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Australia looks forward to return of democracy in Thailand


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Australia can 'look forward' as much as she likes but all she'll see is an election for 'face' only and the 200 appointee poodles will sit somewhere else and make the decisions. But there is HOPE! many young Thais are not so easily turned into mushrooms and so later (much later) it could get better.

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3 hours ago, InMyShadow said:

Another country that sees the junta as legit or they wouldn't be here shaking hands.

I say leave the junta to continue the clean up because in a new election they will still hold puppet power and if there is a threat they will simply roll in with tanks again


its hilarious to read farang posts begging for democracy..how naive can you guys possibly get????


Good question. But many of those farang posts aren't interested in real democracy, which must be underpinned with a fair, impartial robust justice system and politicians and political parties that respect law and order.


They just want a return of Thaksin the honest, Yingluck the innocent and the shin kleptocracy. But they pretend that's a democracy by focusing just on an election.

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47 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

More utter nonsense.


Law and order was fine in the Thaksin years, until Sondthi and his Democratic allies lost the 2005 election in a landslide and took to the streets to oust the government.


As for Thais being happy with the status quo it is obvious you don't speak to any. There's a lot of discontent in Thailand right now. Otherwise there would be no need for martial law. 


Your post stinks of that Western superiority complex but also reeks of someone that doesn't understand the country he is in one little bit.


So you think law and order was "fine in the Thaksin years". 


So there was no police corruption, no bias in the enforcement of law or dispensing of justice? All laws enforced with impartiality, in accordance with law and all offenders brought to justice? 


And you, regularly, claim others don't understand this country :sad:


I think we can all understand where your're coming from. And it ain't reality.

Edited by Baerboxer
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3 hours ago, JAG said:

There again, it's also quite entertaining, in a rather dark way, reading posts, made by people who, in their own countries no doubt enjoy the personal and political freedoms which come from democracy, and yet support a regime which denies them to the people of Thailand.

How hypocritical can you guys possibly get?

Not as hypocritical as the Thai's thats for certain .. They beat us whingeing farang hands down .. :ph34r:

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4 hours ago, JAG said:

There again, it's also quite entertaining, in a rather dark way, reading posts, made by people who, in their own countries no doubt enjoy the personal and political freedoms which come from democracy, and yet support a regime which denies them to the people of Thailand.

How hypocritical can you guys possibly get?

Thailand never has and never will enjoy true democracy. The thai people are to blame because losing an election equates to losing face so the solution is to burn down Bangkok, blow up shopping malls and seize its international airport.




The Thai people ultimately get the government they deserve and that's a regime with a firm hand. Only then do the people function with normalcy.

 but losing personal freedom? give me a break!  we are all here discussing politics and none of us dragged into the woods and shot. Farang such as you are pure drama queens ! If the junta scares you then why stay? personally it has made zero difference to my life and my girlfriends and her friends.


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12 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Isn't that a quote from someone - Himmler, Beria, Hoover, or some such?

Best ask the Russians about comrade Beria ( though on 2nd thoughts ) .. He is quoted as saying " In a capitalist state you are aided on all sides by the corruption of the philosophy " .. He was wrong on that one Thailand can show those Western Capitalist's a thing or two when it comes to corruption .. 

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1 hour ago, JAG said:

The junta government which now maintains law and order is made up of the same figures who when in office in the"democratic days" deliberately failed to ensure that law and order was maintained. This resulted (as planned) in the conditions justifying (in their eyes) a coup to put them in government, where they are now cementing the HiSo-poor divide.

The horse goes in front of the cart...


Can you confirm which of the current government have been previously elected to or held office in the government in the "democratic days"


Surely,  maintaining law and order is the job of the RTP?

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2 minutes ago, otto69 said:

joeyg: Is the American Congress not corrupt?

Yep. personally they're the worst.  What makes it really bad is they do it in the name of freedom justice and equality

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4 hours ago, JAG said:

There again, it's also quite entertaining, in a rather dark way, reading posts, made by people who, in their own countries no doubt enjoy the personal and political freedoms which come from democracy, and yet support a regime which denies them to the people of Thailand.

How hypocritical can you guys possibly get?


But even under civilian elected government here, the personal and political freedoms of the Thai people are much less than those enjoyed in countries were a lot of posters come from.


Previous elected governments have made full use of defamation laws, computer crime laws and have used various investigative agencies to warn off comments and opponents they didn't like.



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3 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

Australia should clean up its own back yard first (G. Barrier Reef, Indigenous reparations etc etc etc) before it can preach. :thumbsup:

Australia dose clean up its own back yard very well .

it has one of the best fishing  Industry in the world now by  controlling  and not letting the place get fish out , the Great Barrier Reef , is under control, 

indigenous reparations is under control etc , etc , etc .

cant understand how ex pats get so involved and make  silly  comments about the Australia  foreign minister want democracy  back in Thailand .

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Regime change and putting our own corrupt western people into the government of Thailand.  No thanks say Thai PM . You deceivers /liars from Australia. We see the whole middle east where americans '"install democracy"  ...

Australian men in  in thailand have a dream come true(sexy woman/no feminism and "democracy") . democracy and australian women expels them out from australia. And high prices for life......


thai pm ask-  Young australians desperately seeking how to extend stay in thailand. Why???. ...You probably do not have democracy in Australia.When they do not want to return home to australia  and  loudy drink the bars all the months.,,,



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5 hours ago, Toshiba66 said:

I don't think anyone in Thailand cares what Julie Bishop thinks or says........including myself.

This must be a joke. Who will educate them here?

I'm an Aussie, and have never heard of this 'reverse Colombo plan' idea.

The original Colombo plan was devised to allow ASEAN students to study in Australia free of charge, and a few thousand came to Oz, finished their graduate studies and returned to their home countries with internationally recognised degrees.

While it would be highly educational for Aussie students to study in Asia, where would they get the same level of education?

I feel that the original Colombo plan had greater merit.

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5 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

I don't like it as much as you, but it could be worse, at least there is order, and as we see history repeat itself, elections will once again happen. The way I see it, citizens of some other countries out there have got it far worse, sure Thailand is not perfect with the Jaunt ruling it, bit it could be far worse.

Well that really depends on whose perspective you are seeing it from. 

For a well off thai or foreigner you are correct. 

For a family with an aspiring lawyer, politician, human rights defender, journalist facing decades in prison, it might just be as bad as it can get. 

For the thousands of low income earners that I have talked to, it is as bad as it can get. 

For the transparency of state monies and megaprojects, and public participation it is abysmal. 

And don't get me started on the graft that nobody can talk about, we'll keep that all in family. 

So yes, in your little world things are just dandy. 

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12 minutes ago, greenchair said:

Well that really depends on whose perspective you are seeing it from. 

For a well off thai or foreigner you are correct. 

For a family with an aspiring lawyer, politician, human rights defender, journalist facing decades in prison, it might just be as bad as it can get. 

For the thousands of low income earners that I have talked to, it is as bad as it can get. 

For the transparency of state monies and megaprojects, and public participation it is abysmal. 

And don't get me started on the graft that nobody can talk about, we'll keep that all in family. 

So yes, in your little world things are just dandy. 

I didn't say it was dandy, but it is what it is, and the only way things are going to change, is from the people rising up, and we all saw what happened then

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1 hour ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

Not under martial law or Section 44 which is in effect.


So are you saying the martial law and Article 44 have completely surpassed all other law enforcement duties?


But why then didn't the RTP enforce the law prior to that?



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1 hour ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

But they have got much worse under the junta and progressively worse since the coups in 2006 and 2014.


Thailand: Rights Groups Condemn Junta's Sweeping Powers Order: https://www.hrw.org/news/2016/04/05/thailand-rights-groups-condemn-juntas-sweeping-powers-order


Thailand: Worsening human rights record in UN spotlight again: https://www.fidh.org/en/region/asia/thailand/thailand-worsening-human-rights-record-in-un-spotlight-again


Thailand's military junta forces cancellation of press freedom conference: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jan/30/thailands-military-junta-forces-cancellation-of-press-freedom-conference





To even try to compare the actions of this military government to the previous Thaksin administrations is clutching at straws. The junta are far, far worse.


They may well be far worse. But you have no idea how far a whitewashed Thaksin government may have used and developed them. He wasn't a fan or champion of free speech. Remember is little red and yellow cards for supporters, the intended use of the computer crime act to punish people who dared like any negative comments let alone post them.


There's plenty of straws there to catch!

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