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Britain plans to send warship to South China Sea in move likely to irk Beijing


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Britain plans to send warship to South China Sea in move likely to irk Beijing

By Colin Packham



During a visit to Australia, British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has said one of the first missions of the UK's new aircraft carriers will be in the disputed South China Sea. 


SYDNEY (Reuters) - Britain plans to send a warship to the disputed South China Sea next year to conduct freedom of navigation exercises, Defence Minister Michael Fallon said on Thursday, a move likely to anger Beijing.


Britain would increase its presence in the waters after it sent four British fighter planes for joint exercises with Japan in the region last year, he said.


China claims most of the energy-rich sea where neighbours Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam also have claims.


"We hope to send a warship to region next year. We have not finalised exactly where that deployment will take place but we won't be constrained by China from sailing through the South China Sea," Fallon told Reuters.


"We have the right of freedom of navigation and we will exercise it."


The presence of a British vessel threatens to stoke tensions, escalated by China's naval build-up and its increasingly assertive stance.


The comments by Fallon came after Britain's Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said the country's two new aircraft carriers would be sent to the region.


Johnson did not specify where exactly the vessels would be sent once operational in 2020, though the presence of such firepower will likely heighten tensions in the region.


China's construction of islands and military facilities in the South China Sea has stoked international condemnation, amid concern Beijing is seeking to restrict free movement and extend its strategic reach.


Britain's move could also upset ties between London and Beijing, undermining efforts to shore up what the two governments have called a "golden era" in their relationship as Britain heads towards a divorce with the European Union.


"We flew RAF Typhoons through the South China Sea last October and we will exercise that right whenever we next have the opportunity to do so, whenever we have ships or planes in the region," Fallon said.


The United States estimates Beijing has added more than 3,200 acres (1,300 hectares) on seven features in the South China Sea over the past three years, building runways, ports, aircraft hangars and communications equipment.


To counter the perceived Chinese aggression, the United States has conducted regular freedom of navigation exercises that have angered Beijing.


Earlier this month, the United States sent two bombers over the region, coming just a few months after it sent a warship to carry out a manoeuvring drill within 12 nautical miles of one of China's artificial islands.


China has repeatedly denounced efforts by countries from outside the region to get involved in the South China Sea dispute.


The South China Sea is expected to dominate a regional security meeting in Manila next week, where Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will meet counterparts from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries.


Meeting ASEAN diplomats in Beijing on Wednesday, Wang told them both sides must "exclude disturbances on the South China Sea issue, and maintain positive momentum", China's Foreign Ministry said.


(Reporting by Colin Packham; Additional reporting by Ben Blanchard in BEIJING; Editing by Nick Macfie and Michael Perry)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-07-28
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I wouldn't doubt a military clash between Chinese and British navies would result in a British victory.  The US Navy should show resolve and stand alongside our British brethren.   Chinese territory-grabbers are asking for push-back, and they're going to get it.




Edited by boomerangutang
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From the OP

The South China Sea is expected to dominate a regional security meeting in Manila next week, where Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will meet counterparts from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries. Meeting ASEAN diplomats in Beijing on Wednesday, Wang told them both sides must "exclude disturbances on the South China Sea issue, and maintain positive momentum", China's Foreign Ministry said.


Two things about that upcoming meeting:   #1 SE Asian countries which aren't directly affected by Chinese aggression in the S.C.Sea will demure.  At most, countries like Thailand will say tepid things like Rodney King would say, "why can't we all just get along?"


#2,   Countries which are directly affected, like Philippines and Vietnam, will be hamstrung by their worries about not being strong enough to stand up to the 600 lb China bully.  Granted, they are weaker militarily, but the US Britain and France will lock arms with Fils and VN.   Only Britain and the US, right now, are doing a few tangible things to show they're willing to stand by their Asian friends.


                  More countries, including Australia/NZ, should step up to the plate and do what's right.   Notice, it's only Caucasian-dominated countries which are willing to show resolve to assisting Fil and VN.   All Asian countries are fading in the shadows.    


                       Similar happened regarding the E.Timor problem with Indonesia.   It was western countries which rang the alarm and came to E.Timor's aid.   Asian countries only showed up after E.Timor went through its darkest hours.    Thailand send a contingent of about 11 armed guards to patrol the streets there, only weeks after farang countries had come in and done the dirty work.  


                                             What is it about Asian countries, where they're so easily cowed - particularly cowed by China?  I know China has a giant population and a powerful military.   But heck, India has similar, and is also a nuclear power, but India is always hiding in the wings - when it comes to assisting a fellow Asian country being threatened.   Same for every other Asian country.    Bottom line:  Asians are scared to take a strong stand for what's right.

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Has Fallon lost the plot?
Going to send the new carrier to the south china sea.:cheesy:
First you need aircraft, you dipstick.
Second the empire ended with the 2nd world war.
We no longer have a credible navy.

All those riduculing Thailand (including me) for their aircraftless carrier are going to be rather embarrassed by this - unless it is an attempt to make our foes laugh themselves to death.
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5 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Has Fallon lost the plot? Going to send the new carrier to the south china sea.:cheesy: First you need aircraft, you dipstick. Second the empire ended with the 2nd world war. We no longer have a credible navy.

UK did rather well in the Falklands debacle.  The fighting lasted a short time.  It moved a formidable force thousands of miles to fight.   Argentina was fighting in its back yard.   The only setback for the Brit Navy was when one of its ships fired when another Brit ship lay between the gun and the target, and unfortunately the 2nd ship was damaged by 'friendly fire.'  

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Just now, boomerangutang said:

UK did rather well in the Falklands debacle.  The fighting lasted a short time.  It moved a formidable force thousands of miles to fight.   Argentina was fighting in its back yard.   The only setback for the Brit Navy was when one of its ships fired when another Brit ship lay between the gun and the target, and unfortunately the 2nd ship was damaged by 'friendly fire.'  

Yes but that was in 1982, when we still had a navy, now it is less than half the size it was then.

Also the last time the UK had a prime minister with balls, even though she was a woman.

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10 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

 Bottom line:  Asians are scared to take a strong stand for what's right.


Unfortunately this mindset is firmly rooted in the general public, too.  So many of my students and Thai friends are outspoken on Facebook about things like government corruption and the loss of their democracy, but when I ask them why they don't do something about it, the response is always something like "who's going to stand in front of soldiers with guns?"


They don't want their freedom and liberty badly enough.

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Someone should tell them they don't need to pass through the disputed parts of the South China Sea in order to put their boat in the Sattahip long term carrier parking lot.  On the bright side, they could open it up for Farangs only, giving dad something to do while his Thai family climb over the Chakri Naruebet.

Edited by ballpoint
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57 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

UK did rather well in the Falklands debacle.  The fighting lasted a short time.  It moved a formidable force thousands of miles to fight.   Argentina was fighting in its back yard.   The only setback for the Brit Navy was when one of its ships fired when another Brit ship lay between the gun and the target, and unfortunately the 2nd ship was damaged by 'friendly fire.'  

Did they paintprush Exocet missiles out of the history books you read?

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1 hour ago, colinneil said:

Yes but that was in 1982, when we still had a navy, now it is less than half the size it was then.

Also the last time the UK had a prime minister with balls, even though she was a woman.

i am an American that was in the UK at that time.


this was a sad day. everybody looked grim in the pub I was having lunch in:



anyway, the US will load your aircraft carrier up with all the stuff you need. but that is not going to happen, because this will not turn into a real shooting war, as the communist Chinese have long range nukes.


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1 minute ago, NCC1701A said:

i am an American that was in the UK at that time.


this was a sad day. everybody looked grim in the pub I was having lunch in:



anyway, the US will load your aircraft carrier up with all the stuff you need. but that is not going to happen, because this will not turn into a real shooting war, as the communist Chinese have long range nukes.


  Yes the British task force lost 4 warships HMS Sheffield, HMS Coventry, HMArdent, and HMS Antelope.

Plus the serious damage to the RFAs ships at Bluff Cove, not forgetting the Atlantic conveyer.

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2 hours ago, Grouse said:

An aircraft carrier with no aircraft and precious little defensive systems ?

The UK crew is  currently onboard the US aircraft carrier George HW Bush finishing off training.

They have 2 more weeks of it and it's the full crew. They will then deploy to the 1st aircraft carrier for additional training and more sea trials. The aircraft are coming next year. They can't put the aircraft onboard until the ship is finished with its sea trials and all equipment is tested. The crew need more training. I doubt any aircraft carrier will be deployed before 2019.

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4 hours ago, Grouse said:

An aircraft carrier with no aircraft and precious little defensive systems ?

I hate to break this to everyone but Britain does not currently have an aircraft carrier. Nope, not a single one.


I am not sure why the Chinese feathers would get so ruffled about a single warship.

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4 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

UK did rather well in the Falklands debacle.  The fighting lasted a short time.  It moved a formidable force thousands of miles to fight.   Argentina was fighting in its back yard.   The only setback for the Brit Navy was when one of its ships fired when another Brit ship lay between the gun and the target, and unfortunately the 2nd ship was damaged by 'friendly fire.'  

The ONLY setback? I'll leave it to the military men to list the setbacks starting with HMS Sheffield!

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2 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

i am an American that was in the UK at that time.


this was a sad day. everybody looked grim in the pub I was having lunch in:



anyway, the US will load your aircraft carrier up with all the stuff you need. but that is not going to happen, because this will not turn into a real shooting war, as the communist Chinese have long range nukes.


Funnily enough, I was an Englishman in Austin TX at the time. Sir Nicholas Henderson, our ambassador won the PR war by appearing in avuncular style on American TV in cardigan buttoned one button out. Made the slick Argie guy look like a gangster! We don't do great diplomacy anymore!

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Aircraft carrier, no aircraft, may as well take a rowing boat. China's top brass will all have to check into hospital with cracked ribs from laughing so hard.


The Navy has been cut back so much that Britain cannot even do its primary task which is to secure British territorial waters and be able to defend the UK from any naval threat. Going on a jaunt to the S China sea is hardly best use of a continuing depletion of naval assets. 

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4 hours ago, colinneil said:

Has Fallon lost the plot?

Going to send the new carrier to the south china sea.:cheesy:

First you need aircraft, you dipstick.

Second the empire ended with the 2nd world war.

We no longer have a credible navy.


Dont worry, it will be needed to rescue the gigantic USA aircraft carrier that will be hit by NK missile, caught fire then sunk. The war will be in the news soon says the doomsday prophet who is famous for 100% accuracy.

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This is not a show of military might, just a re-assertion that this part of the ocean is free for all nations to navigate. China has no right to restrict this seaway nor to be "irked" when they are defied.


Similar situation to the Ramblers Association (in the UK) who keep our public footpaths open by using them, in defiance of some farmers and land owners.

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5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:



                  More countries, including Australia/NZ, should step up to the plate and do what's right.   Notice, it's only Caucasian-dominated countries which are willing to show resolve to assisting Fil and VN.   All Asian countries are fading in the shadows.    


Mmmm.... perhaps


noteworthy though is that Australian military intelligence predicted this exact scenario ( regards island building and military expansionism) in the early 1950's, and called on the allied regional influences of the time... the US, England and France, who had legitimate claims in the area, to act on this intelligence.


these allies ignored the Australian assessment... and here we are


australia has also been actively monitoring this with regular surveillance aircraft since the 1980's, (exercising its right to freedom of air traffic, which the U.K. is now saying it intends to do whenever possible... hello... we've been doing that for forty years... where were y'all then?) but no one else seemed to care


and now, with the US as a major military ally, who has trashed the trading deals with Australia, and china as a major trading partner, who hasn't threanted our economic situation, we are caught in a cross fire.


with trump making an idiot of himself in world affairs ( let alone US affairs), it's my opinion that Australia should try to offset all the saber rattling with strong calls for diplomacy... which may not have an impact....  but someone has to be the voice of reason


also noteworthy is that annoying china now, will not help the North Korean situation.

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Not suffering from testosterone poisoning but support international law. No China, or Russia do not have the right to seize sovereign or disputed territory unilaterally. Claiming 80 - 90% of the South China Sea for its resources and telling other countries they no longer have "freedom of the seas" in international waters? Nope, sorry China I support multinational action of sending ships and planes through international waters/airspace. The case has been adjudicated China does not have this as national territory. China takes action and she will ruin years of work that has been done to bring her into the community of nations. Great potential as a leading nation but...wrong headed action here.

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