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SURVEY: What is the most serious problem facing the international community?


SURVEY: Which do you think is the most serious situation facing the international community?  

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22 minutes ago, cncltd1973 said:

Maybe I should give up already, but I'm still waiting for the correlation between belief in science, migration, and abstract thought.

Like my math teacher said, show your work and not just the answer. Otherwise how do we know how you got there?

Think Dunning-Kruger.

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5 hours ago, MW72 said:

I don't see Religion as a choice. Currently the biggest contributor to terrorism which leads to increases in migration & nationalism. It's bad enough having Kim and Trump with their fingers on the button. Can you imagine some death cult fanatic, desperate to bring on the end of the world, getting his hands on nukes? That applies to nut jobs in all 3 Abrahamic religions. The youngest one is in the spotlight now but there are people from all 3 who want nothing more than to bring on the apocalypse. They can't wait for it. So sure are they that their place in heaven is already reserved.

I tend to agree. 

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take the Nazi's for instance. or racists.

they believe some people are better.  than others.

Chomsky says the language capacity is what makes us human.  we all have it.  it is NOT something you can have more of than someone else. and it MUST be a simple thing.... otherwise it would not have happened so quickly in our evolutionary history... but it did.  VERY QUICKLY... and many people believe that THAT was a sign of GOD.

Chomsky says no.... it is a capacity we inherit.... all of us...  

and THAT also puts the Nazi's out of business.  and racists.

I like Chomsky's theory.  he is an optimist unlike Steven Pinker who is the other Boston cognitive scientist in this area.

Amercians tend to have a racism issue... and deny (sic) Climate Change... and those same folks are heavily correlated with Christians or "Christian thought" at the minimum.

Chomsky is the opposite of a Pope.


Noam Chomsky..... still alive and kicking.. even older than Jimmy Carter.

If there is a God... then God Bless Jimmy Carter and Noam Chomsky.  my heroes.


and Climate Change = mass migrations...  and is a really big threat (this post thread).


Edited by maewang99
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The biggest threat to the world right now is facism parading as liberalism. The shutting down of real debate, thought police trying to tell people what they should think and accusing people of being 'nazis' if they think another way.


This poll is a good example liberal think. Either intentionally or because this narrative has been pushed so hard by the media. It seems intentionally created to push the thread in a specific direction. Division along racial lines. 


Item 1 - bring immigration into it, so you can call people 'nazis' when they oppose it

Item 2 - non issue

Item 3 - a threat to individuals but not the international community

Item 4 - effectively the same as item 1. 


Think about it - with all the potential issues in the world - climate change, over population, running out of resources, a meteor strike, radiation from Fujushima - how on earth can 2 of the items from a list of 4 be so similar?  50% of the choices are effectively the same. 


This is divisiveness. Pushing the narrative along racial lines. It has the chance to split the USA right now. There are no real racists but the alt-left is in a real hurry to create them.


Of course - if I am right - then discussion of this aspect of the poll will not be allowed. Hopefully, we can have discourse on why half the options are about a specific topic that's been in the news ala Charlottsville recently.

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take the Nazi's for instance. or racists.

they believe some people are better.  than others.

Chomsky says the language capacity is what makes us human.  we all have it.  it is NOT something you can have more of than someone else. and it MUST be a simple thing.... otherwise it would not have happened so quickly in our evolutionary history... but it did.  VERY QUICKLY... and many people believe that THAT was a sign of GOD.

Chomsky says no.... it is a capacity we inherit.... all of us...  

and THAT also puts the Nazi's out of business.  and racists.

I like Chomsky's theory.  he is an optimist unlike Steven Pinker who is the other Boston cognitive scientist in this area.

Amercians tend to have a racism issue... and deny (sic) Climate Change... and those same folks are heavily correlated with Christians or "Christian thought" at the minimum.

Chomsky is the opposite of a Pope.
Noam Chomsky..... still alive and kicking.. even older than Jimmy Carter.

If there is a God... then God Bless Jimmy Carter and Noam Chomsky.  my heroes.
and Climate Change = mass migrations...  and is a really big threat (this post thread).


Take the Nazis.

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part of the problem is making sure any post is related directly to the topic...

or you are off topic and get deleted....

Migration because of Climate Change:

at some time about 150,000 year ago we know something happened suddenly to create our species.  it happened in a flash.. not over thousand of years but very quickly. boom. civilization. Neanderthals out. Sapiens rule.  

some say a sign of God.

Chomsky says it was a capacity for language and to think in the abstract.

1. every human has this capacity.  no one has MORE of it than another person does.... i.e. no matter what your skin color is or where you went to school.... yet it also makes us VERY different from all other primates and animals.  = racism is false.

2. if it was not a sudden event by action of a divine power..... then we better be damn sure we don't mess up our planet because there ain't no Big Daddy in the Sky.... = mass migrations of hundreds of millions of people... becau eof CLimjate Chage. and soon . not 2100. 

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4 hours ago, Mac98 said:

Wealth disparity. Capitalism is fine, but unchecked it is bound to all end up at the top. Teddy Roosevelt understood this. Pay a decent wage for a decent day's work. Demanding more for your time and effort, like selling for the highest price, is not socialism. Greed at the top and poverty for most breeds revolution. I prefer a quiet night at the pub.

I agree, many in the USA speak of the capitalist society being so great. However, the society is no longer capitalist but more like a plutocracy or at best crony capitalism. 

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36 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Joking right? As pointed out on Real Time trump being elected is proof the illuminati does not exist.

No, only that you misunderstand their goals. It is entirely possible that this cycle of US politics is centered around triggering the left into anarchy and violence.

Signs of this would be having people unable to make a post with including Trump, having Trump as an avatar, or maybe even a new Trump avatar everyday for months on end. And of course stuff like Antifa thinking they have moral authority to shut down people exercising their constitutional rights. Having Trump in the White house is a powerful catalyst for all the subliminal cultural Marxism that has been poured into people for decades.


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32 minutes ago, maewang99 said:

take the Nazi's for instance. or racists.

they believe some people are better.  than others.

Chomsky says the language capacity is what makes us human.  we all have it.  it is NOT something you can have more of than someone else. and it MUST be a simple thing.... otherwise it would not have happened so quickly in our evolutionary history... but it did.  VERY QUICKLY... and many people believe that THAT was a sign of GOD.

Chomsky says no.... it is a capacity we inherit.... all of us...  

and THAT also puts the Nazi's out of business.  and racists.

I like Chomsky's theory.  he is an optimist unlike Steven Pinker who is the other Boston cognitive scientist in this area.

Amercians tend to have a racism issue... and deny (sic) Climate Change... and those same folks are heavily correlated with Christians or "Christian thought" at the minimum.

Chomsky is the opposite of a Pope.


Noam Chomsky..... still alive and kicking.. even older than Jimmy Carter.

If there is a God... then God Bless Jimmy Carter and Noam Chomsky.  my heroes.


and Climate Change = mass migrations...  and is a really big threat (this post thread).


Chomsky thinks you should use Twitter.

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No, only that you misunderstand their goals. It is entirely possible that this cycle of US politics is centered around triggering the left into anarchy and violence.
Signs of this would be having people unable to make a post with including Trump, having Trump as an avatar, or maybe even a new Trump avatar everyday for months on end. And of course stuff like Antifa thinking they have moral authority to shut down people exercising their constitutional rights. Having Trump in the White house is a powerful catalyst for all the subliminal cultural Marxism that has been poured into people for decades.

Bizarre conspiracy theory.

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5 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

Illegal migration is the biggest problem not because of the people but more of what the people in a lot of cases bring, Drugs, terrorism, Sharia law.  It is as one poster said a lot of the Me me generation.


I can remember when immigration was a good thing because the immigrants wanted to come to Canada and the US and were willing to become Canadian citizens and agreed to the laws of the land and did not try to change them.   


It is also this PC BS culture where you can not tell someone what you think.

The problem with immigration is seldom importing drugs, terrorism, or (lol) sharia law. Most immigrants are running from such things. 


As far as PC BS no one has limited telling a person what you think, however it has made it difficult to use ignorant hateful terminology such as the term ni**er. An intelligent person can make a hateful statement without using hateful terminology. 

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the international community

Community?  What does "international community" even mean?  Do you just mean everyone on earth or selected groups with some shared interests? 


I would think most of the problems arise from a lack of community and a desire to get "our" way and eliminate "their" way, where "our" and "their" have many different meanings ... which amplifies the fact that there is no international community but a collection of people with disparate goals that generate conflict.




1A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.
‘Montreal's Italian community’
‘the gay community in London’
‘the scientific community’

1.1 A group of people living together and practising common ownership.
‘a community of nuns’

1.2 A particular area or place considered together with its inhabitants.
‘a rural community’
‘local communities’

1.3 A body of nations or states unified by common interests.
in names ‘the European Community’

1.4the community The people of a district or country considered collectively, especially in the context of social values and responsibilities; society.



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3 minutes ago, Grumpy Duck said:

The problem with immigration is seldom importing drugs, terrorism, or (lol) sharia law. Most immigrants are running from such things. 


As far as PC BS no one has limited telling a person what you think, however it has made it difficult to use ignorant hateful terminology such as the term ni**er. An intelligent person can make a hateful statement without using hateful terminology. 

I agree with you that immigrants often escape the restricted life, they had in their countries of origin. They are mostly not the threat for the society. 

I don't agree with the freedom of expression. I think we all must be able to say what we think, regardless how stupid our ideas might sound for others right now. 

There was a section, what sciences are, on this topic. Free speech is the same thing. We all have to be able to say our thoughts. The stupid ideas will be shut down by counter ideas and then the situation is settled, at least for a moment.


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1 hour ago, oilinki said:

Silly laidback philosophy, my favourite subject. :)


You need to doubt the science constantly to believe the results it provide are correct. That's how the sciences work. I'm 99.9% sure, no real scientists is 100% sure of anything. In sciences there is no such thing as certainty. There are just degrees of certainties, which always leave the door open for other possibilities. 

Fully agree. Science is based on theories which are open to modification/refutation at all times based on new evidence. Formerly accepted theories/principles are constantly being challenged and overturned. That is why the field is so exciting and rewarding.

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26 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Bizarre conspiracy theory.


Sad? in my humble opinion its sad so many folks remain sheep, no matter what! just my opinion, which you will doubtless cast aside as being worthless as it doesn't agree with your well thought out POV :shock1:

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Not at all !! Your view is highly valid. For example, in Thailand, the poor education system (planned as such?) and traditional respect for elders (or youngers if they are better educated) restrains the grass root masses "in their place".  They are powerless and just accept it. [if a nail sticks up, hammer it and hammer it down mercilessly .... Chairman Mao]. 



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2 hours ago, mikebike said:

Hahahahaha funniest post I have read today! +1!!

Yet it is true.


Racists are a statistically insignificant percentage of the population. They do not exist in real terms.


Of course, the alt-left label anyone with white skin a racist. I'd call them racists because they target the white race - but they aren't really. They are just misled and most will grow out of it.

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30 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

The Second Law of Thermodynamics.


Someone has been awake during their physics lessons. Big props for that!



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28 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:

Yet it is true.


Racists are a statistically insignificant percentage of the population. They do not exist in real terms.


Of course, the alt-left label anyone with white skin a racist. I'd call them racists because they target the white race - but they aren't really. They are just misled and most will grow out of it.



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25 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

He could have just said entropy

He didn't have to. 

Did you understood what it means in this thread?

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