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Australia looks forward to return of democracy in Thailand


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6 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Good question. But many of those farang posts aren't interested in real democracy, which must be underpinned with a fair, impartial robust justice system and politicians and political parties that respect law and order.


They just want a return of Thaksin the honest, Yingluck the innocent and the shin kleptocracy. But they pretend that's a democracy by focusing just on an election.

I disagree. I think the majority of farang posters are very much interested in real democracy and that's why we want the endless circle of coups to end and Thailand to be given the chance to developed a better version of democracy than existed (briefly) under the various Shin administrations.

What I find incomprehensible are the farangs who are very good at spotting the flaws of the elected governments but are completely blind wrt the faults of yet another junta.

Many of them are the same people who you can spot in this thread bleeting about how terrible Australia is and that they are no better than Thailand when it comes to democracy.

Sad people.

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7 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

Law and order was fine in the Thaksin years, until Sondthi and his Democratic allies lost the 2005 election in a landslide and took to the streets to oust the government.

Law and order was not fine under Thaksin. In fact, law and order has never been fine (in a Western sense, with a "blind" and independent judiciary) in Thailand.

And under this junta (with it's desperate use of LM laws, censorship, article 44, unlawful detentions, human rights violations etc) it's worse than ever.

Kudos to Australia for keeping some kind of pressure on the junta.

Edited by Becker
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6 hours ago, Stardust314 said:

Regime change and putting our own corrupt western people into the government of Thailand.  No thanks say Thai PM . You deceivers /liars from Australia. We see the whole middle east where americans '"install democracy"  ...

Australian men in  in thailand have a dream come true(sexy woman/no feminism and "democracy") . democracy and australian women expels them out from australia. And high prices for life......


thai pm ask-  Young australians desperately seeking how to extend stay in thailand. Why???. ...You probably do not have democracy in Australia.When they do not want to return home to australia  and  loudy drink the bars all the months.,,,



Why do you think young Australians desperately seeking how to extend stay in thailand?.

i tell you why not about them not wanting to live in Australia , it is about puss power that is why , they think with there  little head not there big head , in thailand.

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Looks like she put it to him her smile says everything.


A dam good looking lady our Julie is must have broken a few hearts in her time, hope she broke his.


Election next year No you have forgotten there is another event that will put it off for another year coming.

Edited by wakeupplease
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7 hours ago, InMyShadow said:

Thailand never has and never will enjoy true democracy. The thai people are to blame because losing an election equates to losing face so the solution is to burn down Bangkok, blow up shopping malls and seize its international airport.




The Thai people ultimately get the government they deserve and that's a regime with a firm hand. Only then do the people function with normalcy.

 but losing personal freedom? give me a break!  we are all here discussing politics and none of us dragged into the woods and shot. Farang such as you are pure drama queens ! If the junta scares you then why stay? personally it has made zero difference to my life and my girlfriends and her friends.


The Thai people should get the government which they select, not the one which the entrenched wealthy elite impose , and the one which you take it upon yourself to claim they deserve.


The Thai people have lost personal and political freedoms. Today there are reports of an opposition activist being tried in a secret court, in camera and with the evidence being kept secret. That rather suggests a significant loss of personal and political freedom.


I am delighted that the junta has made zero difference to you or your girlfriend or her friends. That doesn't mean. that they haven't made a difference to the lives of other people.  No farangs have been dragged into the woods and shot. No Thais have either, but plenty have been detained, ""threatened (because that is what "attitude adjustment" is) and some tried by military courts and imprisoned.


The Junta do not scare me, and I have no intention of leaving, not least because that would mean abandoning my family. "Drama queen"? Is that the best epithet you can muster for someone with whom you disagree?

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Nicely condescending, Julie. Go tell 'me how to run their country. You're doing such a fine job running ours.
And to quote Sir Les Patterson, another great Australian Attaché, "meant in a caring and nurturing way".

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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22 minutes ago, JAG said:

The Thai people should get the government which they select, not the one which the entrenched wealthy elite impose , and the one which you take it upon yourself to claim they deserve.


The Thai people have lost personal and political freedoms. Today there are reports of an opposition activist being tried in a secret court, in camera and with the evidence being kept secret. That rather suggests a significant loss of personal and political freedom.


I am delighted that the junta has made zero difference to you or your girlfriend or her friends. That doesn't mean. that they haven't made a difference to the lives of other people.  No farangs have been dragged into the woods and shot. No Thais have either, but plenty have been detained, ""threatened (because that is what "attitude adjustment" is) and some tried by military courts and imprisoned.


The Junta do not scare me, and I have no intention of leaving, not least because that would mean abandoning my family. "Drama queen"? Is that the best epithet you can muster for someone with whom you disagree?



You are so correct in your comment but alas on seeing comments like this


"If the junta scares you then why stay? personally it has made zero difference to my life and my girlfriends and her friends"


you know it is more satisfying watching paint dry than answering.

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2 minutes ago, Leonhard said:

When will Australia get democracy. We have been hijacked by the two party system - taking turns at doing nothing.

Australia has a perfectly fine democracy.

There is nothing at all preventing the Greens or Bernadi's Conservative party from forming government - all they need is electoral support.

In democracy's, the people truly get the government they deserve.

If you are unhappy with the results, blame your fellow citizens, not the system.

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9 hours ago, otto69 said:

joeyg: Is the American Congress not corrupt?


You'll find most are, and when it comes to democracy it's only skin deep. At least Thailand is honest enough that democracy at this moment is not what this country needs, but unity.

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3 hours ago, the guest said:


You'll find most are, and when it comes to democracy it's only skin deep. At least Thailand is honest enough that democracy at this moment is not what this country needs, but unity.

Yeah, that Thailand has so much unity now is the reason the military needs Section 44,  censorship and attitude adjustment camps.


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And here is it :  http://www.globalresearch.ca/thailand-us-backed-activists-freely-allowed-to-complain-about-no-freedom/5595823?utm_campaign=magnet&utm_source=article_page&utm_medium=related_articles


Thailand: US-Backed “Activists” Freely Allowed to Complain About “No Freedom”

Documenting foreign-funded sedition in Thailand is key to understanding how US set stage for regime change in Libya, Ukraine, and attempted to do so in Syria.

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Just having elections probably won't improve things.  The Thai mentality and education and teachings do not support the idea.  Thai culture almost has a caste system.  Thai culture allows for extreme favoritism. Thai culture really does not support the idea that the same laws apply equally to each person.  Vote buying, can be rampant.  The Thais can't wrap themselves around the ideas of rural country people being able to vote and have a say in metropolitan issues.  Thailand has provinces and maybe if a government was setup where there was some sort of representatives from each province having a say in things, kind of like the way the US House of Representatives was designed to work.  Each state and by population in each state gets a certain amount of representation and say in things.  But none of that is going to happen.  The military has the power and influence.  The police force which should be under civilian control and oversight is not under civilian control and oversight and is completely subservient to the military.  The people or majority of them don't have a say in things.  I have heard many Asian people say things like "We need a strong leader". Yep, that is a good idea.  Unfortunately much more often than not, that single leader becomes an autocrat and a dictator

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16 minutes ago, Stardust314 said:

And here is it :  http://www.globalresearch.ca/thailand-us-backed-activists-freely-allowed-to-complain-about-no-freedom/5595823?utm_campaign=magnet&utm_source=article_page&utm_medium=related_articles


Thailand: US-Backed “Activists” Freely Allowed to Complain About “No Freedom”

Documenting foreign-funded sedition in Thailand is key to understanding how US set stage for regime change in Libya, Ukraine, and attempted to do so in Syria.

Your source has been debunked time after time, Tony Cartalucci is a proven hack.


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14 hours ago, JAG said:

 No farangs have been dragged into the woods and shot. No Thais have either,

I think we should wait and see what we eventually learn about KOtee, the redshirt leader who seems to have been disappeared in Laos before making that judgement. I believe another Thai was disappeared before Kotee too.

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2 hours ago, Stardust314 said:

You're just desperate man from the west    :tongue:    . Without Thailand, you would not know(womans) and  all that unique  what  Thailand and thai nation offer for world.

Times are changing, and thais are no longer  "sheep"


http://www.globalresearch.ca/ read good here again or you need explain some ask me. 


You certainly got the last bit right, Thais are no longer sheep.

Unfortunately for you the awakened masses are headed in the opposite direction to you and that nut-sack Tony Cartalucci.

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On 8/5/2017 at 8:03 AM, Toshiba66 said:

I don't think anyone in Thailand cares what Julie Bishop thinks or says........including myself.

This must be a joke. Who will educate them here?

That's unfair. I can't speak for all the educational institutions but I work in the pharmaceutical industry and can vouch that the university's here are good places to study

in this sector. There's plenty of Thais educated here working in the largest pharma companies in the world. You can enjoy your Thai bashing but you're wrong in your judgement as far as I'm concerned 

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The Insanity Of Internet In Australia (NBN)


So Australia has spiders, snakes, crocodiles and shitty/expensive internet. Why do people want to live there? get 191 thumb .up


Dave shows you inside the MDF communications room in his building and all the fibre optic installations, including the new Fibre To The Premises (FTTP) NBN (National Broadband Network), and discusses the insanely high prices and the politics involved in getting decent internet in one of the biggest business parks in Sydney.

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20 minutes ago, I Luv Me said:

I'm Australian and I like Thailand the way it is.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Good for you. When you actually come to live here and jump the innumerable visa hoops to stay here you might think differently.

But rest assured your opinion is highly valued.

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