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They’re heroes! Foreign tourists praised for rescuing Thai family after car plunges into Chiang Mai moat


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They’re heroes! Foreign tourists praised for rescuing Thai family after car plunges into Chiang Mai moat



Picture: Tungmayy May Facebook


CHIANG MAI: -- Two foreign tourists were hailed as heroes this weekend after they dived into the moat in Chiang Mai to rescue three people who were trapped inside a car.


The incident happened at Manee Nopparat Road and is believed to have occurred when the woman driving the white Toyota Vios mistakenly hit the accelerator instead of the brake which sent the vehicle plunging into the moat.


Inside the car the were a husband and wife and their son.



Witnessing the incident were the two foreign tourists whose identities have not been reported.


Faced with an agonizing race against time to save the trio, the foreign man and woman jumped into the water and rescued them from the sinking vehicle.


Photos of the incident, which took place on Saturday evening, were posted to Facebook by user Tungmayy May, who hailed the foreign couple as heroes.


The post has been shared more than 10,000 times.


Footage of the vehicle being rescued was posted online by One News.

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-08-21
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It seems that driving into the moat at Chiang Mai is almost becoming a national hobby. Fair play to the tourists who jumped in to assist though. Helping in these situations is one of the benefits of actually being able to swim, something most of us take for granted, but many of the locals can't do.

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Kudos to the guy & gal.......................:thumbsup:


It really is a pleasure to read that there are still people about that are willing unselfishly to do what is necessary to save life while putting their own lives at risk.


On an off-note I also spare a thought for the unsung heroes of the emergency services who do this sort of thing every day, everywhere.

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17 minutes ago, Dobredin Ghusputin said:


Automatic transmission, and using both feet?

How does one manage to kick the right foot off the gas pedal to get their left foot on it? I'd be more inclined to see the lack of coordination between the right and left side of the brain as the cause

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--"Accidentally hit the gas instead of the break... "  ---


Yup - it's time for Self-Driving cars .

People freaked out when "automatic elevators" without operators were first introduced .

But we got used to them.  Same same only different :) 


Kudos to the fast thinking & selfless rescuers


Image result for self drive cars

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In over 40 years of driving and covering more than a million miles I have yet to "mistake" the accelerator pedal for a brake one. Admittedly, I've never driven in Chiang Mai, so that's my next holiday challenge!

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3 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:

The world needs more hero's :)

Good on them.... 

Actually, the world doesn't need heros.  It needs more people who are will to get off there dead butts and assist those who are in peril.  

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