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Trump condemns 'hate' after protest violence in Virginia


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27 minutes ago, attrayant said:


I wasn't even there but I'll go on record as saying that no, 40,000 protesters were not fighting with police.


I called you out on this weaselly, Hannity-like behavior yesterday - stop applying a label to an entire crowd of thousands based on the actions of a handful of people.  Just stop it.

According to poster Matt, (but no other point of reference that he has been able to provide, despite tediously banging on for days on end about a site that offered zero evidence for his claim) there were 40,000 terrorists right there on the streets. It's amazing there wasn't more trouble.  


We all saw the shit a few alt-rights can cause in Charlottsville.  If you don't have the numbers just ram your car into the public.  Yay for the alt-right.

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I said "a dozen or so". That's 0.03%. You say it's actually 33. Okay, that's 0.0825%. So was that significant?


You have stated, quite clearly, that you hate Antifa MORE than you hate the White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis. It's on the record. If you'd like to continue to defend that, carry on. I rather doubt you're winning that battle.


You say you'd like to be honest. Okay, great, I'm glad you're ready for this. I applauded you for finally answering one of your rebuttals in the last post. Now you can address my quite clear position with respect to Antifa. Here it is again for your convenience. Kindly respond directly.


Do I have problems with people confronting White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis? Nope. Should they be prepared for violence given those groups preparing for same by being armed and armoured and practicing military manoeuvres? Yep. Should they start it? Nope. 


For the record, nobody has established who threw the first punch, and it's highly doubtful anyone would be able to in such a melee. We do however know who escalated it to driving a car into a crowd like an ISIS coward. But the position outlined above, is in no way terrorism.


Yes I hate Antifa more than all of the other current hate groups because they are potentially the most dangerous in the long run and they are completely dishonest about their cause.


I don't see any other hate group in the news being violent in the numbers that they are at the moment. And you all defend them because you propagate their big lie that they are peaceful protesters. They said themselves that their tactic is "Peace through violence" so they are obviously a violent mob.


Tbh if they just said they were a violent anti-government mob who just want to cause trouble to accomplish their goals I probably wouldn't have focused on them so much. At least BLM outright say they hate white people and cops.


Several of you have said you didn't even know who Antifa were until a few days ago but now you are already defending them after just seeing a bit of their propaganda.


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2 hours ago, KunMatt said:

Who is even talking to you? I've not replied or made even one comment to you. Stop trying to join the outrage bandwagon. Just stop it.


"Just stop it."


It's an open forum.


You are aware of that, no?


Or, do you want to shut down free speech?

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1 hour ago, KunMatt said:


Yes I hate Antifa more than all of the other current hate groups because they are potentially the most dangerous in the long run and they are completely dishonest about their cause.


I don't see any other hate group in the news being violent in the numbers that they are at the moment. And you all defend them because you propagate their big lie that they are peaceful protesters. They said themselves that their tactic is "Peace through violence" so they are obviously a violent mob.


Tbh if they just said they were a violent anti-government mob who just want to cause trouble to accomplish their goals I probably wouldn't have focused on them so much. At least BLM outright say they hate white people and cops.


Several of you have said you didn't even know who Antifa were until a few days ago but now you are already defending them after just seeing a bit of their propaganda.


Hey KhunMatt-


How many people have the people you define as Antifa terrorists killed in the last days/weeks?  How about the Nazis?  I think it is 1-0 to you.  Would you care to go back to develop your win/ loss ratio?  Just don't go too far back or you will be stuffed mate.


Oh, and just for shits and giggles, can you provide any evidence of an official BLM statement about how they hate white people and cops?


I knew who anitfa were before a few days ago.  I can also spot an apologist in short order.  


All the best.

Edited by Slip
errant zeros
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2 hours ago, KunMatt said:

Only a dozen? 33 people were arrested for fighting with the police. Many more were attacking the police they just weren't arrested.

(Sorry, forgot to source it: http://www.bostonherald.com/news/local_coverage/2017/08/various_charges_in_33_arrests_at_rally)

Antifa are a bunch of terrorists. Aren't they?


From your link:

(That does not substaniate anything you have claimed)



"Officials did not identify the defendants by political faction or ideology."


"Officials noted that the crowd of as many as 40,000 people was otherwise largely peaceful."


"[Suffolk District Attorney Daniel F.] Conley said in a statement in which he praised the counterprotesters for their stand against “bigotry and racism.”


Just making stuff up to fit your continually biased "narrative"



he praised the counterprotesters for their stand against “bigotry and racism

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2 hours ago, KunMatt said:

Yes I hate Antifa more than all of the other current hate groups because they are potentially the most dangerous

in the long run and they are completely dishonest about their cause.

I don't see any other hate group in the news being violent in the numbers that they are at the moment.

They said themselves that their tactic is "Peace through violence" so they are obviously a violent mob.

At least BLM outright say they hate white people and cops.


"Yes I hate Antifa"

Therefore you are a HATER.



"They said themselves that their tactic is "Peace through violence" so they are obviously a violent mob."

A lie.

Just making stuff up.



"At least BLM outright say they hate white people and cops."

Another lie.


"I don't see any other hate group in the news being violent in the numbers that they are at the moment."

I submit, you are simply not paying enough attention to hate groups.

Only to those who confront them.


You can parrot your views all day long.

But without the required substantiation, they are simply rambling gibberish and completely baseless.


You're up:

Care to provide evidence and quotes that coincide with your outrageous claims?

And your shameless, blatant spreading of misinformation?


You remind me of another poster who astonishingly, stated on another thread :

"I don't need sources to have an opinion"



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Hey KhunMatt-  

How many people have the people you define as Antifa terrorists killed in the last days/weeks?  How about the Nazis?  I think it is 1-0 to you.  Would you care to go back to develop your win/ loss ratio?  Just don't go too far back or you will be stuffed mate.


Oh, and just for shits and giggles, can you provide any evidence of an official BLM statement about how they hate white people and cops?


I knew who anitfa were before a few days ago.  I can also spot an apologist in short order.  


All the best.



I'm apologising for who??


I condemn everyone.


Since my first post I said I condemn all hate and violent groups but you all only have an issue with the anti-Trump groups I talk bad about.


None of you will condemn a violent militia which is carrying out your anti-Trump agenda.


Everything I've said is pertinent to the OP about Trump blaming all sides. But you all only want to blame one side.




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2 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


I'm apologising for who??

I condemn everyone.

Since my first post I said I condemn all hate and violent groups but you all only have an issue with the anti-Trump groups I talk bad about.

None of you will condemn a violent militia which is carrying out your anti-Trump agenda.

Everything I've said is pertinent to the OP about Trump blaming all sides. But you all only want to blame one side.

The counter-protesters weren't protesting against Trump (at least not until he stuck his foot into his mouth, again).  They were protesting against fascists.  Remember the fascist?  The swastikas, Nazi salutes, anti-Semitic chants?


The removal of a statue was the pretext for the protest, but once the fascists arrive little was said about statues.

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6 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

Since my first post I said I condemn all hate and violent groups but you all only have an issue with the anti-Trump groups I talk bad about.
None of you will condemn a violent militia which is carrying out your anti-Trump agenda.



"Since my first post I said I condemn all hate and violent groups but you all only have an issue with the anti-Trump groups I talk bad about."


KunMatt Posted Thursday at 10:26 AM

I don't equate KKK/Nazis and Antifa/BLM.


"the anti-Trump groups I talk bad about."

"None of you will condemn a violent militia which is carrying out your anti-Trump agenda."

Just making stuff up.



Your continued deflection of racists and bigots is truly disturbing.

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10 hours ago, KunMatt said:


Yes I hate Antifa more than all of the other current hate groups because they are potentially the most dangerous in the long run and they are completely dishonest about their cause.


I don't see any other hate group in the news being violent in the numbers that they are at the moment. And you all defend them because you propagate their big lie that they are peaceful protesters. They said themselves that their tactic is "Peace through violence" so they are obviously a violent mob.


Tbh if they just said they were a violent anti-government mob who just want to cause trouble to accomplish their goals I probably wouldn't have focused on them so much. At least BLM outright say they hate white people and cops.


Several of you have said you didn't even know who Antifa were until a few days ago but now you are already defending them after just seeing a bit of their propaganda.


A group that specifically targets only White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis is potentially the most dangerous in the long run? Bizarre. And as noted, the only one who has "classified" them as a hate group or a terrorist group is you (oh, and the Alt-Right you parrot word for word but claim no tie to). You seem to have this amazing ability to both see into their minds and "know" their "real" intentions, and of course, you have your ever-reliable crystal ball that tells you about the future and what they're going to do and become. And you wonder why you have no credibility in this discussion.


Numbers? As I noted, I'd never even heard of them before. I can't find anywhere that ascribes a large number of members to the organization, have you a credible source? I rather doubt it, perhaps you're referring to the "40,000 Antifa and left wing hate groups" that you imagined in Boston?


BLM have never said to my knowledge that they "hate white people and cops". Have you a credible source for yet another of your wild unsubstantiated claims? I didn't think so.


Now that we've dealt with your usual mis-statements and made up nonsense, please comment on the topic at hand, my clear formulation of where I stand with respect to Antifa. To whit, I do support confronting White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis, I do understand why they're prepared for violence given whom they're opposing, but I would insist that they not instigate the violence. By the way, their platform with respect to violence has limitations, and those limitations certainly stop well short of driving cars into crowds of people they disagree with.

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12 hours ago, KunMatt said:


Who is even talking to you? I've not replied or made even one comment to you. Stop trying to join the outrage bandwagon. Just stop it. emoji3.png

Or you can always just use the block feature on this site, it's worked pretty well for me for the people that kept trolling me in this thread.



I see - you can speak to the forum but certain people aren't allowed to talk back.  I can almost picture the tiki torch in your hand as you shouted this at your computer.  Maybe you should change your screen name to Herr Matt.


No, I am not going to ignore objectionable people.  I am going to call them out for their disgusting opinions and dishonest debating tactics.  If you don't like it, then you're the one who should make use of the ignore feature.

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I see - you can speak to the forum but certain people aren't allowed to talk back.  I can almost picture the tiki torch in your hand as you shouted this at your computer.  Maybe you should change your screen name to Herr Matt.
No, I am not going to ignore objectionable people.  I am going to call them out for their disgusting opinions and dishonest debating tactics.  If you don't like it, then you're the one who should make use of the ignore feature.

Did you really not get that I was parroting back the exact same words you said to me??
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Continued baiting will earn suspensions.   Members are permitted to respond to any post they wish as long as they stay on topic.   That doesn't seem to be happening right now.  


Please get back on topic.  

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"After walking onstage at the Phoenix Convention Center to “God Bless The U.S.A.” for what was, effectively, a 2020 campaign rally, Donald Trump repeatedly ditched his TelePrompTer and went off-script as he ranted about being mistreated by the media in the wake of Charlottesville, relentlessly attacked an array of enemies including both of Arizona’s Republican senators, and portrayed himself as the true victim of a violent clash between white supremacists and counter-protesters that left one woman dead."


"Journalists and other social media commentators watched, stunned, as he proceeded to spend the rest of his hourlong speech unloading on the mainstream press, praising a CNN pundit who was fired for tweeting a Nazi slogan, and re-litigating his entire response to Charlottesville, line by line, in what has become a hallmark of the Trump presidency: a full-on public meltdown."


"He proceeded to reread the statement he initially gave in response to the protest, conveniently leaving out the part where he blamed “both sides”—both white supremacists and the anti-racist counterprotesters—for the violence."




"conveniently leaving out the part where he blamed “both sides” :whistling:


An hour long pandering, rambling diatribe declaring what a victim the occupier of the White House is.

Truly an embarrassing, pathetic, self-absorbed display.




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28 minutes ago, iReason said:

portrayed himself as the true victim

Billionaire white male, born to privilege, Ivy League graduate, married to a beautiful model half his age, and, president of the richest, most powerful country in world—and somehow, HE'S the victim?? 


What the huh??

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Richard Spencer, who claims to have coined the term "alt-right",

was an alt-right participant in the "Unite the Right" gathering of racists and bigots in Virginia.

He was also slated to be a featured speaker at the alt-right rally in Boston.

Spencer runs the alt-right National Policy Institute.


Here is a propaganda video produced by NPI.

(note the sinister music while projecting doom and gloom stereotypical depictions of all who are not white)

He devotes his rhetoric to whining about being the oppressed white man:



Here are excepts from Richard Spencer's NPI neo-nazi convention speech in Washington D.C. 2016.

Far from a bunch of internet trolls who sit around making memes...



Richard Spencer, the father of the alt-right, ardently advocates ethnic cleansing:



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4 hours ago, Thakkar said:

Billionaire white male, born to privilege, Ivy League graduate, married to a beautiful model half his age, and, president of the richest, most powerful country in world—and somehow, HE'S the victim?? 


What the huh??

After Obama's 2 terms -  Trump must admit he  benefits from some kind of affirmative action, there is no way Obama would have been allowed to stay in office had he  adopted Trump's behaviour 

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                           Trump's speech today in AZ, tried to gloss over the speeches from Saturday, Monday and Tuesday.  I watched most of the Phoenix speech.  He read from a teleprompter, and kept complimenting himself for being wise and correct.   He quoted himself from the prior Charlottesville speeches, YET HE CONVENIENTLY LEFT OUT CERTAIN PARTS.  In other words, he cherry-picked from the earlier speeches, in order to paint himself in the pink.   


                                  No surprise, to anyone who knows anything about the dufus, ....the parts he left out were the controversial parts which even hard-right politicians found fault with.

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Remember this one?

When the occupier of the White House accused his own intelligence community of being Nazis?

When he jabbered about a "leak" he said was "fake"?

(That's what you call a dichotomy folks)

Yet, when real Nazis were gathered in the largest numbers in decades, in America, he deflected.


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41 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

                           Trump's speech today in AZ, tried to gloss over the speeches from Saturday, Monday and Tuesday.  I watched most of the Phoenix speech.  He read from a teleprompter, and kept complimenting himself for being wise and correct.   He quoted himself from the prior Charlottesville speeches, YET HE CONVENIENTLY LEFT OUT CERTAIN PARTS.  In other words, he cherry-picked from the earlier speeches, in order to paint himself in the pink.   


                                  No surprise, to anyone who knows anything about the dufus, ....the parts he left out were the controversial parts which even hard-right politicians found fault with.


He reread the statement he initially gave in response to the protest, conveniently leaving out the part where he blamed “both sides.


Here is a reaction to that debacle in Phoenix. Wow.

It is stunning.



This dangerous fool is unacceptable for the office.

More and more professional people are coming out to say so.

Only a matter of time until enough rational people are fed up with this irrational, inept dolt.

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                                Thanks for posting that CNN interview with James Clapper. He's a wise man who wants the best for the USA and who is justifiably spooked, as I am, about having a dangerous dufus in the Oval Office.  Trump Sr, more than any person on the planet, can unleash the fury of the most dangerous arsenal the world has known.


                              I've recently been honing up on the mechanics/physics of nuclear bombs. One tidbit I gleaned:  a less powerful bomb, like those dropped on Japan, release MORE radiation for their size, than larger nukes.  However, the larger nukes, not surprisingly, create more destruction in the form of shock wave and fire/heat.   So citizens of Seoul and Pyongyang can take little solace in knowing; if a nuke war breaks out, they're more likely to be fried and/or buried under rubble, than be radiated to death.

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On 16/08/2017 at 10:30 PM, Thakkar said:

Homeland Security who have been keeping an eye on these guys have not branded them a hate group. But some guy on Sky says they're "racist and much more"


Well that settles it, I guess. :blink:


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2 minutes ago, iReason said:


Ahh yes, ol' far-right Bannon buddy and colleague, Brietbart Ben.

Now graduated to alt-right opinion, radio talkshow spin host.


What else ya got?


But...but...some Alt-Right guy has an opinion! Quod Erat Demonstratum! As one might recall, there are two things everyone has, this guy embodies the second more than most however.

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22 minutes ago, iReason said:


Ahh yes, ol' far-right Bannon buddy and colleague, Brietbart Ben.

Now graduated to alt-right opinion, radio talkshow spin host.


What else ya got?


Nothing for you as I find your replies very patronising and very left wing. The left have only one opinion, their own, they will not listen to other peoples opinions as you well illustrate. If you cannot see what the antifa are really like you are either blind or don't want to. When people support these violent groups, well in my opinion they sort of lose the high moral ground.

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16 minutes ago, vogie said:

Nothing for you as I find your replies very patronising and very left wing. The left have only one opinion, their own, they will not listen to other peoples opinions as you well illustrate. If you cannot see what the antifa are really like you are either blind or don't want to. When people support these violent groups, well in my opinion they sort of lose the high moral ground.


It appears you can't see the forest for the trees...


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21 hours ago, iReason said:



"After walking onstage at the Phoenix Convention Center to “God Bless The U.S.A.” for what was, effectively, a 2020 campaign rally, Donald Trump repeatedly ditched his TelePrompTer and went off-script as he ranted about being mistreated by the media in the wake of Charlottesville, relentlessly attacked an array of enemies including both of Arizona’s Republican senators, and portrayed himself as the true victim of a violent clash between white supremacists and counter-protesters that left one woman dead."


"Journalists and other social media commentators watched, stunned, as he proceeded to spend the rest of his hourlong speech unloading on the mainstream press, praising a CNN pundit who was fired for tweeting a Nazi slogan, and re-litigating his entire response to Charlottesville, line by line, in what has become a hallmark of the Trump presidency: a full-on public meltdown."


"He proceeded to reread the statement he initially gave in response to the protest, conveniently leaving out the part where he blamed “both sides”—both white supremacists and the anti-racist counterprotesters—for the violence."




"conveniently leaving out the part where he blamed “both sides” :whistling:


An hour long pandering, rambling diatribe declaring what a victim the occupier of the White House is.

Truly an embarrassing, pathetic, self-absorbed display.




I finally got around to watching the whole performance, and it occurred to me: I wonder how many of his acolytes watching  him on CNN believed him when he said CNN wouldn't broadcast the rally?

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I finally got around to watching the whole performance, and it occurred to me: I wonder how many of his acolytes watching  him on CNN believed him when he said CNN wouldn't broadcast the rally?

Did CNN broadcast the whole rally or just the bits they wanted to?

Also, I don't think Trump is unpopular as CNN wants you to believe.

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