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Testosterone Gel


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Search for tribulus terrestris on eBay there are a few Thai sellers
It's stimulates the body to make its own rather than replaced and food it with artificial. They body will just stop making its own and you'll get dependant on the artificial.

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See a urologist first - especially if you have an enlarged prostate, higher than normal PSA, etc. And yes, get a testosterone blood test first - as well as a PSA.


A friend in the USA was using testosterone unsupervised. He wasn't feeling well, went to see the urologist and after some testing and a biopsy, he had prostate cancer. The doctor said the testosterone he was using was feeding the cancer and an entire 1/2 of his prostate was malignant. Besides radiation, etc. he had to have about 6 injections to stop the production of testosterone which he said caused severe depression, impotence for 18 months, and significant weight gain.


Don't fool around with testosterone unsupervised.


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There was a medical study in the US published last year that the testo gel is useless. You can get shots for cheap in Chiang Mai. GO to station 2 at Ram Hospital and ask for an appointment with the endocrinologist.

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30 minutes ago, Rama said:

There was a medical study in the US published last year that the testo gel is useless. You can get shots for cheap in Chiang Mai. GO to station 2 at Ram Hospital and ask for an appointment with the endocrinologist.

The results of the JAMA study were actually mixed:



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Has anyone tried to help you with making dietary and natural changes for your T issues?


Here's a couple things that may actually change your life


1.) Cut out all processed foods, easy starches, high sugar, anything that will spike your insulin
Insulin likes to hang out with Estrogen, will reduce your T

2.) Stop eating Soy or anything with Soy or Soy derivatives in it
Soy mimics estrogen, will reduce your T
3.) Try out intermittent fasting for a month and see how you feel.
Proven to increase HGH & T without the use of drugs or medicine in the hundreds of %
4.) Check your Boron intake.  Moderate uptake in dietary Boron has been shown to 'Unlock' free testosterone
Its not the amount of T, its the 'free T'


Highly recommend you spend a few hours researching each of these points and learn what you can on your own.  There's a heap of good stuff on the internet and on youtube.


May also want to read up on something called DIMM - Lots of DIMM in Bok Choy (basically limits the bad estrogen, helps create more of the good)




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4 hours ago, STUDMEYER said:

There's a heap of good stuff on the internet and on youtube.


There's an even bigger heap of bull stuff on the internet and youtube. 


And yes, it may actually change your life.  Be careful out there. 

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15 hours ago, Brightly said:

That popular pharmacy (can't remember name) on Ratchadamnern Road.  Walking away from the Gate, it will be 1/2 block down on left.  It's tiled in blue on outside.


They have T-gel for sure, but it is expensive.

Peera Pharamacy?  If  you put it on your hair and it stands up too, its probably worth it:smile:

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