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I note the op has aquaintances and not friends??. I welcome coming across these clowns and enjoy a good discussion. Fortunately where I live in HH few and far between.

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If I had my way I'd do a psych eval and brain scan to exclude all psychopathic racists from long term visas :sleep:


I don't think this is any more prevalent in Thailand, than anywhere else in the world. Do you think that Whitey is the only race with a dictionary full of nick names for every other race? I think not.


In fact an overwhelming majority of people of all races, have little or no tolerance, for anyone unlike themselves, it is just that in the last 25 years, the Political Correct left wing nutters have managed to infiltrate the government, to such an extent that they are now able to write laws to try to suppress thoughts and words that might make somebody feel bad. That is why we are living in a society of cry babies that need "Safe Spaces" protected from harmful words.


What a croc, these politicians need all the minorities to keep them in power, and that is the only reason for this epidemic of Political Correctness. You really think Mr. Senator wants his daughter his daughter experiencing puberty with Sammy & Muhammad as her best friends. How may members of parliament live in Detroit, or Greenfield Towers?


Racism is alive and well all over the world, and there is nothing wrong with that. Why should we be forced to like everybody who is not the same as us? We still have free thinking, and even free speech in some parts of the world, but the PC left is trying desperately to chip away at it. Everybody has a right to their own opinion, and from reading most of the comments on here, it seems like the PC left has done a pretty good job of brainwashing the masses. The only reason that they managed to gain a foothold in the halls of power, is that the good old boys were kind of asleep at the wheel, so to speak, spending too much time hunting & fishing & telling racist jokes to each other, generally have a good old time, while the PC's and their immigrant supporters were sneaking in the back door.


This will not last, that tide is starting to turn already, and it may be a few more generations, but the human race will right itself. If you study civilizations, you have to come to the conclusion that some races are superior on though processes, meaning they have superior brains. After all look at all of the desolate war torn areas of the world, and compare them with places like Japan, Germany & others highly civilized societies. Too bad about Germany, recently infiltrated by a PC left wing plant.


So no amount of Political Correctness being rammed down peoples throats is going to make racism go away, as it is just human nature, and just like in many societies around the world that run on a so called cast system, or other type of pecking order, racism even exists within races, and it is just due to the fact the human brain power varies greatly, between individuals, so there will always be superior & inferior humans in all groups.





Sociologically the kinds of people who often  become Ex-Pats are often quite right wing and are bitter about Europe , refugees or elsewhere. In Spain like Benidorm they found last year before the referendum vote  among the Ex-Pat Brits there were many Brexit types last year who now are suffering from falling pound, less spending money,  threats to EU health care and so on. These types are often Daily Mail and Express or Sun readers and they swallow the UKIP, right wing nonsense that affected some Brits. In the Referendum vote the older, little  educated ( no college education)  were most likely to vote Brexit.


Such people with little education do not understand economics, tariff free trade, Single Market , importance of migration ( USA Silicon Valley is predominately staffed by many migrant Eastern, Asian , Middle Eastern talent in computing, maths science etc.,)  Places like Hongkong, Singapore,  London, New York, LA, Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam etc do well because they are open economies not isolated or nationalistic ( UK and USA were open but now Right Wing getting upper hand in some ways). Less educated people become victims of right wing propaganda as their politicians use migrants as Scapegoats just like lat 1930s.  I have used generalisations here and I am sure there many Ex_Pats who know that extreme nationalism is not good. 




This is Thailand.... This country's attitude attracts those kinds of people. Since this is a country that contradicts itself. Racism is accepted and is practised every single day. No wonder the expats living here feel like they have the freedom to say whatever they want. And it's not like the Thais are going to say something even if you insult them directly. 


Met a few racists but none as xenophobic and racists as most Thais and that tends to bring out a reaction. So I think much of the bar-stool racism is a reaction.  

1 hour ago, Ahab said:

I am from America and because I was born white, I am now considered a racist by many on the left in my country. I don't believe the white people (or any other color of people) are superior to another. I believe that are really only two kinds of people in the world, those that are decent and those that are not. I also believe that the color of your skin has nothing to do with if you are a decent human being or not. In America the debate about race has degenerated to the point of if you are white you are racist, and you benefit from "white privilege", even if you grow up as poor as anyone else. 


Examples of what you are talking about are important, because many of the claims of "racism" (in places such as the USA) are total kwai scat. It has gotten to the point that I tell people that I am racist (just because of my skin color), even though I believe that skin color is no more important than the color of one's eyes in determining a persons character. This is where the race issue has devolved to in the USA (in my opinion), so an example would be nice.

This is the post of the year. 

  Congratulations you said what I feel.



OP, I would agree with your observations and concerns. Within the expat community it is very easy to come across some racism and bigotry and unfortunately Thaivisa sometimes becomes a platform for some to express their racist views


Criticism and opinion are one thing but the problems arise when people start using the collective "they" to describe an entire race or country, based on the actions of individuals. If you are of the opinion that "they" are all criminal, liars, bad drivers etc because some are , then that is racism.


In the west an individual commits a crime, drives badly, etc, they are aholes, not automaticly associated with an entire country or ethnic group.


Thailand has lots of road accidents, poor driver training and licensing, poor policing, sub standard roads and vehicles etc, But Thai people are not genetically bad drivers.




You don't say how long you have been in Thailand. I am from Wales UK, if you returned to your country now , you could soon realise that it's nothing like when you left. As for racism and bigotry these are used by people against you who don't share your point of view. When I get to living in Thailand, the government give me nothing except the right to stay , accepting all their laws including immigration. That's enough.

2 hours ago, Ace of Pop said:

Certainly does, anything about Trump gets the wet Liberals mad,

Brexit gets the same reaction from the Entitled Brigade.?


That didn't take long.


Bigotry personified.


bigotry: noun bigoted attitudes; intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself


I'm sure there will be more to come once the usual suspects on these forums tire of the thread they are on at the moment:

LGBT in the military.



2 hours ago, Ahab said:

I am from America and because I was born white, I am now considered a racist by many on the left in my country.

In America the debate about race has degenerated to the point of if you are white you are racist, and you benefit from "white privilege",

even if you grow up as poor as anyone else.


A pile of hyperbolic, baseless nonsense.


"I am from America and because I was born white, I am now considered a racist by many on the left in my country."

But, I am interested as to why "the left" feels that way about you.

1 hour ago, csabo said:


There lives a snowflake

Snowflakes do not like Hitler

Snowflake has melted


Your avatar speaks volumes about you.


2 hours ago, jesimps said:

I knew as soon as I saw the title of this post that it was going to be from a left-winger. Racist, bigot, fascist are words that naturally roll off their tongue. Now add to that, leaver or Brexiteer. These descriptions, the left apply to anyone who's political beliefs are in opposition to theirs. Even when they're in the minority, ie the US election and Brexit referendum result as cases in point, they still think the majority are extremists for not voting the same way as them. A bit like the soldier who says "Look mum, I'm the only one in step".


I genuinely believe that the left are the extemists, in fact I think a lot of their beliefs are evil. Without getting into a debate about it, I personally think that the killing of unborn babies is abominable. I think that letting immigration get out of control is letting the people of a country down. I believe that murderers should be put down. I abhor violent leftist protestors. I think that Brexit is a good thing for the UK, despite living in Thailand and struggling because of the low pound. I believe that everyone has the right to like or dislike who they choose and for whatever reason. Take you, I suspect you dislike right wingers and in my opinion, you have the right to do so. 


I don't like starting political threads on here, but when I see a post like yours I feel that it needs a response from someone who doesn't agree with what you say. I can't understand how you'd want to start a thread about it though. You're that soldier who I referred to in my first para.


By the way, I've been with my Thai wife for ten years and I'm incredibly happy, but I reserve the right to criticise her and other Thais whenever I choose. It doesn't make me a Thai basher. Same goes for what I think of other people and races. Goodness knows, I moan about the UK often enough. You'll probably find that the people you're generalising about, probably moan about their own country as much as any other. Of course, you won't admit that because it doesn't fit your political agenda.




Wow! You just wrote the Redneck's Manifesto.


I think the 'losers blaming everyone else' pretty much sums it up in regards to the 'sorts' mentioned! I've heard this same crap from too many for too long now, and whilst we all know there are many things which could be better, wherever, to always act and talk like "Hey, where I come from its always so much better" or "We did, do, things so much better as you're just stupid!"  is just ignorant and patently, for the most part, untrue! You think these haters/ losers weren't talking exactly the same way even  about those fellow-countrymen' around them 'back home' before venturing to relocate their negativity elsewhere? Thay ran away to start new lives in places like Thailand and now they talk like the places they so very happily left behind were actually the 'ideal'!! By the way, I'm not saying folks don't have a right to complain about something which actually affects them, but hey, fellas (you KNOW who you are!) give it rest with the full-on loaded, usually western, gun waiting to go off in the direction anyone who either thinks a little differently, has different culture, or maybe just doesn't suck up to you!! Its not like it does anyone, yourself included, any good to get so wound up and down on everyone about you does it? - ps: Many good folks I've met, too, mind. Just venting. Besides that, have a good one! :wai:

1 hour ago, Rc2702 said:

OP do this thread some justice and provide the examples which has prompted the post.

I think others have volunteered themselves as examples by their posts


You just need to understand that the majority of the world's population are uneducated slobs, and have nothing to do with them. Works for me.

1 minute ago, StreetCowboy said:

I think others have volunteered themselves as examples by their posts

I disagree, the OP indicated extreme racism so let's not tar all with the same brush.


If perhaps the OP means by extreme racism the barstool who derides everything that is different to himself then I say grow thicker skin as that type of numbnut really should not prompt such outbursts. Those barstools are not worth the effort.


I have encountered a number of expats who complain bitterly about their mother country being overun by foreigners . In certain cases I have pointed out the irony inherit in their ramblings , the girlfriend tends to drag me away at that point .

10 minutes ago, iReason said:


Your avatar speaks volumes about you.


I wouldn't be too quick to judge a person on his avatar. Were you againgst gollywogs on marmalade jars?

3 hours ago, jesimps said:

I knew as soon as I saw the title of this post that it was going to be from a left-winger.

Racist, bigot, fascist are words that naturally roll off their tongue.

These descriptions, the left apply to anyone who's political beliefs are in opposition to theirs.

Even when they're in the minority, ie the US election and Brexit referendum result as cases in point,

they still think the majority are extremists for not voting the same way as them.

I genuinely believe that the left are the extemists, in fact I think a lot of their beliefs are evil.

Without getting into a debate about it, I personally think that the killing of unborn babies is abominable.

I think that letting immigration get out of control is letting the people of a country down.

I believe that murderers should be put down.

I abhor violent leftist protestors.

I believe that everyone has the right to like or dislike who they choose and for whatever reason.

Take you, I suspect you dislike right wingers and in my opinion, you have the right to do so. 

I don't like starting political threads on here, but when I see a post like yours I feel that it needs a response from someone who doesn't agree with what you say.

I can't understand how you'd want to start a thread about it though. You're that soldier who I referred to in my first para.

You'll probably find that the people you're generalising about, probably moan about their own country as much as any other.

Of course, you won't admit that because it doesn't fit your political agenda.


An internal argument on display:


"You'll probably find that the people you're generalising about..."

I knew as soon as I saw the title of this post that it was going to be from a left-winger.

Racist, bigot, fascist are words that naturally roll off their tongue.

These descriptions, the left apply to anyone who's political beliefs are in opposition to theirs.

I genuinely believe that the left are the extemists, in fact I think a lot of their beliefs are evil.

Take you, I suspect you dislike right wingers...



"Without getting into a debate about it..."



"I believe that everyone has the right to like or dislike who they choose and for whatever reason."

A bit vague and obscure on that one...

7 minutes ago, vogie said:

I wouldn't be too quick to judge a person on his avatar. Were you againgst gollywogs on marmalade jars?


Deflecting gibberish.



Maybe we need to get the terms of reference right.


Racist, I am genetically superior to you.


Xenophobic, I dont like you because you come from somewhere else.


Bigotry, I dont like you because you have a different opinion.


problem is apologists are just as bad as red necks because both refuse to see the truth, people need to be able to comment on the bad as well as the good without being labelled racist etc. In Australia I have worked amongst aboriginals and had many of them as very good friends over many years, I saw their good side as well as their bad side and I have always been open about it because I believe in the truth, too many refuse to accept the truth and simply blame others for what happens to them, if people like me tell the truth of what they have seen/witnessed we are called racists because some  refuse to accept the truth of it even when many aboriginals say exactly the same things about their own people. Its the same in many countries including Thailand, telling the truth about what happens etc is not being racist or thai bashing, being unable to accept the truth and white washing what happens does more harm than good. My wife and her family will openly criticize some thais for the same things because that is being honest about it, the ones that need reigning in are those that white wash the bad and those that really do have something against all thais. If all it is is a difference of opinion then you are wrong, not telling what you see as racist etc is bad because it means you are judging people on  own views which may well be just as wrong but you are not game to post them in case you  get criticized yourself. As they say, opinions are like ar*ehole, every body has one

14 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

whether they have been brainwashed by opinions from those they knew in their own countries or whether they are just losers who blame everyone else and the system for their own failures?

The losers are easily brainwashed.


14 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

A lot of it I can compare to the Nazi rhetoric of WW2, it really is that bad.

Which appealed to a country (at the time) full of losers suffering the loss of face and economic consequences imposed on them following WWI. 


To a lesser degree, that's what is driving the anti-immigrant attitudes in the west now. If you're out of work or fear losing your employment or sitting on the bottom rung of the economic ladder or retired and living on the edge financially, you "have to" blame someone ... it couldn't possible be your own fault ...and it's always easiest to point your collective fingers at someone easily identifiable as "other."


Thus Donald Trump, Brexit and far worse (I know it's hard to imagine things far worse than Trump) based on exploitation by politicians of fear.


Racism is for course alive and well.  That door very much swings both ways in Thailand.  You should hear what the Thais say about farangs. What they say about the dark skinned Esarn population and of course he bottom if society .... the Burmese.  I am not condoning racism but don't see a reason to beat up white racists in particular.  Racism is a cancer and it's alive and well everywhere in Thailand.

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