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An ancient and mystical Khmer martial art claws its way back

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Under a billowing mulberry tree on the grounds of the Royal University of Phnom Penh, around 30 martial artists undergo their daily training under the instruction of a master.


They each stand on one leg while punching and elbowing the air for exactly 42 seconds, and then repeat the exercise with the other leg as support. Meanwhile, the master walks around kicking each student’s weight-bearing leg. If their stances are not firm enough, they will fall. For Narak Neakak, a master of the ancient Khmer martial art Yuthakun Khorm, the session is not simply an exercise – it’s an essential part of survival.


Yuthakun Khorm is not something you take for granted,” Neakak says. “It could be a matter of life and death.”

While the origins of the martial art are disputed, one thing is clear: the seldom-discussed form is meant for real fighting.


LONG AND COMPREHENSIVE ARTICLE TO BE READ HERE http://www.phnompenhpost.com/post-weekend/ancient-and-mystical-khmer-martial-art-claws-its-way-back

-- © Copyright Phenom Pen Post 07/08

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