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"Beer pretties" arrested for doing their job - selling beer!


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Yeah! I guess this must be a nasty offense. You drink too much beer, you can get sick and eventually die. Drinking to much beer makes some people do stupid things and sometimes kill other people.
Now we can finally charge these 3 girls to be responsible for all bad things that happens.

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Shouldn't the police be more concerned about important stuff.. Like keeping people alive on the roads?! As a side note... what sort of mechanism is in place for the police to police Facebook? Do police actually surf the internet day long looking for this stuff?

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26 minutes ago, robblok said:

Stupid morality laws, big junta fail. 

Unfortunately there will be plenty more to come - Work, go home, work, then piss off and die quietly is what they want.

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2 hours ago, meatboy said:

this is where this goverment shoots the other foot,these beer producers pay a lot of TAX and they sponser most of sport.

just take CHAN for example.

what would happen if CHAN and LEO pulled the plug on sponsership.

They would never pull the "sponsorship" of 600,000 baht p.a. paid to Pol Lt Gen and Member of Parliament Sanit Mahathavorn.

600,000 baht in his pocket and jail for the girls for helping to sell beer in different ways. One rule for the government silvertails and another for the plebs. Disgusting!

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Can anyone tell me how many idiotic laws exist in this country? It must be a world record I think! Of course most apply to common citizens or the infamous bad Fahrangs but not so much to the higher Elite crooks who are inventing these laws often for their own benefit..... :1zgarz5:

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2 hours ago, 1happykamper said:

Shouldn't the police be more concerned about important stuff.. Like keeping people alive on the roads?! As a side note... what sort of mechanism is in place for the police to police Facebook? Do police actually surf the internet day long looking for this stuff?


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to sum up, selling beer is a much greater crime than threatening another motorist with a knife, leaving children in locked vehicles, running over a police officer with a sports car, smuggling cars, hitting vans and killing passengers, assaulting a pregnant woman, slapping and humiliating a motorcycle driver, beating up children, prostitution, gambling, etc.

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Looks like the Utopia system, Thailand 4.0.5  is continuing to fire on all cylinders, keeping the streets safe, keepin 'em clean with cutting edge garbage collection and sewage systems, all nice and lit up with state of the art power grids, everyone sober and on the level, a look of clarity and noble intention in the eye of every man, woman and child. +1 the police are nipping things in the bud and arresting the seeds that could ruin it all.

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5 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Ah, the infamous 'Stickboy' recently tweeted that he thought all this was supposed to be illegal. Few people tweeted back not to jinx it. Here we are.


Good to see the police working hard. Thailand's morality stays intact. Meanwhile, the Red Bull killer..................

Yep- let's see if we can work him into EVERY irrelevant post shall we?

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Giving such sweet things a criminal record for doing nothing.  That is a crime in itself.  They could have just been politely told not to do it.  Thailand must makes examples of everyone, including the sweet and innocent.  It use to be such a fun place. 

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you can sell beer ,but not promote the drinking.

So any advertisement is illegal ...even the sticker on the bottle has to be removed ,because it says "this is beer "

So if a costumer ask your what is this unmarked bottle ......it is illegal  to tell him .....especially  to tell him to try it .

So the right thing to say is : "dont drink this Chang beer ,and surely not the 2nd free one !!!!!"   

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2 hours ago, 1happykamper said:

Shouldn't the police be more concerned about important stuff.. Like keeping people alive on the roads?! As a side note... what sort of mechanism is in place for the police to police Facebook? Do police actually surf the internet day long looking for this stuff?

I'm thinking... yes.... whilst on traffic duty, reclining under the road side tent.


multi tasking at its best

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4 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

So all the girls standing outside the bars on walking street in Pattaya or all the other bars in Thailand, Nana, cowboy, Patong Phuket are ?

Not generally pretty until a few "waters" have been quaffed........

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