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Trump warns 'fire and fury' if North Korea threatens U.S., Pyongyang weighs Guam strike


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2 hours ago, i claudius said:

Once when i was in L.A i was talking to some Americans  and said i was from England ,and a woman said Oh do you live near the capitol  Paris and she was not joking . the ones who i know here in Thailand seem quite switched on ,but those i met in the States seemed "nice but dumb"

So you met a few people on the streets in LA and make a derogatory assumption about all Americans?  Seriously?  LOL


Anybody can do the exact same thing in any country. Easy.

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36 minutes ago, i claudius said:

Sorry, i was not saying that i dont like Americans most that i have met through my life have been ok.but i have found that so many of them know very little about anything outside the States.

Ps i wasnt on holiday


Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app




Good gosh. You must hang out with the wrong people.  LOL

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“When it comes to how we should deal with evil doers, the Bible, in the book of Romans, is very clear: God has endowed rulers full power to use whatever means necessary — including war — to stop evil,” Jeffress said. “In the case of North Korea, God has given Trump authority to take out Kim Jong Un.”





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Just now, Skywalker69 said:



“When it comes to how we should deal with evil doers, the Bible, in the book of Romans, is very clear: God has endowed rulers full power to use whatever means necessary — including war — to stop evil,” Jeffress said. “In the case of North Korea, God has given Trump authority to take out Kim Jong Un.”






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On 8/9/2017 at 6:24 AM, steven100 said:

At least Trump has the balls to say and I believe act if necessary.

Good job ......  shut the NK leader up,   and blow them out of the water ...


it will also create alot of new jobs building new artillery.

The problem is the number of missiles aimed at Seoul. (they use the word "amassed"). Too many to take out before some strike their targets (as indicated in the article). In a city of 10 million, there's a lot at stake. 

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On 8/9/2017 at 7:09 AM, canuckamuck said:

NK's stance is going a long way to helping the US manufacture consent for war. Nk's strategy for security is to be a barking dog. This can work, if the dog is clearly staying behind it's fence. Once outside it's a new game entirely.

Regular Americans are tired of war, but those who profit from the weapon sales have a lot of influence, with trillions at stake. If consent occurs, North Korea will be set on fire.

Yeah, but when is the last time any country threatened to attack the US homeland? Has it ever happened? It doesn't matter much how "tired of war" people are. There's a time when one must fight.


The US was built by strong people who make tough decisions:


Patrick Henry (1775):


"we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us!"

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Just now, Xaos said:

Why would Dear Leader be so stupid and hit Guam if he knows US bombers and tomahawks will follow is beyond me.

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

Just think of his entourage starting to look at each other while the little Kim tell them : let's bomb Guam and see if they have any balls....

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2 hours ago, tropo said:

Yeah, but when is the last time any country threatened to attack the US homeland? Has it ever happened? 

'In retaliation in the event of them being attacked first' is missing from your sentence.

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What wrongs has NK done? Ok; it had a fight with SK a few years back and has done a bit of kidnapping and eliminating the unwanted. But on the whole NK is harmless enough. Much more so - I would suggest - than UK and US. Kim is just making a noise to get an edge down the road.


One of the problems with dictatorships is that the 'people' of the country invariably suffer. The average NKorian has very little of anything. especially freedom.


On the upside NK will not allow religion to get a foothold or commit to the world's private banking system. And those hundreds of uniformed girls all marching in harmony are a lovely sight.

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4 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

What wrongs has NK done? Ok; it had a fight with SK a few years back and has done a bit of kidnapping and eliminating the unwanted. But on the whole NK is harmless enough. Much more so - I would suggest - than UK and US. Kim is just making a noise to get an edge down the road.


One of the problems with dictatorships is that the 'people' of the country invariably suffer. The average NKorian has very little of anything. especially freedom.


On the upside NK will not allow religion to get a foothold or commit to the world's private banking system. And those hundreds of uniformed girls all marching in harmony are a lovely sight.


"...it had a fight with SK a few years back..."



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5 minutes ago, mogandave said:

But for the orange buffoon, things in NK would be fine.

Impeach 45 today!!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


Things were not fine in/with NK way before Trump's term. 

How things are with NK is not solely due to Trump.

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3 minutes ago, Morch said:


Things were not fine in/with NK way before Trump's term. 

How things are with NK is not solely due to Trump.

Not solely, but he isn't helping. 







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Just now, Morch said:


Yeah, I'm not saying Trump is handling this well, just not into the hyperbole. Thanks.

Hard not to be into hyperbole in these times when the most powerful person in the world is such an ignorant, dangerous clown. 

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Just now, Jingthing said:

Hard not to be into hyperbole in these times when the most powerful person in the world is such an ignorant, dangerous clown. 


Interesting. I would have said this is perhaps the time not to engage in anything resembling Trump's style, but guess he does bring the worst out of many.


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4 minutes ago, Morch said:


Interesting. I would have said this is perhaps the time not to engage in anything resembling Trump's style, but guess he does bring the worst out of many.


Yeah, we're doing this again. I don't see how people in the world can't see having trump as president isn't a major crisis in itself. I don't get the POV that thinks there is anything normal about this situation. 

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Just now, Jingthing said:

Yeah, we're doing this again. I don't see how people in the world can't see having trump as president isn't a major crisis in itself. I don't get the POV that thinks there is anything normal about this situation. 


My point had nothing to do with your insistence on attributing a made up POV. If you feel that "resisting" Trump implies one needs to embrace Trump's style and standards, then guess we'll have to disagree. Regardless, and back on topic - things with NK were messed up well before Trump, and not as suggested by the poster above. That Trump complicates things further is not contested.

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China's ready for war ― against the U.S. if necessary



To mark the 90th birthday of the People’s Liberation Army on Aug. 1, China’s President Xi Jinping went to the Inner Mongolian steppe to the site whereGenghis Khan began his conquest of Eurasia. There, at Zhurihe, he was welcomed by an impressive display of China’s martial might: a parade of Chinese troops, tanks, helicopters, aircraft and missiles. But the main course was a massive war game demonstrating the state of China‘s preparation to “fight and win” future military conflicts.


For what war is the PLA preparing?



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12 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

China's ready for war ― against the U.S. if necessary



To mark the 90th birthday of the People’s Liberation Army on Aug. 1, China’s President Xi Jinping went to the Inner Mongolian steppe to the site whereGenghis Khan began his conquest of Eurasia. There, at Zhurihe, he was welcomed by an impressive display of China’s martial might: a parade of Chinese troops, tanks, helicopters, aircraft and missiles. But the main course was a massive war game demonstrating the state of China‘s preparation to “fight and win” future military conflicts.


For what war is the PLA preparing?




How's that different than the US?

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48 minutes ago, tropo said:

I missed nothing from my sentence. I asked a question.

But it is then not an accurate question, I don't think. Without qualification, you make it sound as though there is a real likelihood that the DPRK will launch a preemptive attack on the US mainland. Why would they do that? What could they possibly hope to gain?

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4 minutes ago, baboon said:

But it is then not an accurate question, I don't think. Without qualification, you make it sound as though there is a real likelihood that the DPRK will launch a preemptive attack on the US mainland. Why would they do that? What could they possibly hope to gain?


It could happen if Kim was convinced he's under a similar attack or that his survival is at stake. Not commenting on the chances of this happening, just pointing out that the assurances that it won't seem to rely on Kim accurately interpreting situations, and that his threshold isn't set to low.

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