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Thailand's former PM Yingluck fled to Dubai - senior party members


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8 minutes ago, Xobtsiwt said:

Quite why anyone expects any Western logic in Thailand is beyond me. This is, after all, the country in which the favourite local beer, Leo, sports a picture of a tiger on its label.


Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


Erm... it's a leopard.

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25 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

"Deputy national police chief General Srivara Rangsibrahmanakul said police had no record of Yingluck leaving the country and where following developments closely."


The Royal McDonalds Thai police couldn't find her if she was panhandling in the streets of Bangkok wearing an orange jumpsuit and singing "Vamos a la Playa".

Surely his announcement is just to protect himself and his men- she did not slip between our official fingers.

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Thai social media is suggesting that she slipped over the border into Cambodia from Trat. There is plenty of cross-border trading going on there, probably don't even need a passport to go back and forth. 


If she did travel by land as opposed to a small plane, and a Thai immigration officer down there did look at the passport, and it had the correct name on it, the thought that the name sounded familiar might have kept him awake for at least 4 seconds. If that was long enough for him to make the connection, a large envelope stuffed full of baht would have eased his conscience.


She's gone and she ain't coming back. Who's next in line in the Shinawatra family?



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6 hours ago, verticalift said:

Maybe have a look for her  at the Burj Khalifa in Dubai where Taksin owns one of the upper floors. My wife, who is from Buri Ram and I, were staying at the Burj Khalifa a few years ago when we bumped into Taksin and his wife in...... of all places, the bar. Go figure.......


I figure they were there for a drink, same as you and your wife.

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1 minute ago, RickBradford said:

Thai social media is suggesting that she slipped over the border into Cambodia from Trat. There is plenty of cross-border trading going on there, probably don't even need a passport to go back and forth. 


If she did travel by land as opposed to a small plane, and a Thai immigration officer down there did look at the passport, and it had the correct name on it, the thought that the name sounded familiar might have kept him awake for at least 4 seconds. If that was long enough for him to make the connection, a large envelope stuffed full of baht would have eased his conscience.


She's gone and she ain't coming back. Who's next in line in the Shinawatra family?



Yep easy one that??


They will be back in time the country will need them as this lot will have it bankrupt and fighting within the next 5 years and the way its going some may end up the a court in Europe.

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10 hours ago, seajae said:

the only ones that flee are the criminal elements that are guilty and do not want to be locked up, has nothing to do with being innocent. This was all about money and jail time, she is the same as thaksin, think they are above the law and will never accept any guilt for what they have done, can only hope karma gets both of them

But just like prostitution, corruption and nepotism are ingrained in Thai culture. Im not saying its right but thats how it works here. Maybe the Thaksins  were just too greedy.

Edited by SunsetT
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2 hours ago, TheFishman1 said:

Question so if they had her passport How see get into Singapore?

She has simply changed the plane on the airfield for private jets in Singapore. Todo that, she did not have to officially enter Singapore.


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lives on BS, peddles it every day happy days wait and see.




Hope she is safe and well and enjoying the day, go shopping girl and you will not have to look over your shoulder. You did the best for your Majority of people now they have to step up to the plate and take over the mantra.


Hey some on here cannot even spell her name its Yingluck not Yingluk

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30 minutes ago, halloween said:

Hey Yingluk, was it worth it? Was you couple of years in the spotlight worth the rest of your life in exile?

Depends how much "dosh" she accumulated and took with her I suppose! Probably quite a bit if she can afford to forget about the bail money she knowingly forfeited!

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Supposedly she drove to koh Chang Helicopter to Cambodia then a private jet to Dubai 

As Joe cocker said 

Need a little from my friends 

Its a joke if you have money you above the law here  do what you want when you want 

And it's the dumb <deleted>... Like us that obey the law not them 

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She was an elected Prime Minister ousted by a military coup, then put on trial by the same military......and would probably have been railroaded and found guilty by this same military. If it was me I would be long gone. This is not justice at all, but a lynching. Happy she left. Funny how they can put her on trial, but Red Bull boy cannot be found or put on trial, and he murdered a policeman while drunk with his Ferrari. Double standard.

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Let's be honest with ourselves, if Thailand were actually a land where justice and morals were applied fairly and consistently, or at all for that matter, none of us would probably be here. On average, we all benefit handsomely and often from the relativistic application of law and morality here in Thailand.

I for one am thoroughly enjoying the season finale to Thai Justice Theatre, what a twist!

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming of Thai Democracy/Security Theatre....

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3 hours ago, halloween said:

You recall him starting politics already a billionaire, with money stolen from the Thai people.  Why don't you recall where those billions came from?


He was born into one of the richest families in Northern Thailand, his mother a princess, his ventures while in the police all failed and left him in debt, he was later granted a monopoly on a telecommunications business from a friend in politics which become AIS and obviously was massively successful.  Sure, his success was bolstered by nepotism and cronyism, but when did he steal money from the Thai people, what are you referring to?

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11 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

Good for her!


All through history people have fled when confronted with unfair persecution.


The interesting question is whether she will be activating her FB account...

Unfair persecution... what world are you living in?

She cost Thailand billions of baht just to buy votes to keep the family in power....

she bought rice at above market price to buy votes to keep her party in power

hoping that that would work they could then cover up the huge losses, but it all fell apart

she got caught out, the huge losses revealed to those who wish to acknowledge the deceipt

she got taken to court for the criminal acts she preformed & did a runner just like her criminal brother

she said she cared for the poor rice farmers, <deleted> she cared only for herself & her own wealth

when near sentencing she knew she was guilty & ran abroad leaving her so called northern farmer brethren on their own just like her brother did to fend for themselves while they live in luxury !!

When will the blind red followers see the truth !!!!!

She will be supping wine tonight & the best foods available while her so called rice farmer brothers & sisters will be eating scraps.... open your eyes to the truth!!!!!



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26 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Unfair persecution... what world are you living in?

She cost Thailand billions of baht just to buy votes to keep the family in power....

she bought rice at above market price to buy votes to keep her party in power

hoping that that would work they could then cover up the huge losses, but it all fell apart

she got caught out, the huge losses revealed to those who wish to acknowledge the deceipt

she got taken to court for the criminal acts she preformed & did a runner just like her criminal brother

she said she cared for the poor rice farmers, <deleted> she cared only for herself & her own wealth

when near sentencing she knew she was guilty & ran abroad leaving her so called northern farmer brethren on their own just like her brother did to fend for themselves while they live in luxury !!

When will the blind red followers see the truth !!!!!

She will be supping wine tonight & the best foods available while her so called rice farmer brothers & sisters will be eating scraps.... open your eyes to the truth!!!!!



I certainly hope the current government are aware that the rice farmers are currently 'eating scraps' and continue to work to remedy the situation.

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25 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


He was born into one of the richest families in Northern Thailand, his mother a princess, his ventures while in the police all failed and left him in debt, he was later granted a monopoly on a telecommunications business from a friend in politics which become AIS and obviously was massively successful.  Sure, his success was bolstered by nepotism and cronyism, but when did he steal money from the Thai people, what are you referring to?

Well you skipped the corrupt computer contract and went straight to "granted a monopoly" like that happens every day, without corruption and bribes. Well done. Now if you accept that there was corruption involved, rather than being kissed by the Lucky Fairy, then look at the overcharging and over-pricing for handsets, you might get an idea what I am calling theft. 

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Just now, 473geo said:

I certainly hope the current government are aware that the rice farmers are currently 'eating scraps' and continue to work to remedy the situation.

So no second dog for you? How much of the low price for rice do you attribute to the selling of the stockpile you applauded being compiled?

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7 hours ago, stephen tracy said:

All throughout history the ignorant have passed judgement on issues they have little comprehension of.  This is because the ignorant are easy to manipulate.  Anyone who blindly supports one side of Thailand's "political" divide, is clearly ignorant.  Neither side is worthy of support. 

Well said.

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1 minute ago, halloween said:

So no second dog for you? How much of the low price for rice do you attribute to the selling of the stockpile you applauded being compiled?

Rice price was reasonable last year in comparison to the market, but always room for an increase :smile:

Obviously not reasonable enough for those 'eating scraps' right now so something needs to be done right? I hope the government are taking note



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1 hour ago, Mansell said:

She was an elected Prime Minister ousted by a military coup, then put on trial by the same military......and would probably have been railroaded and found guilty by this same military. If it was me I would be long gone. This is not justice at all, but a lynching. Happy she left. Funny how they can put her on trial, but Red Bull boy cannot be found or put on trial, and he murdered a policeman while drunk with his Ferrari. Double standard.

You missed a bit in your time line. Yingluk was no longer PM at the time of the coup, having been dismissed for trying to stack the RTP, a Shin SOP.


" On 7 May 2014, the Constitutional Court unanimously dismissed Yingluck from office in consequence of the unconstitutional transfer of a top security officer, Thawil Pliensri, as National Security Council secretary-general in 2011. Thawil was removed from the post in September 2011, paving the way for then police chief Pol Gen Wichean to replace him. Pol Gen Priewpan Damapong, the brother of the former wife of Yingluck's brother Thaksin, succeeded Pol Gen Wichean as police chief. "  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yingluck_Shinawatra#2014_corruption_investigation

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11 hours ago, delphioracle said:

Just a couple or so questions .


How many of you are actually Thai citizens and why are you here as opposed to your country of birth.


I am her because it is my home country and I lived or rather survived the Thaksin  regimes, the drugs war disappearing lawyers  and  court case witnesses hostile to the Thakin's and their regime, press repression Red Shirt urban terrorism, rioting,  arson and pillage etc as well as the disproved  blow my air-plane up  story  which Boeing scotched by explaining the truth of the issue, 


We have had some three years of a peaceful society, even  in Isaan where I and my  family hail from the folks there are not so worried about the current administration.


The current situation may well be to some not ideal.  But it is working in its own unique Asian way.


The road to democracy  especially  Asian style democracy is a slow one.Look how long it has taken Singapore to achieve the  level of democracy it shows to the outside world.


Let me see, England's Magna  Carta, 1000 or so years old  but still learning curves are being  navigated. 



Thank you very much for posting this, i found your post both enlightening and disheartening at the same time, to see somebody that calls thailand his home applaud the current situation thailand is in.

Not sure what makes you think that people like yourself and those around you should be overruled by those more powerful than you without any input whatsoever from the general public, but i have a feeling that you value your contribution to thai society very low.

It is, in fact, nil under the current regime and will remain so for a very long time.

Trust me, i have a moderate understanding of your situation because i am the father of two farang-thai children like yourself, whom i am in the process of moving to Europe as i type this. If either of them at some point in the future had expressed opinions like yourself i would have considered myself a failure as a father.

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