the Thai people and Thai society as a whole and not so much racist (maybe just a little bit then?) with exceptions of your Thai partner, her family and social circles who you consider to be the creme de la creme and models of Thai society.  This has been my point that some expats make certain Thai people exceptions to their bigoted views because it suits them and in their benefits to do so.

Fantastic Post Cyber, and I absolutely agree with it 100%

On 8/1/2017 at 2:30 AM, cyberfarang said:

Your attitudes are a main part of the western arrogant views I`ve been ranting on about. You claim to being highly critical of the Thai people and Thai society as a whole and not so much racist (maybe just a little bit then?) with exceptions of your Thai partner, her family and social circles who you consider to be the creme de la creme and models of Thai society. 

"your Thai partner, her family and social circles who you consider to be the creme de la creme and models of Thai society"



Beautifully put.

On 7/27/2017 at 7:27 AM, jenifer d said:

...  EVERY Thai person i know, without exception, is fiercely proud of the fact that Thailand has never been colonized, and in the same vein they deeply resent foreigners who come here and show off their money and/or settle here without learning the language or understanding the culture whatsoever...

there are several pejorative terms that are used, i know all of them, 99% of the time those epithets are used in farang's presence and the foreigner is none the wiser...

Years ago on a vacation trip to southern Thailand, we stayed in a little row of rooms by the beach.  We were on the porch and two rooms over there was a very pale, white farang sitting in the shade. Damn near albino.  My wife and I were chatting and at some point referred to him as "pee deep" - "fresh ghost".  He turned toward us and gave us the stink-eye.  Oops, a Thai speaking farang. :) 


My Thai is not so good, but if I hear what may be pejorative terms, I'll bide my time.  Then I'll say something in coherent Thai which gives them the idea I might have understood the slur.  No face lost, and keeps them guessing. 

On ‎07‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 2:16 PM, Thai Ron said:

"your Thai partner, her family and social circles who you consider to be the creme de la creme and models of Thai society"



Beautifully put.

I had a very bitter taste of that recently. I won't go into depth but I find a rare few Thai/Farang partnerships to be toxic once the high-so attutide creeps in. I find social side here to be more prominent to racism. You can have very little before coming to Thailand but with some people, it goes to their head.


13 hours ago, Damrongsak said:

My Thai is not so good, but if I hear what may be pejorative terms, I'll bide my time.


My listening skills are good. My speaking due to a rich slang accent is not. I just listen now and say nothing. My wife just smiles now at me when we go out.

9 hours ago, Damrongsak said:

Years ago on a vacation trip to southern Thailand, we stayed in a little row of rooms by the beach.  We were on the porch and two rooms over there was a very pale, white farang sitting in the shade. Damn near albino.  My wife and I were chatting and at some point referred to him as "pee deep" - "fresh ghost".  He turned toward us and gave us the stink-eye.  Oops, a Thai speaking farang. :) 


My Thai is not so good, but if I hear what may be pejorative terms, I'll bide my time.  Then I'll say something in coherent Thai which gives them the idea I might have understood the slur.  No face lost, and keeps them guessing. 

Didn't I read that it's been 40 years since you have been to Thailand?  You sure know how to bide your time.


Even if this thread is about Thai expats , racism happens all over the world .  YOu can't stop it , now maybe some people has a special reason to hate people with a different color or background,  In the multicultural world we're living in , I am not surprised.    They are not my friends , if you don't like it let them know. 




9 hours ago, amvet said:

Didn't I read that it's been 40 years since you have been to Thailand?  You sure know how to bide your time.

I returned to the US in 1980, but have visited several times for about a month each time.  I'm about due for another trip.

On 8/9/2017 at 4:06 PM, balo said:

Even if this thread is about Thai expats , racism happens all over the world .  YOu can't stop it , now maybe some people has a special reason to hate people with a different color or background,  In the multicultural world we're living in , I am not surprised.    They are not my friends , if you don't like it let them know.

Interesting news story on BBC tonight.  Real racism is easy to find evaluating search habits of phone and pc users says data service.  Biggest increase in racism brought about by Presidential election was Obama by a landslide compared to Trump minimal.  Doubt if this will make it to CNN and it why I watch BBC for more balanced news coverage.  Among Thai expats I've found the biggest determiner of racism was negative Obama election and positive Brexit they seemed to go together in bar conversation. 

2 hours ago, aparasher said:

And the story begins.... Either run for woods. Or, happily ever after...LOL...

I am sure others would have given plenty of advice. I would recommend not to worry about the tattoo and leave it including her as if you never met her before. Why would you risk your family for a 1 night fling? Unless you really want to mess it up.


On 26/07/2017 at 10:53 PM, cyberfarang said:

Why does this require specific examples? Racist is racist, full stop. And you are taking this thread off track. I am talking about extreme racist and bigoted expats living in Thailand, not elsewhere and not swaying this thread towards politics abroad.


I have met several expats here who appear to be extreme right wingers. Yet, as one poster has mentioned, I`ve met several expat men who are in relationships or married to Thais in Thailand, some with children, that for reasons I don`t understand seem to have made Thais exempt from their superioristic points of view. Maybe it`s because it suits them to do so? But these people do hold a type of arrogance bringing their old prejudices over to Thailand that I don`t like.



Very well put, Cyber. You have hit the hammer on the head !!

On ‎7‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 9:02 AM, dbrenn said:

Why on earth do you spend time in Thailand if you hold its people in such low regard? It's their turf, so blending in and keeping a low profile is a much more sensible thing to do.

Perhaps because he like being in Thailand. It's possible to live in Thailand without having more than a superficial relationship with Thai people- ie tourists.

It wasn't till I started living full time in LOS that I realised some were racist.

I'm sure he doesn't go around saying bad things to Thai people's faces.

If I didn't live in LOS, my country is full of racists.


BTW, racism is hard wired into our genes going back to the origins of man, when every outsider was a threat.

Luckily, most of us live such trouble free lives it just doesn't show.

On ‎8‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 7:52 PM, amvet said:

Interesting news story on BBC tonight.  Real racism is easy to find evaluating search habits of phone and pc users says data service.  Biggest increase in racism brought about by Presidential election was Obama by a landslide compared to Trump minimal.  Doubt if this will make it to CNN and it why I watch BBC for more balanced news coverage.  Among Thai expats I've found the biggest determiner of racism was negative Obama election and positive Brexit they seemed to go together in bar conversation. 

Should be careful equating anti Obama with racism- many just don't like him, personally. Nothing to do with racism.

1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Should be careful equating anti Obama with racism- many just don't like him, personally. Nothing to do with racism.

Hillary played the woman card often as many play the black card often.  It's endemic.  Difficult not to get bopped on the head if critical of a woman or black or any other minority in public office by people who accuse you of being a racist or misogynist or whatever.  You get the knowing winks and stuff every night on CNN when anyone does.  Can't say bad things about minorities except white supremacists who one may not say anything positive about.  As a child I told my mom I saw a priest we knew entering a brothel and she told me he was probably there to console the ladies on a death in the family. 

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