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Thailand's former PM Yingluck fled to Dubai - senior party members


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There are some ill-informed, ignorant comments on here, especially two of the first four posters. The charges and whole charade was politically orchestrated to remove two leaders who are too popular with the masses from the political scene so the establishment can continue to have their own way. 

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3 hours ago, z42 said:

So many detractors of the current regime seem to think their blatant corruption and outright criminal behaviour makes Tingluck some kind of heroine.

It simply doesn't stack up imho, she was negligent in performing the role of PM and was little more than a puppet for her criminal brother Thaksin.

The fact she ran says a lot about her moral courage. On more than 1 occasion she claimed she would be ready to die for democracy, yet at the first sign of a major hurdle she bolted off to join her criminal brother.


The disgusting nature of Prayuth's govt is undeniable. However YS has shown her true colours here. 

Thailand has some wonderful young figures such as Netiwit, Ja new, Pai Dao Din and others.. What potential Thailand could meet if people like that got a real platform to make a difference. The shin rein is over, but a whole population will now be looking for new faces. I would prefer to be hopeful than cynical for the next chapter

Love this post.

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3 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

Good for her!


All through history people have fled when confronted with unfair persecution.


The interesting question is whether she will be activating her FB account...

I agree with this post 1000 %.

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No Thai I have spoken to was surprised that Yingluck fled rather than spend years in jail like the others will - and become a symbol for her supporters just like Anwar in Malaysia.


While I have no insight - tactically it would also make sense for the PM to 'allow' her to flee - (a) by fleeing she is breaking the law so she is already 'wrong' and (b) she now is a wanted person like her brother and (c) she is not a martyr / symbol in jail for her supporters. It all makes sense why/how she could presumably get on a private jet and leave for Cambodia or wherever with no one from Immigration getting any heat from the PM! 

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2 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


Buying things from farmers for more than they are worth happens all over the world, opposition parties may like to criticise it by calling it populism but other praise it for how it keeps the vital farmers afloat.  The EU does it in the form of subsidies, one in five of the biggest subsidies going to someone on the Times rich list.  Anyway, did Thaksin line his pockets with billions?  I recall him starting politics already a billionaire, an attempted confiscation and the courts giving him back his money that turned out to have been his all along!

Difference being, most voters in the EU aren't poor farmers being offered double the market price for their one and only crop.  Comparing Thailand's socioeconomic situation to that of members of the EU may be where your analysis begins to go wrong.


Also, some folks may find it illuminating to read a biography of Mr. T in order to better understand the origins of his wealth and the particulars of his administration.

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1 hour ago, jesimps said:

Many millions of Thai people who voted for her would disagree strongly with you, and after all, they're the ones who SHOULD count in a democracy.

If she was allowed to run for PM tomorrow she would be re-elected and the sad current military regime know that.


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Maybe have a look for her  at the Burj Khalifa in Dubai where Taksin owns one of the upper floors. My wife, who is from Buri Ram and I, were staying at the Burj Khalifa a few years ago when we bumped into Taksin and his wife in...... of all places, the bar. Go figure.......


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3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Yingluck in Dubai, says Pheu Thai source

By The Nation



File photo from Yingluck Shinawatra Facebook page.


Former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra fled Thailand for Dubai two days before a verdict was due to be delivered in a trial over the rice-pledging scheme, a highly placed source in her Pheu Thai party told CNN on Friday.


Yingluck left Thailand on Wednesday and is now "safe and sound" in Dubai, the source told the US broadcaster.


An arrest warrant was issued for Yingluck by the Supreme Court’s Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions on Friday after she failed to turn up for the verdict reading in the negligence case against her. The case was related to her former government’s controversial rice-pledging scheme.


The court postponed the verdict reading to September 27 and ordered the seizure of Yingluck’s Bt30-million bail.


Yingluck's brother Thaksin, who is also a former prime minister and also toppled by a military coup, lives in Dubai and London in self-imposed exile to avoid abuse-of-power charges.


The deputy national police chief told CNN that there was no official record of Yingluck leaving the country, which would suggest she first slipped into a neighbouring nation by crossing through a land border.


Asked if it was possible she fled via a natural land border, Pol General Srivara Rangsibhramanakul would only say: “That is possible.”


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/breakingnews/30324957


-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-08-26

Treacherous Communists

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8 minutes ago, verticalift said:

Maybe have a look for her  at the Burj Khalifa in Dubai where Taksin owns one of the upper floors. My wife, who is from Buri Ram and I, were staying at the Burj Khalifa a few years ago when we bumped into Taksin and his wife in...... of all places, the bar. Go figure.......


You could have been of service right then and there... 


Hope, they visited the bar before midnight, and not between 2 and 5 p.m., otherwise they'd be hypocrites!

Edited by StayinThailand2much
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As below, which I posted yesterday in a different thread on this subject - to expand on what I was told, the same pharmacist also told me  that she had apparently slipped over the land border to Cambodia on Wednesday/Thursday night where a private plane was waiting to take her straight to Singapore.  No confirmation of the truth of this, but it does seem to be borne out by what others are saying today.  


'This morning I went to my local pharmacist, where the owner speaks good English and talks to me about things which he probably wouldn't talk about to other Thais.  


He told me of her doing a runner and said that Thai Facebook was full of the story that she had sneaked into Cambodia a day or so ago, and had then flown by private plane to Singapore.  


Wouldn't surprise me, knowing the way people run away from their responsibilities here and refuse to accept the consequences of their conduct.   The Shinawatra lot are the prime example of that.  



Ha!  My spellcheck just highlighted Shinawatra and suggested the replacement should be 'Trashiness'!!    :smile:

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Thaksin: The Business of Politics in Thailand by Pasuk and Baker is a good source.
Don't expect any of the frothers and obsessives to read it though.

Well, if Messrs Pasuk and Baker were to publish a new edition, which began, " Once upon a time, in peaceful Thailand, there lived a man called Thaksin, the most evil man ever in Asia...", they would make a killing!

That incidentally, if not a quote, is a fairly accurate paraphrasing of what one of the "frothers" posted here, oh, about 18 months or so ago!
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4 hours ago, seajae said:

the only ones that flee are the criminal elements that are guilty and do not want to be locked up, has nothing to do with being innocent. This was all about money and jail time, she is the same as thaksin, think they are above the law and will never accept any guilt for what they have done, can only hope karma gets both of them

"Above the Law "  , "Never accept any guilt for what they have done " , hard to know which PM you might be refering to .

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I will make no comment on the why's and wherefore's, good or bad's, about the Shinawatra family, I really don't know enough. However, guilty or not guilty, what seems most likely in this country, is that for starters you don't get a fair trial and then you can be certain, when found guilty, you don't get sentenced fairly.  Just look at what happened to Boonsong Teriyapirom, 42 years and Phumi Saraphol, 36 years, with the 18 or so others getting anything between 18 - 48 years.  Get real, that's a completely ludicrous overkill and smacks of revenge rather than justice.  But actually, a bit more to the point, is the pathetically light sentences those with the right connections get.  If I was Yingluck, I think I'd have fled as well, if given the opportunity and that doesn't mean I approve, or disapprove of her, believe she is guilty or not guilty, it's simply a matter of self-preservation, in the face of state sponsored and elitist corruption of the judicial system.

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4 hours ago, seajae said:

the only ones that flee are the criminal elements that are guilty and do not want to be locked up, has nothing to do with being innocent. This was all about money and jail time, she is the same as thaksin, think they are above the law and will never accept any guilt for what they have done, can only hope karma gets both of them

Once again, completely wrong.  This had nothing to do with money, jail time or rice.  This was politics plain and simple. The elites who control the country will fight tooth and nail to retain their status and privilege.  Even a mentally retarded child can see this whole thing for what it is.   

Edited by stephen tracy
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46 minutes ago, jing jing said:

Difference being, most voters in the EU aren't poor farmers being offered double the market price for their one and only crop.  Comparing Thailand's socioeconomic situation to that of members of the EU may be where your analysis begins to go wrong.


Also, some folks may find it illuminating to read a biography of Mr. T in order to better understand the origins of his wealth and the particulars of his administration.


The farmers vote is very important in the UK, it was the only thing that kept the Tories in for so long, and of course in poorer countries within Europe, such as Greece, Portugal etc, the farmers vote, and keeping their subsidies, is even more important.  And there would be very poor farmers throughout Europe without those subsidies, as I already explained, some in the UK make a massive loss without them, in other countries in Europe the farmers were truly peasants before the EU subsided them, and of course many do only grow one crop, not that all Thai rice farmers do anyway, many grow an off season crop as well.  Do you know anything at all about farming?



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4 hours ago, rixalex said:

And all through history people have fled when confronted with justice.

All throughout history the ignorant have passed judgement on issues they have little comprehension of.  This is because the ignorant are easy to manipulate.  Anyone who blindly supports one side of Thailand's "political" divide, is clearly ignorant.  Neither side is worthy of support. 

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1 hour ago, wvavin said:

Since both of them chose to run away the government should confiscate whatever remaining in Thailand.

It would seem they have already done this, at least what they can find, which is undoubtedly not much.

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