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Premier’s denial of missile purchase from US called ‘misunderstanding’


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It’s nothing new. I just couldn’t remember everything,” the premier said.


The US Defence Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) last week notified Congress on Thailand’s requested purchase of the anti-ship missiles worth Bt 827.7 million..


Fk me dead and he's in charge of Thailand's defence????// $30 million au missile 's being  Bt 827.7 million assuming that's the cost for a few. Good luck Thailand in a real World War or invasion because I as an Australian will no longer be there to protect you, Especially after how much Australia helped you in WWII with the Japs with no thanks.

Edited by wavemanwww
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" Prayut, meanwhile, said that the military budget needs to be higher because previous governments did not pay enough attention to national defence. "


Didn't Yingluck's government increase military spending in a futile attempt to keep Prayut onside?

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Chair' P has misunderstood that you cannot walk away from military kit procurement contracts signed up for by you're predecessor unless you want the mother of all C C J's put against the Kingdom's credit rating .. For they are the hallmarks on this .. That the sale of these things is still to be blessed by U S congress may heap abit more embarrassments on Chair ' P yet .. The ship in question appears to be the one YinShin signed the H P form's for 2013 and has been built in S Korea .. It was designed/built with accepting American or European weaponry in mind from that start as S Korea is big buddies with the West .. Would it come as a suprise to know that Chair' P looked to China for alternative missiles only to find that trying to retro fit Chinese wouldn't be easy even if you could wriggle out of these contracts .. Therefore a face saving excuse had to be found hence the " misunderstanding " .. :smile:

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“We need a budget to buy and fix [military hardware] to protect our land and maritime resources, facilitate disaster relief and for military training purposes,” he said.

Is there also a budget for sewage treatment plants, wastewater treatment and sustainable waste disposal,
..... to protect land and maritime resources?

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11 minutes ago, chickenslegs said:

Does the USA have no rules against selling military hardware to a Junta?


(rhetorical question)


Depends who the Junta is .. :smile:

Though if you look back to 2014 Obama's administration did draw down some military assistance but not particularly severely .. This missile procurement getting the green light from the U S Congress is by no means guaranteed and then the " face " thing they have here will be surely tested .. 

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5 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

“We need a budget to buy and fix [military hardware] to protect our land and maritime resources, facilitate disaster relief and for military training purposes,” he said.

Is there also a budget for sewage treatment plants, wastewater treatment and sustainable waste disposal,
..... to protect land and maritime resources?

Maybe doesn't give a shit ?

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