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Brexit talks on future UK-EU relationship likely delayed to December - Sky News


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44 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Thank you for your well balanced response and I apologise if my post appeared aggressive.  You have made your position clear and that seems to be that although you do not expect anything to be achieved by way of negotiation by the Brexit team you still think that it is the right thing to leave.  I respect that as you have obviously given this a lot of thought. 


The reason I am wittering on about a second referendum is two fold.  Firstly I think it is only fair that because the public were lied to (by both sides I know), that must mean that they voted based on untruths.  Now it is clear that they were lies and leaving the EU (which is badly flawed I agree) and that the things they actually voted for will not be achieved, shouldn't they have a chance to vote again with hindsight.  Secondly if the negotiations go ahead with no positive results (which is highly likely) then parliament will simply vote and Brexit is likely to collapse.  A second vote would therefore indicate whether the public, who the MP's represent are still in favour of Brexit.


In other words it is the will of the people that matters here  but it must be an informed public that defines that will and not one that has been hoodwinked. I stood in the voting booth for ten minutes before putting my cross on remain because I too believed some of the leave rhetoric.  It was a close call in the end.  However since then and now that I can see the lies and bullsh*t we were fed I am angry and feel cheated by the result. 

Thanks. No apology necessary even if the offer is kind (and rare). You are certainly not aggressive, unlike several regulars on here. I would call your feeling passionate!  I'm sorry that you feel cheated by the result but if you voted leave I obviously think that you did the right thing! The lies and promises were made by both sides and that's why I think that everyone should call it 50/50 on that score and discount them, as I did. I didn't listen to much of the campaign verbal to be honest and I don't think that's why most of the leave folk voted out. I believe that the majority of leavers, too, had decided how they would vote way ahead of the campaign rubbish.


Do you want a second referendum and a second parliamentary vote! You are hungry! Well, Christmas is coming!


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36 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Yes, the heart of democracy is not being able to change your mind.

This is the top hit on Merriam Webster which confirms the normal definition of democracy?:


1a :  government by the people; especially :  rule of the majority


1b :  a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

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On 8/17/2017 at 10:26 PM, dunroaming said:

The miracle would be for the people to be allowed a second vote on Brexit.  The result would show an overwhelming "scrap it"..  I am sure the Brexit boys will say it would strengthen the leave vote so let's give it a go and see!

A second vote, EU democracy at it's best!

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