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Did i get blacklisted? Is this a blacklist stamp?

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I agree with UJ. It does not look like a banned stamp at all. But it does say you were caught with ganja. That is not something I would want in my passport.


If you really want to get back in the country ...

You could 'lose' the passport (get a new one) either because it expires or some other creative reason ...


Then apply for a visa and enter again. 

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1 hour ago, 007 RED said:

Sorry but your translation is wrong.... The stamp states that you were convicted of the offence of having  marijuana...sentenced to 2 months in prison.... fined 2,000 Baht..... prison sentence suspended for 2 years.


Suspended means that he does not go to prison, but if he commits any other offence in in Thailand during the 2 year period he will be sent to prison for that offence.


There is no mention of a ban.

Sorry I don't agree with you. He has to wait 2 yr before trying to re-enter the Kingdom. After those 2 yr he may be allowed in as he may be not. This is what the stamp says. I'd call this a 2 yr ban. Anyway, it's better he starts thinking about an alternative destination for his holidays. And be very careful because now there's something called computer/internet.


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1 minute ago, sanemax said:


     From this story, its quite clear that a shit is given .

Drug possession in Thailand is a very serious offence

If he were to get caught again , he would be going to jail for a long time

nah, I like I said before he must've pissed off the police whilst he was getting arrested. I know plenty of people caught with weed and go to court and just get fined, no further action. oh, and i'm fully aware of the laws here thanks

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Who cares about him not me. All the goody goody two shoes coming out of tbe keyboard on here defending him as a victim. Then the dragon slayers ban him for life hang him.

Get a grip hes out been dealt with been thrown out. Got what he deserves in tbe eyes of Thai law.

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6 minutes ago, fordguy61mi said:

Deported for a little weed? That would be considered racist by the government in America, but perfectly fine here. Crazy.

Incorrectly stated. Currently people can be deported for breaking any drug law in America 

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the stamp says you was caught with the drug in your house

you have been fined 2500 bhat,with a 2 month jail sentence suspended for 2 years 

You have not been blacklisted at all.


But not good to have this kind of stamp in your passport ,maybe you could lose your passport and get a new one ,at least the stamp wouldn't be in it and maybe easier for entering Thailand again if you wish ,but they will just link your old passport to your new one as it goes by date of birth and surname, but maybe the IO will not be the sharpest tool in the box when you try and enter again and you might get lucky and he will let you enter, good luck.

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5 minutes ago, paul18620 said:

But not good to have this kind of stamp in your passport ,maybe you could lose your passport and get a new one ,at least the stamp wouldn't be in it and maybe easier for entering Thailand again if you wish ,but they will just link your old passport to your new one as it goes by date of birth and surname, but maybe the IO will not be the sharpest tool in the box when you try and enter again and you might get lucky and he will let you enter, good luck.

There is good chance he would be denied entry under this clause of section 12 of the immigration act if his records show he was deported for a criminal offence.


6. Having been imprisoned by the judgement of the Thai Court ; or by a lawful injunction ; or by
the judgement of the Court of foreign country , except when the penalty is foe petty offense or negligence
or is provided for as an exception in the Ministerial Regulations


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Tearing out the page sounds dramatic. It is not without risk. It has been done many times. But a new passport is definitely the way to go. However,  If the sentence is computerized and the Perp turns up with a new passport, he will get a not unsimilar greeting by authorities by hiding the stamp via new passport as to losing the page.  But its a legal way to do it and cheap. Apply for new one now. Takes time to get it through the system. Tearing out a page is a last resort, not a first option

Edited by Internationalist
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2 hours ago, Cletus said:

Sorry I don't agree with you. He has to wait 2 yr before trying to re-enter the Kingdom. After those 2 yr he may be allowed in as he may be not. This is what the stamp says.


Can you post what the stamp says in Thai? A lot of it is very hard for me to read, since it's so faint.

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35 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

There is good chance he would be denied entry under this clause of section 12 of the immigration act if his records show he was deported for a criminal offence.


This is the most sensible anyone has said and pretty much sums it up.


Blacklisted? No.


Hard time being able to enter, if possible at all? Very much so.

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2 hours ago, tonray said:

Except that any criminal behavior by foreigners paints all of us with a bad brush and potentially makes future laws and visa requirements more stringent. Bad behavior is not good for any foreigner who is a guest.


Cute little boy ! Actually just thinking about yourself ! Let's see what happen after you kill a mom and her kids because you were driving drunk ! This is REAL bad behavior !




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17 minutes ago, Stronghorse said:

My wife is a captain in the immigration section of suvarbarnum airport. If you come back 95% chance you will be denied entry and if you come back. They may opt to hold you in jail for 2 years or deport you. Depending on what the judge says when you see him. Or immigration will just give you the boot. Now if you change your passport. Since the immigration is fully computerized and some foreign country databases are now shared. They can will good possibility still see your conviction.

You have to remember the passport is governed by the UNITED Nations. It is your home country that dictates the issuing and possession stipulations. 

i find that very confusing. so your wife says that if he flies into Thailand he could be arrested and put in front of a judge despite not committing any further crime. and possibly be held for 2 years despite the fact the court already suspended the sentence. nah. am not buying that. at the most they might refuse him entry, that's about it imo

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Just now, Here2008 said:

Perhaps you would buy  'Attempting Illegal Entry'  --- That would earn some jail time! 

but he wouldn't be attempting anything illegal as he hasn't been blacklisted. you understand what a suspended sentence means right? personally I would stay the hell away for 2 years but they did not blacklist him therefore if he tried to enter he is not breaking the law. they may turn him away but they would have no reason as far as I can see to arrest him

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