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Trump condemns 'hate' after protest violence in Virginia


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6 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


I think you mean to say;


"All of the alt-right in Charlottesville were Trump supporters" otherwise you're saying that more than half of the USA are alt-right.


Btw why has alt-right become the new term for far-right?? You realise that this is just the MSM's way of accusing internet trolls of being as bad as white supremacists, don't you?


And what does far-right mean now if alt-right covers all the racist ideologies of the right??


Just to cut down on the needless bickering and splitting hairs over terms, here's some information on the Alternative right or Alt-right:


The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loosely defined group of people with far-right ideologies who reject mainstream conservatism in favor of white nationalism. White supremacist[1]Richard Spencer initially promoted the term in 2010 in reference to a movement centered on white nationalism, and did so according to the Associated Press to disguise overt racism, white supremacism, and neo-Nazism.[2][3][4]


You can read more about it here, or at a number of other websites:



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On 8/30/2017 at 1:10 AM, iReason said:


Must be getting really desperate out there.

You have now devolved into having a conversation with yourself.

Very revealing.


"So as usual nobody is willing to discuss the content or the points I make"


Au contraire my disingenuous one.

You have not "discussed" any rebuttal I have presented to you on this entire thread.


Why is that? Trepidation?

Or, have you simply run out of repetitive alt-right platitudes?





Similar to another who posts here?    Tip....look close to home.   One TV member posted 13 consecutive posts on an anti Trump thread recently, and that WAS arguing with himself.

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Similar to another who posts here?    Tip....look close to home.   One TV member posted 13 consecutive posts on an anti Trump thread recently, and that WAS arguing with himself.

Was he an alt-left troll who I blocked about 2 weeks ago for posting nothing but dumb memes in this thread instead of anything to do with the topic??

I really hope he's been spending a lot of time replying to me without me noticing. That would be funny.
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5 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


Was he an alt-left troll who I blocked about 2 weeks ago for posting nothing but dumb memes in this thread instead of anything to do with the topic??

I really hope he's been spending a lot of time replying to me without me noticing. That would be funny.


You seem confused about the nature of the forum. It's not all about you. Other people will get to see those comments themselves and get to determine their validity.

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Far-Right conspiracy theorist, philanderer and convicted felon, Dinesh D’Souza schools Steve Bannon in his office along with Sebastion Gorka,  while hawking his debunked conspiracy theory book in the West Wing:


Even White Supremacist, Ethno-State advocate, Jason Kessler, organizer of the Virginia rally thinks he is a loon:


Dinesh D’Souza Pleads Guilty in Manhattan Federal Court to Campaign Finance Fraud



Dinesh D'Souza Still Popular Speaker After Controversy

"D'Souza stayed in the same hotel room with Denise Odie Joseph II during a Christian apologetics conference

in South Carolina in September."

"He also defended his relationship with Joseph, stating that they are not having an affair and maintaining that he was not aware that "it is considered wrong in Christian circles to be engaged prior to being divorced, even though in a state of separation and in divorce proceedings."

"Obviously I would not have introduced Denise as my fiancé at a Christian apologetics conference if I had thought or known I was doing something wrong," he argued."



Subsequently resigning the position of president at The King's College in disgrace.


Dreadful company in the White House.

Birds of a feather I reckon...

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"Baked Alaska", whose real name is Tim Treadstone (a.k.a. – Anthime Gionet), featured speaker and marcher,  at the "Unite the Right" rally in Virginia:


"Gionet "is known for his anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi tweets."


"He has published the "Fourteen Words," a neo-Nazi mantra, on his Twitter feed, "retweets videos of his friends saying that 'Hitler did nothing wrong,'" and is "even known for tweeting images of people in gas chambers."








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Richard Spencer, founder of the National Policy Institute and organizer of the "Unite the Right" rally in Virginia, calls for abolition of the Declaration of Independence:



"Richard Spencer’s clean-cut appearance conceals a radical white separatist whose goal is the establishment

of a white ethno-state in North America."


“Our dream is a new society, an ethno-state that would be a gathering point for all Europeans. It would be a new society based on very different ideals than, say, the Declaration of Independence."


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In his own words, prominent participant in the "Unite the Right" rally in Virginia;




"The destruction of states rights in the South was the first necessity leading to forced policies undermining

the cultural dominance of the Anglo-Celtic people and its institutions."


"Arch-segregationist Alabama Gov. George Wallace rightly identified the enemy and fought it until the attempt on his life in 1972."

"But our biggest problem—and one even Christian members within our own ranks refuse (or fear) to acknowledge— is the ‘Jewry’ problem."


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Featured speaker at the "Unite the Right" rally in Virginia:




“It’s about going to temple and saying that this is a violation of God’s law and creating a new homeland

for whites around the entire world.”


“We shouldn’t give up California just yet, because it truly is beautiful in terms of weather, but it’s full of Mexicans and that’s sort of a problem.”


“We are all comrades in the struggle against International Jewry and the Zionist State.”


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Prominent participant in the "Unite the Right" rally in Virginia and principal voice of the Alt-Right, white nationalist Mike Peinovich:




"In another piece titled, “The Pretense of Powerlessness: Knockout Edition,” Peinovich claims that so-called race realists rather than minority groups are the truly oppressed because they are ostracized for their racism."


"Peinovich is credited with creating the anti-Semitic (((echo))) meme that originates from the reverb effect applied when hosts of the Daily Shoah, mention Jewish individuals or institutions."


"Peinovich debuted as a leader of the Alt-Right with his appearance alongside Richard Spencer of AltRight.com and Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer, for “The First Triumvirate.”




This loon Peinovich, using aliases (common among these cowards), was doxed in January 2017.  His identifying personal information was exposed and it was revealed that he had been married to a Jewish woman for a decade.  It is unclear why she stayed with such a hate filled individual for so long.



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Featured speaker and prominent participant in the "Unite the Right" rally in Virginia, white nationalist Mike Peinovich:




In a June, 2016 interview with Red Ice Radio, Monoxide says he’s always been “red-pilled on the Jews,” explaining that Italians, especially those from the Northeast, have a “natural racism” toward Jewish people."


"Monoxide developed a minor criminal record while in Greenville, charges ranged from providing beer to someone under 21 to two counts of trafficking cocaine and three counts of minor narcotics possession."


"While each show centers on a topic ranging from his belief that the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School was a hoax to discussions of aliens, Monoxide never fails to devolve into a discussion of the JQ (Jewish Question) or racial inferiority of African Americans."





Electrician Working On New Van Ness Hospital Is 'No Longer Employed' After Being Outed As White Supremacist

"While IBEW Local Union No. 6 does not share the views and opinions expressed by John Ramondetta, we recognize that the Constitution of the United States allows him to express those views and opinions provided that he does so in accordance with the law."


"The authority of IBEW Local 6 to discipline or otherwise hold Mr. Ramondetta accountable does not extend to the expression of his views and opinions as an individual outside of the workplace."


"Union manager John Doherty added, "To be perfectly clear, IBEW Local Union No. 6 also condemns white nationalism and white supremacy."




This racist favors the common derogatory term used for black people.  Hence, I cannot post those quotes on this forum.




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11 hours ago, RobFord said:

Only a deeply disturbed individual would equate Antifa with the alt-right.

So, since 1990, the ratio of deaths caused by the far right versus antifa is 450 to 1.


"Only a deeply disturbed individual would equate Antifa with the alt-right."

I believe there is a simple explanation for that.

They are of the "alt-right". They are one of them.


I have flat out asked two posters, several times on this very thread; "Do you support White Supremacy and an Ethno-State?" Both refuse to answer.


On forums such as this, they spend their time deflecting, misdirecting and spreading misinformation.

While attempting to take the spotlight off their evil, hateful allegiances.


And, I'll take it a step further, where it belongs; As has been documented, movement leader Richard Spencer, the fervent White Supremacist and Ethno-State advocate, admits to coining the term "alt-right" to soften up public perception of his lot.  We need to continue to call them out for what they really are: Violent, Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist, Ethno-State advocating, Racist, Bigots.


Even though, they cowardly attempt to hide behind their self-fabricated label, they are easy to see. I, myself have fallen for that deceptively invented term.


No more.




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46 minutes ago, iReason said:


"Only a deeply disturbed individual would equate Antifa with the alt-right."

I believe there is a simple explanation for that.

They are of the "alt-right". They are one of them.


I have flat out asked two posters, several times on this very thread;

"Do you support White Supremacy and an Ethno-State?" Both refuse to answer.

On forums such as this, they spend their time deflecting, misdirecting and spreading misinformation.

While attempting to take the spotlight off their evil, hateful allegiances.


And, I'll take it a step further, where it belongs;

As has been documented, movement leader Richard Spencer, the fervent White Supremacist and Ethno-State advocate,

admits to coining the term "alt-right" to soften up public perception of his lot.

We need to continue to call them out for what they really are: Violent, Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist, Ethno-State advocating, Racist, Bigots.


Even though, they cowardly attempt to hide behind their self-fabricated label, they are easy to see.

I, myself have fallen for that deceptively invented term.


No more.





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I wonder if I was one of the posters that IReason is accusing of not answering him?

If so, it's because I had him on ignore since the first day I entered this thread because all he was doing was trolling and posting nothing but memes.

For the 20th time. I'm not alt right or support anything they do. Funny you all just keep throwing names around. "Everyone except us is a Nazi".
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10 hours ago, iReason said:


"Only a deeply disturbed individual would equate Antifa with the alt-right."

I believe there is a simple explanation for that.

They are of the "alt-right". They are one of them.


I have flat out asked two posters, several times on this very thread; "Do you support White Supremacy and an Ethno-State?" Both refuse to answer.


On forums such as this, they spend their time deflecting, misdirecting and spreading misinformation.

While attempting to take the spotlight off their evil, hateful allegiances.


And, I'll take it a step further, where it belongs; As has been documented, movement leader Richard Spencer, the fervent White Supremacist and Ethno-State advocate, admits to coining the term "alt-right" to soften up public perception of his lot.  We need to continue to call them out for what they really are: Violent, Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist, Ethno-State advocating, Racist, Bigots.


Even though, they cowardly attempt to hide behind their self-fabricated label, they are easy to see. I, myself have fallen for that deceptively invented term.


No more.




Not everyone's life revolves around TV or this thread. Step away, have a soapy and a cold beer. Or both at the same time.....up to you.

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Brief history of the white on black violence that is an erased part of US history.



But the effort is underway to face up to the full horror of racist terror, not justify it; to name racially motivated violence as such, not hide it; to mark down in disgrace the names of the perpetrators, not celebrate them; and to memorialize the victims, not erase their suffering. America, tragically, is over a century behind on its obligation to undertake the same reckoning. The horrific events of August provide an opportunity to get started.


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2 hours ago, JCauto said:

Nice work exposing KunMatt for the disingenuous troll that he is. The continuous deflections, the Alt-Right sourced fabrications, the repetitive lying about what we had claimed or said, the refusal to engage in actual discussion of the issues...I got bored of it but appreciate you not letting him off the hook.

On that theme, here is some clear thinking about the dangerous attempts to suggest a false EQUIVALENCY between antifa and white supremacists:





But it’s safe to say that most news consumers, if they know anything about antifa, know what the president has told them, and what they’ve gleaned from the club-wielding protesters shown endlessly on TV: that it’s roughly the left-wing equivalent of neo-Nazis and white supremacists.

That’s not only untrue, but it has the effect of tarring everyone who protests Trump, as well as those who peacefully march for climate-change awareness or rally against hate-mongering speakers such as Milo Yiannopoulos, the onetime Breitbart provocateur.

The best thing journalists can do is to relentlessly explain the beliefs, scope and scale of antifa, and to resist conflating it with liberal groups. And most important, to challenge politically motivated efforts to create a false equivalency between antifa and the rising tide of white supremacy. There is no comparison.




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Two researchers polled 447 neo-Nazis who self-identify as members of the “alt-right”.

In the article, their views :


Here are 7 things you need to know about the mindset of white supremacists


"The alt-right grew out of trollism, a culture that festered and grew in the bowels of 4chan and Reddit."


"For the record, despite the alt-right’s insistence that everyone should be proud and fight for their own rights,

alt-right members were less keen on the idea in practice."


"They were particularly likely to register opposition to Black Lives Matter, and to agree with the statement,

“I think BLM has been very harmful to our country.”


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The full analysis at link below :


A Psychological Profile of the Alt-Right

"The 2016 U.S. presidential election coincided with the rise the “alternative right” or “alt-right”."


"Although alt-right associates wield considerable influence on the current administration,

the movement’s loose organizational structure has led to disparate portrayals of its members’ psychology."


"Alt-right adherents were much more distrustful of the mainstream media and government; expressed higher Dark Triad traits, social dominance orientation, and authoritarianism; reported high levels of aggression; and exhibited extreme levels of overt intergroup bias, including blatant dehumanization of racial minorities."


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All their lingo here:


Alt-Right, Alt-Left, Antifa: A Glossary of Extremist Language



The “alt-right” is a racist, far-right movement based on an ideology of white nationalism and anti-Semitism.”


"The movement’s self-professed goal is the creation of a white state and the destruction of “leftism,”

which it calls “an ideology of death"



"Researchers who study extremist groups in the United States say there is no such thing as the “alt-left"; Mark Pitcavage an analyst at the Anti-Defamation League said the word had been made up to create

a false equivalence between the far right and “anything vaguely left-seeming that they didn’t like.”




The fourteen words from "Baked Alaska", featured speaker at the Virginia rally:


Edited by iReason
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The Toxic, Bullying Troll Culture Has Made Much of the Internet Dangerous;

Just Perfect for Donald Trump's Political Rise


"Examples of latter-day trolling might include putting up wantonly obtuse, logically circuitous, mind-blowingly stupid, off-topic or antagonistic messages (often dubbed “flaming”), crafted solely for the purpose of frustrating or otherwise irritating more sincere members of an online community."


"On Reddit and 4chan, particularly the latter’s anything-goes /b/ board, extreme racism and vicious misogyny flourished, with cruelty and abuse becoming key traits of the hivemind personality."


"Administrators at 4chan and Reddit responded to the explosion of hate speech and vitriol by doing absolutely nothing, then followed that up by turning their inaction into a policy of sorts, framing it as vague, overly simplistic advocacy for free speech."



And they are here. On ThaiVisa. Easily recognized by their one-dimensional tactics.  Expose them.

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On ‎01‎/‎09‎/‎2017 at 9:17 PM, KunMatt said:

More confirmation about the terrorists you support and defend in this thread ;

"Federal authorities have been warning state and local officials since early 2016 that leftist extremists known as “antifa” had become increasingly confrontational and dangerous, so much so that the Department of Homeland Security formally classified their activities as “domestic terrorist violence,” according to interviews and confidential law enforcement documents obtained by POLITICO."


"Five absurd attempts to equate right-wing terrorists with left-wing groups.. Sure, the cancer was aggressive. But the chemotherapy was also very aggressive. There was aggression on both sides.” —Elan Gale. "It would be absurd to pretend members of antifa don’t engage in violence. But when was the last time you heard about the Klan handing out food to poor people or the alt-right setting up education programs for at-risk kids? You haven’t, ever, and if you decide to wait for such an event to take place, you should probably get your affairs in order first."



Edited by Opl
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1 hour ago, Opl said:

"Five absurd attempts to equate right-wing terrorists with left-wing groups.. Sure, the cancer was aggressive. But the chemotherapy was also very aggressive. There was aggression on both sides.” —Elan Gale. "It would be absurd to pretend members of antifa don’t engage in violence. But when was the last time you heard about the Klan handing out food to poor people or the alt-right setting up education programs for at-risk kids? You haven’t, ever, and if you decide to wait for such an event to take place, you should probably get your affairs in order first."



If the Klan handed out food to only white kids? What would be said?

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