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A Spanish tourist has gone online to issue a dire warning to the Thais about messing up their country


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Part of the problem is that previous generations didn't use plastic bags etc. Most items were wrapped in leaves or paper. People of course littered however those items are very bio degradable. They never learned to deal with non biodegradable trash and there lies much of the problem with the littering today the plastic doesn't dissappear. 

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3 hours ago, free123 said:

why farangs always think they should tell thais how to run their country... u are from Spain? ... hey why u <deleted> up most ur coastline with faceless apartementblocks to the thoudands.... hey why ur banks are indebted to other europ countrys and ur innercitys are crime ridden... we are thais this and much more that we have noticed makes us very very angry...ding dong... . falangs have the master race syndrom and are neurotic... they come for cheap  sex and drugs and complain if they are faced with the sideffects of such a society (, corruption, neglect, ignorance etc) u dont like it pai leu

since spanish people have seen how their beautiful coastline has been turned into ugly faceless apartment blocks maybe his argument and advice should be taken seriously as he only wants to prevent thailand from the same fate. if we dont learn from the mistakes that others have made in the past we will do them again. 

we bear the responsibility for the whole planet and have to make sure that our children and grandchildren and many other generations can breathe and live, eat and drink. if you really think he just wants to talk bad about thailand than thats your choice, but the bigger picture will not change. there is just one planet and everything is connected. everybody is just a visitor because nature doesnt care about boarders, countries or nationalities.

its an abstact construct that humans came up with.

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23 minutes ago, Sakeopete said:

Part of the problem is that previous generations didn't use plastic bags etc. Most items were wrapped in leaves or paper. People of course littered however those items are very bio degradable. They never learned to deal with non biodegradable trash and there lies much of the problem with the littering today the plastic doesn't dissappear. 

Now I know why they have got such a problem with the internal combustion engine

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13 hours ago, taipan1949 said:

I lasted 33 years in Thailand and finally just had enough of the filthy Pattaya sewer they call a beach, garbage all over the streets and nobody picks it up. I have moved to the Philippines where other than Manila the country is clean and beautiful. A school full of kids walked by my house the other day and my wife told me they were cruising their jurisdiction area picking up whatever garbage they could find, and I can tell you there was not much to pick up. The authorities teach pride in your city and country from when the kids are just small.

Wow, I lasted 3 years and couldn't take the lies, backstabbing, police pulling me over constantly because I'm not Thai, and the most important... Finally realizing the Thai don't really like expats to retire there.  They want you to stay one week, spend $5000, and go home.  They've gotten the last Baht they'll get from me.

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18 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

Now I know why they have got such a problem with the internal combustion engine

The Farang introduced Plastic, Styrofoam, Cigarette Filters, Bottle Caps, Disposable Lighters, McDonald's, Coke, the list goes on, all for profit, not one bit of information on the downside...:(   


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2 minutes ago, koto said:

The Farang introduced Plastic, Styrofoam, Cigarette Filters, Bottle Caps, Disposable Lighters, McDonald's, Coke, the list goes on, all for profit, not one bit of information on the downside...:(   


Its called progress, you need to get off your backside and join in, or you get left behind

Its like this, Fell off my chair boss what do I do now

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10 hours ago, akampa said:

your so wrong the school my children go to actively  promote the separation of garbage into different bins and by the way it is a government school. Check your facts before you write.

Good on your kids, and their forward thinking school policy. However the facts speak for themselves, the majority of people here don't have a clue about the effects of their actions. If it's facts you want just follow the recent news or look around you.

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2 hours ago, koto said:

The Farang introduced Plastic, Styrofoam, Cigarette Filters, Bottle Caps, Disposable Lighters, McDonald's, Coke, the list goes on, all for profit, not one bit of information on the downside...:(   


" the American" big difference

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13 hours ago, steven100 said:

yes ....    how would you like someone telling you your country is a mess and needs a clean up.  ???

While he may be correct,  it's not his place or right to criticize Thailand ....  I am sure most Thais would be telling him where to go ...  :coffee1:

Instead of getting defensive about what this tourist "legitimately" observed, perhaps natives can finally wake up and  realize that any place of beauty being ruined by lack of residential trash pick up,  flagrant burning, and inadequate amount of trash receptacles (along with signs) should be a concern for maintaining essential tourism. In other words, "Don't shoot the messenger" such as the Spaniard. Accept the reality and do something about it. I realize that respecting mother earth is not a priority for many- especially when it's not taught from an early age, but that does not mean you keep spoiling the place where you live.

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2 hours ago, koto said:

The Farang introduced Plastic, Styrofoam, Cigarette Filters, Bottle Caps, Disposable Lighters, McDonald's, Coke, the list goes on, all for profit, not one bit of information on the downside...:(   


And what do the Thais do with all that plastic, styrofoam, bottle caps, etc etc etc? (after they have sold the contents for profit (Ermm - whose profit?) 


So some information on the downside, which you may or may not have heard before:-


The green wheelie garbage bins mysteriously disappear, so the rubbish has to be put in plastic bags by the side of the road where they are torn open by dogs and rats, and left to rot in the sun for a few hours/days (depending where you live) These bags are then collected and taken to the garbage dump where surprise, surprise, the incinerator doesn't work (and hasn't done for at least 8 years!), although money was provided for its repair a few years ago.


So the Thais that are so proud of their country steal the bins that are provided to contain the garbage, steal the money that is supplied to fix a broken generator at the garbage dump, and encourage tourists (that are here on holiday, by the way!) to clean the beaches because the Thais think that such menial jobs are below them, but smile happily while the "crazy farangs" clean up their beaches?



Edited by sambum
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2 minutes ago, sambum said:

And what do the Thais do with all that plastic, styrofoam, bottle caps, etc etc etc? (after they have sold the contents for profit (Ermm - whose profit?) to mainly tourists.


So some information on the downside, which you may or may not have heard before:-


The green wheelie garbage bins mysteriously disappear, so the rubbish has to be put in plastic bags by the side of the road where they are torn open by dogs and rats, and left to rot in the sun for a few hours/days (depending where you live) These bags are then collected and taken to the garbage dump where surprise, surprise, the incinerator doesn't work (and hasn't done for at least 8 years!), although money was provided for its repair a few years ago.


So the Thais that are so proud of their country steal the bins that are provided to contain the garbage, steal the money that is supplied to fix a broken generator at the garbage dump, and encourage tourists (that are here on holiday, by the way!) to clean the beaches because the Thais think that such menial jobs are below them, but smile happily while the "crazy farangs" clean up their country?



Very good points there!

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11 minutes ago, inThailand said:

23 pages later we have people trying to slander a tourist who has accurately depicted the sad and deteriorating state of the LOS.

TV posters the hub of denial!

If you have your feet firmly on the ground, then some of these threads do have the odd fleeting moment that needs to be taken seriously, but this is not one of those

Apart from that just let it all hang out, if for no other reason than there is hardly ever any on going info so who knows what happens going forward, OH how I like that phrase

Some of the froth on here and I am no exception is just laughable at times simply because most threads are one / two day wonders

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1 minute ago, oldlakey said:

If you have your feet firmly on the ground, then some of these threads do have the odd fleeting moment that needs to be taken seriously, but this is not one of those

Apart from that just let it all hang out, if for no other reason than there is hardly ever any on going info so who knows what happens going forward, OH how I like that phrase

Some of the froth on here and I am no exception is just laughable at times simply because most threads are one / two day wonders

what are you smoking?

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6 hours ago, Happy enough said:

you're just looking for an argument and I can't be bothered, trust me, you are wrong old boy. don't believe me? take a look at yourself in the mirror? what do you see? seriously take a look

He's looking at that mirror everyday and actually wondering why all he can see is hong thong.

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6 hours ago, HOOD Robin said:


Lad you're a laughable FOOL !  The guy is damned RIGHT and he admits he came for the FIRST time to Thailand. Were you the tough wise guy when you came here for the first time ?
Everything he said makes HUGE sense and he did it in a teachable manner, no offense meant ! But as we know here on TV are always the wise guys... sigh.

Your ranting about the Spanish beaches has NOTHING to do with what this guy tries to show the authorities here...  i hope that crazy tourism minister sees this video ! (although i'm sure she will neglect it like most hi so Thais, thinking they know it better and there is no money involved...)

I'm sorry that you took my comments so seriously. I'll stand by what I said though. He was high on a beach preaching. I reckon he's a lovely bloke. Just keep your complaints to yourself when your sat on a beach and even your bird can't bear to look you in the eye 5555. 

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4 hours ago, Thechook said:

Are you positive the guy is a druggie?

I'm pretty sure if he had a piss test he'd fail yes. That doesn't make him a druggie. Just some kid from Spain talking whilst he's high on holiday. Nothing wrong with that apart from moaning about the cleanliness here when as I have so many times Spain is a dirty dump 

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17 hours ago, Happy enough said:

Sitting on a beach high on drugs telling other people how to live their lives. Do correct me if I'm wrong

You must have a sad life - replying to your own posts? Or are you in a hurry to get to 1000? 

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Just now, inThailand said:

Who cares if he is high. Is his statements about LOS accurate?

Not at all. Generally the world gets rid of a lot of rubbish and it has to go somewhere. It usually ends up in Spain and they don't even wake up in the afternoons. 

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