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Prayut: ‘Who would let Yingluck flee?’


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3 minutes ago, natway09 said:

There must be 30 million people who would help her Sir

Well, I do not think so my self, ..personally, ..but we shall see right !!! ??? Taksin has been pretty well forgotten I think !!! ....And he WAS good in the start !!! Yingluck was just a puppet, a Cloths Horse, ... and every one knows it .... ??? So I am pretty sure that she will be forgotten, other then by ??? Well, Maybe By, her Hard Line supporters in the North East ??? (Like the Trump Supporters ??? Will always go on and support him, what ever he does !!!) ... But no major Drama Thai Politics and it is THEIR Politics, ... and we shall see.

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1 minute ago, lvr181 said:

The 'buck' stops at the top. That is what accountability and responsibility is. Stop blaming the media for failures of Government! :post-4641-1156693976:


Sounds like Donald T Rump and "fake news" - sheesh.

Suppose it apply's to the Yingluck government hence the problem over the rice and AMNASTY. All who do wrong will  have to face the music hopefully.

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Prayut: ‘Who would let Yingluck flee?’


'It wasn't me, OK. How the hell could it be? . . . I'm your illustrious PM . . . and not just any old common or garden PM . . . oh, no! . . . I'm the ultimate D-I-Y PM . . . yes I appointed myself and there aren't many of those around. Now, you lot, listen up and don't ask me any more of those ridiculous questions or I'll get angry. . . again. Well, I'm the world's most talked about PM so it's OK for me to treat everyone else like shit, isn't it? But, no worries, whatever crap I might come out with today, I can always blame it on someone else, tomorrow. 'Cos I'm top dog and I can do or say anything and heaven help those who say different. Now then . . . '


At this point glancing around the exits to the Press Room, ' . . . let me ask you all again and hands up if you think it was me.'



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I do not think that Yingluck is a Matryre, and I think that she will be forgotten Very fast. Taxin though might leave a legacy, Like the 30 b drug scheme, and other good things apparently, but well, the Shinawatra's are Just Small stuff Really, and the Thais see it this way where I live in central Thailand at least also. .... Like Nepotists !!! ... the way that Taksin ended up !!!  ... And We would have had the bastards for ever, if not for our GOOD Millitary !!! .... 

Well well.. your Thai friends surely must be members of the better class but my GRASSROOT friends sing a different song because they trust me and therefore aren't afraid to tell me how they really think about this soap opera and not being "invited" for a chat.

Sent from my BLL-L22 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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1 hour ago, Mark Alexander Smith said:

I do not think that Yingluck is a Matryre, and I think that she will be forgotten Very fast. Taxin though might leave a legacy, Like the 30 b drug scheme, and other good things apparently, but well, the Shinawatra's are Just Small stuff Really, and the Thais see it this way where I live in central Thailand at least also. .... Like Nepotists !!! ... the way that Taksin ended up !!!  ... And We would have had the bastards for ever, if not for our GOOD Millitary !!! .... 

Great, so now you've got the military "bastards" so put up with forever, and they have made it abundantly clear that they are not going to relinquish power regardless of an election or not.  In fact they elections are now pretty much a waste of time.  Just a piece of amateur theatre that the junta thinks will fool the international community (cuz the obviously don't care what Thais think).  Exchanging one gang of crooks for another, whereby the latter makes speech a criminal offense is not progress. 

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5 hours ago, halloween said:

If the junta knew she was leaving, why would they block her supporters from attending? They could be generous, even offer free buses, so that thousands could travel long distances to stand around in the sun until informed they had been stood up, and their darling had done a bolt for Dubai or wherever.

Two reasons.

1. They want to avoid huge gathering of people to avoid incidents.

2. They probably didnt think that far.

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8 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

Great, so now you've got the military "bastards" so put up with forever, and they have made it abundantly clear that they are not going to relinquish power regardless of an election or not.  In fact they elections are now pretty much a waste of time.  Just a piece of amateur theatre that the junta thinks will fool the international community (cuz the obviously don't care what Thais think).  Exchanging one gang of crooks for another, whereby the latter makes speech a criminal offense is not progress. 

The military bastards are just puppets.. The bangkok elite yellowshirts are in control.

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4 hours ago, Happyman58 said:

Ok i will have a guess on who let her go. Donald Trump Am i right? He gets blamed for everything so might as well blame this on him to. But some how i think the person talking here to the media is the culprit lol Mmmmmmmm wonder how much that was worth to let her out of the country? Millions i reckon 

'Watson, have you heard about the curious incident of the PM in the night?'

'What Holmes??? The Pm did nothing in the night!'

'Quite! That's the curious incident...'

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1 hour ago, TKDfella said:

'Watson, have you heard about the curious incident of the PM in the night?'

'What Holmes??? The Pm did nothing in the night!'

'Quite! That's the curious incident...'

If you were referring to Yingluk, doing nothing is what she did best.

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2 hours ago, hobz said:

Two reasons.

1. They want to avoid huge gathering of people to avoid incidents.

2. They probably didnt think that far.

Just what sort of incident would you anticipate from a large crowd that just found out their idol has lied to them again?

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Clearly you would or there is no way on earth she could have evaded capture before leaving the country. Do the Thai government  seriously  believe that the modern world are going to fall for ALG your sham excuses every time there is a potential  embarrassment  looming ?

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41 minutes ago, halloween said:

Just what sort of incident would you anticipate from a large crowd that just found out their idol has lied to them again?

Which 'idol' what lie?  :whistling:


The country is full of 'idols'!

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1 hour ago, jaiyen said:

If she can get away across the border so easily, its no wonder all the drug traders in Burma have no problem getting goods into Thailand.

And they would only pay a fraction of what YL probably paid. 

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A smart person would let her flee and then play the public for fools by denying all knowledge. Now assets can be seized and not contested later, her supporters won't have a central figure to rally around and create a lot of difficulties for the police and she gets to remain free. Gee...wonder who let her flee?

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3 minutes ago, mettech said:

It is a good thing for the junta to have yinluck to leave so now they could control without any disturbance.


They are now going to need find someone else to blame for everything that goes wrong in Thailand due to their own complete and utter incompetence and venality. Either that, or they'll just say it's YL and her brother stirring bother from abroad.  I suppose to all of us living here in Thailand, and regardless of our differences of opinion on the political situation, none of us could deny that we are living in interesting times here in the Kingdom.  Stay tuned!

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