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Prime Minister Hun Sen is seeking to close down a charity for the first time since the controversial law on associations and NGOs came into force in 2015. Mr Hun Sen has asked the Interior Ministry to shut down the NGO in question after it allegedly provided false information to CNN for a news report about child prostitution in Cambodia.


Agape International Missions (AIM), which was quoted in the CNN report, is a Christian charity with headquarters in California. It was founded in Cambodia in 1988 and has focussed on ending child sexual slavery since 2005.


Speaking at a graduation ceremony yesterday, the Prime Minister said he was disappointed last week after seeing a story entitled “Life after trafficking: The Cambodian girls sold for sex by their mothers”. Mr Hun Sen claimed the story was insulting to all Cambodian women and could not be tolerated, ordering the Interior Ministry to investigate the organisation behind the claims.


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/5076135/close-sex-report-ngo-hun-sen/


-- © Copyright Khmer Times 02/08

Truth is a terrible thing, for despots like Hun Sen and Trump. Having someone telling it like it is, outs this worm for what he is. A greedy multi billionaire dictator, posing as a democratically elected leader, due to weak governments in the West, not holding him accountable. 


Let the truth be told. Whenever, and wherever possible. And call out the frauds on their accounts of fake narratives. It is they who are attempting to create a fake narrative, and using claims of a fake media to further their agenda, and deflect well deserved criticism. 


I am no apologist for the government of Cambodia or for its president. However, I do sometimes wonder at the talking up of child exploitation and pedophilia in Cambodia by certain charities, especially christian charities who need stories to get more funding in to pay for their nice houses, salaries and vehicles. The talking up involves pointing to the sex tourism and then drawing a non-existent inference that there must be pedophilia going on there too.


Yes, Cambodia during is very lawless days was a haven for pedophiles and the situation was terrible. But over the years as a result of a lot of work by international bodies and by Cambodians, the situation is vastly improved. When you hear about the Cambodian police unit that tracks down foreign pedophiles and how they operate (they use a network of informants and whistleblowers, from guesthouse workers, tuktuk drivers and others), you realise that any pedophile would better not try anything in Cambodia. Well, you probably have not heard about them but then this does not play as well in the media as some head of a charity claiming that pedophilia by foreigners is rife in Cambodia today but can only point to several cases.


What I would like to know is what, if anything, are the christian charities doing about the underage truck-stop girls (known as 'lot lizards') in the USA? What about putting pressure on Canada to increase its age of consent from 14 to 16? Or Mexico to increase it from 12 to 16? or South Korea to increase it from 13 to 16? That would be a start!


By the way, Cambodia does not even figure in the top countries for child sexual abuse. But USA does. As does India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Czech Republic.


Just push it back under the carpet.

But I do agree that when you see some of these so called charities operations they make me sick.

some of the the actual spending on the charities function is less than 5% . A  real scam

1 hour ago, Proboscis said:

What about putting pressure on Canada to increase its age of consent from 14 to 16? Or Mexico to increase it from 12 to 16? or South Korea to increase it from 13 to 16? That would be a start!

From Wikipedia Age of consent reform in Canada:


Age of consent law in Canada refers to cultural and legal discussions in Canada regarding the age of consent, which was raised from 14 to 16 in May 2008 as part of the Tackling Violent Crime Act.[1] This applies to all forms of sexual activity.[2]

In June 2006, the Canadian government proposed a bill to raise the age of consent from 14 to 16, while creating a close-in-age exemption for sex between 14-15 year olds and partners less than 5 years older, and keeping an existing close-in-age clause for sex between 12-13 year olds and partners less than 2 years older.[3] The initiative also maintains a temporary exception for already existing marriages of 14 and 15 year olds, but forbids new marriages like these in the future.[4]

From Wikipedia Ages of consent in North America:



Legislative framework

In Mexico, criminal legislation is shared between the federal and state governments. The federal law establishes the age of 12 as the minimum age of consent, while the age at which there are no restrictions for consensual sexual activities is 18 (sex with someone 12-18 is not illegal per se, but can still be open to prosecution under certain circumstances). Local state laws may override the federal law. In practice, the decision as to whether or not to prosecute is left to state authorities regardless of the younger person's age. At state level, the minimum ages of consent vary between 12 (and puberty in a few states) and 15, while the age at which there are no restrictions for consensual sexual activities vary from 16 to 18 (most common 18).

But I agree with you, user Proboscis, that sometime (think often) NGO's dramatize to be able to raise more funds – it's a business, and we have unfortunately seen sad examples of extremely lucrative business – so it can be hard to judge if the reports mirror the real truth, or are just some few special cases that favor the organization...:sad:


not sure about this case but I know in Thailand even the US embassy posts on its website that children are being bought and sold in walking st nightly. this is obviously fake stories told to them by NGOs that profit from them. the side effect is that many people wont visit Thailand because they think it is full of pedophiles. having lived there for many years I never saw one case of children being sold even though I visited many seedy areas. I also have never encountered children being sold in Cambodia. Im sure it does happen but I dont believe its any worse then western countries and I do wonder why the governments of Thailand and Cambodia allow these NGOs to promote their countries as being havens for pedophiles at the expense of their tourism. having said that I dont know the specifics of this particular case


I don't know about this particular charity but I know that there have been many completely false stories about this kind of thing in the media about this stuff, usually promoted by groups like this. The fact that they are a "Christian" charity makes me more suspicious of them.


They do a disservice to the people who are really doing something to fight this despicable crime.

19 hours ago, Proboscis said:


What I would like to know is what, if anything, are the christian charities doing about the underage truck-stop girls (known as 'lot lizards') in the USA? What about putting pressure on Canada to increase its age of consent from 14 to 16? Or Mexico to increase it from 12 to 16? or South Korea to increase it from 13 to 16? That would be a start!



Or putting pressure on all countries to make homosexuality illegal again ?

What does the age of consent have to do with forced prostitution?

religiously motivated hypocrites everywhere......

15 hours ago, phycokiller said:

not sure about this case but I know in Thailand even the US embassy posts on its website that children are being bought and sold in walking st nightly. this is obviously fake stories told to them by NGOs that profit from them. the side effect is that many people wont visit Thailand because they think it is full of pedophiles. having lived there for many years I never saw one case of children being sold even though I visited many seedy areas. I also have never encountered children being sold in Cambodia. Im sure it does happen but I dont believe its any worse then western countries and I do wonder why the governments of Thailand and Cambodia allow these NGOs to promote their countries as being havens for pedophiles at the expense of their tourism. having said that I dont know the specifics of this particular case

From what's reported in media, the Philippines seem to be a major destination for pedophiles – also for remote online views of private shows... 


Life after trafficking: The Cambodian girls sold for sex by their mothers”


According to the report on another forum, HS's anger is actually because the girls were Vietnamese girls in Cambodia, not Cambodian girls...

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