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Smoking in enclosed Pattaya area restaurants


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17 hours ago, Jonmarleesco said:

I suspect Jingthing likes the freedom of not being compelled to share the dregs of someone else's habit. So do I. And so do many Thais; but fear of someone's face-loss prevents their protesting to those who are ignorant of the common courtesies of not imposing one's unhealthy habit(s) on others.

I never read one single post here from Smokers, who openly said they would blow smoke up a non-smokers nose, or even smoke in a closed Restaurant. But many from the Born Again Non-smoker Witch Hunters who considered any Smoker a Fool and Criminal, and want to control how they send there money or health. 


Personally I don't like sharing everybody elses car exhaust or the smoke they create when burning there garbage. I don't like sittingin a restaurant wher poeple drank too much and become lous and obnoxious. I have worked mostly in my life to reduce air polution. Such as with the fuel of the future (MTBE) LNG instead of coal, and sufur dioxide emission controls.  But what I learnt early in life is that people are different, and as a result we need to try and all get along. Which means mostly to Live and Let Live. 

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15 hours ago, Morakot said:


Yes that's the legal situation but it's currently almost never enforced. Except for smoking on public transport and sensitive areas like hospitals...



At my workplace there is a 2 by 4 metre [sic.] sign saying smoking is strictly forbidden and what not. The sign is a located in a roofed space with the sides partly open and that's precisely where most smokers congregate... right is front of the sign. On some days when there is a large crowd of smokers and several of them with e-cigarettes (which give off more visible smoke) the massive sign disappears in a plume of smoke. Honesty... I'm not kidding.




Seems to me that the logical thing to do is give them a smoking area. With an open roof top this seems like a good spot. Surely non-smokers can find another place they can go to, if they don't like the cigarette smoke. Like the other side. 


It seems to amaze you to see this because someone put a sign up.  How many helmets must be worn signs have you seen in Thailand, yet every day see countless riding without a helmet? What amazes me is to see the sign 80 klm / hr sign and a warning that cameras are in place as a speed trap,, yet see many zoom by me at 120 klm/hr. 


The way I got it figured is that if you make it so Smokers don't have to break the rules to have a smoke on there off-time, then they won't break the rules some non-smoker put in place. 

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2 hours ago, Mac98 said:

I was outside at an evacuation center watching a mountain burn. The forest fire had caused the evacuation of the towns and villages, where I lived, down into the Los Angeles basin. The embers and ashes were raining down onto us, the air filled with smoke. Then I lit my pipe. You would think the Germans had attacked a bingo hall with mustard gas. FYI: The CDC calculates the life span of a pipe smoker to be the same as someone who has never used any tobacco during their life. Yet I pay the massive taxes of a cigarette smoker. A little kid told me smoking is bad for me. (I was sitting in my parked car at the time and he walked up to the car.) I told him Santa smokes a pipe. "Go home and look it up on your computer." It froze his brain and he ran away.

Yeah! I agree with you.


It really has gotten this ridiculous at times. With Non-smokers on some hidden campaign and agenda to protest and shun all smokers everywhere in this world, of all colors, religion, and status.


Personally I am sick of all there bitching and whining. They have there many spots they can sit and stand on this Earth without cigarette smoke. So let us have a small piece to. 


I bet the New Santa Clause no longer has a pipe. I am sure the Non-smokers, and saviors of this world's health made sure of that a long time ago. Now he drinks Coke. I think.  

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2 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Yeah! I agree with you.


It really has gotten this ridiculous at times. With Non-smokers on some hidden campaign and agenda to protest and shun all smokers everywhere in this world, of all colors, religion, and status.


Personally I am sick of all there bitching and whining. They have there many spots they can sit and stand on this Earth without cigarette smoke. So let us have a small piece to. 


I bet the New Santa Clause no longer has a pipe. I am sure the Non-smokers, and saviors of this world's health made sure of that a long time ago. Now he drinks Coke. I think.  


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2 hours ago, Mac98 said:

I was outside at an evacuation center watching a mountain burn. The forest fire had caused the evacuation of the towns and villages, where I lived, down into the Los Angeles basin. The embers and ashes were raining down onto us, the air filled with smoke. Then I lit my pipe. You would think the Germans had attacked a bingo hall with mustard gas. FYI: The CDC calculates the life span of a pipe smoker to be the same as someone who has never used any tobacco during their life. Yet I pay the massive taxes of a cigarette smoker. A little kid told me smoking is bad for me. (I was sitting in my parked car at the time and he walked up to the car.) I told him Santa smokes a pipe. "Go home and look it up on your computer." It froze his brain and he ran away.

I actually with you on pipe smoking, the aroma of which I find pleasant.

The actual reason I am anti smoking is because so many of them are inconsiderate buffoons that think they have a right to leave their filthy butts anywhere for someone else to clean up. Having lived/ worked with fag smokers most of my life I can tolerate the smoke, but never the filth they leave behind.

Cigar smokers I have no tolerance for at all. Someone smokes a filthy cigar near me I want to turn into the hulk and destroy them.

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This is all funny,   Its only the old generation of smokers that get up set

over not being allowed to smoke when and where they want.

They feel annoyed at the no smokers waggling the finger at them.

Bla Bla Bla and so on and on.

All the younger generation of smokers have no issue with this at all.

They stand out side pubs, restaurants, Airports and they don't complain.

and enjoy there smoke,  its just normal to them not to think of smoking in  some places.


What it is to be  an old smoker  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 



Edited by stanleycoin
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1 minute ago, stanleycoin said:

This is all funny,   Its only the old generation of smokers that get up set

over not being allowed to smoke when and where they want.

They feel annoyed at the no smokers waggling the finger at them.

Bla Bla Bla and so on and on.

All the younger generation of smokers have no issue with this at all.

They stand out side pubs, restaurants, Airports and they don't complain.

and enjoy there smoke,  its just normal to them not to think of smoking in  some places.


What it is to be  an old smoker  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 



I am an old smoker and annoy no one....Let's not categorise via age mon ami eh...:stoner:

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3 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Well obviously the owner of this Restaurant thinks it okay to smoke indoors while people are eating otherwise he would not let people do that. Don't you think?


I for one would not smoke in this restaurant. But I also feel that what the owner decides to do is his business as it is his place, and I can always leave if I don't like that. But then there is others who can do the same thing but instead choose to make a big commotion and fuss over that, when they may eat there once a month. Reminds me of that American Actor at Tesco recently, demanding special service and jumping in front of everyone ese. 


Yes! The Op must be an expert, like you said, to have tried out every other resteraunt in Pattaya, and only found this one serving his food the way her likes it. Or you are jusy terribly naive. Since I know how many different restaurants are in Pattaya, serving all kinds of different food, and I don't knnow you at all, then my guess is that you are just terribly naive to believe that statement. 

You don't quit. You keep piling on the lies. I get it, you've got some kind of "Goldbuggy" up your you know what over this issue, but it is not OK to fabricate lies about other people.


To wit --


I am not making a "big commotion" over this restaurant's smoking policy.


If I wanted to hurt them, I would have mentioned the name of the restaurant. I don't intend to ever mention it.


I've been eating there frequently. Not once a month. More like twice a week. I like it that much. I might even be their best customer as they're a new restaurant. You just made up a fiction of  how frequently you imagine I eat there. I never said. Your tactics are SLEAZY.

Yes, since the smoke out, it's likely I will brave even trying to eat there less often. But nothing has happened yet to convince me never to try it again. 


I did fail to mention that when I left the restaurant (basically forced out because of the smoke, having the second half of my meal ruined) I did quickly mention to a waitress that I was bothered about the smoke. That was reasonable to say given the spectacle of my coughing and rushing out from there as I did. I didn't demand they change their policy or even ask them to change their policy. I've never said I intend to demand they change their policy or even ask them to change their policy. Telling them why I'm running out or telling them (as a regular that they know) why I'm walking in then walking out (will do if the place is already very smoked) is not demanding anything. If I go there and see a crowd of the nationality that is their base eating and not even smoking yet, I won't even walk in the door or say anything, because I will know there is a fair chance they would ruin my meal with smoking.


I've gone out of my way to emphasize multiple times that I fully understand it's their business and their customer base which seems to be OK with the extreme smoking situation. I've mentioned my tolerance for CULTURAL DIFFERENCES. Yet you FAIL to hear any of that and instead go on multiple obnoxious rants attacking me for trying to boss them around. Accusing me of being like that ugly American actor (turns out it was probably an act) at the big C. 


As far as knowing food. You don't believe me. That's fine. I believe me. I know the local food scene and know what they are doing is distinctive. Many of their dishes are done elsewhere but the chef's style is DISTINCTIVE, I am very confident of that, and some, as far as I know, are unique to the place.


I understand many people don't care about food like I do. To them a dish called x is a dish called x. Not me. Not everyone is the same. 

Edited by Jingthing
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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You don't quit. You keep piling on the lies. I get it, you've got some kind of "Goldbuggy" up your you know what over this issue, but it is not OK to fabricate lies about other people.


To wit --


I am not making a "big commotion" over this restaurant's smoking policy.


If I wanted to hurt them, I would have mentioned the name of the restaurant. I don't intend to ever mention it.


I've been eating there frequently. Not once a month. More like twice a week. I like it that much. I might even be their best customer as their a new restaurant. You just made up a fiction of  how frequently you think I eat there. I never said. Your tactics are SLEAZY.


I did fail to mention that when I left the restaurant (basically forced out because of the smoke, having the second half of my meal ruined) I did mention to a waitress that I was bothered about the smoke. That was reasonable to say. I didn't demand they change their policy or even ask them to change their policy. I've never said I intend to demand they change their policy or even ask them to change their policy. Telling them why I'm running out or telling them (as a regular that they know) why I'm walking in then walking out (will do if the place is already very smoked) is not demanding anything. If I go there and see a crowd of the nationality that is their base, I won't even walk in the door or say anything. 


I've gone out of my to emphasize multiple times that I fully understand it's their business and their customer base which seems to be OK with the extreme smoking situation. I've mentioned tolerance for CULTURAL DIFFERENCES. Yet you FAIL to hear any of that and instead go on multiple obnoxious rants attacking me for trying to boss me around. Accusing me of being like that ugly American actor (turns out it was probably an act) at the big C. 


As far as knowing food. You don't believe me. That's fine. I believe me. I know the local food scene and know what they are doing is distinctive. Many of their dishes are done elsewhere but the chef's style is DISTINCTIVE, and some, as far as I know, are unique to the place.

Perhaps their best customers are smokers, or just a live and let live attitude which l reckon is how LOS is...:stoner:

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No you do annoy people. I don't think smoking should be banned outdoors, on pavements, etc. but as a "old smoker" you are habituated to tobacco smells. You do not know how the reeking odour of your clothes, body, and breath affects non-smokers. I can tell you have been on an elevator when I get on even after you have alighted, and it is annoying.





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9 minutes ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

No you do annoy people. I don't think smoking should be banned outdoors, on pavements, etc. but as a "old smoker" you are habituated to tobacco smells. You do not know how the reeking odour of your clothes, body, and breath affects non-smokers. I can tell you have been on an elevator when I get on even after you have alighted, and it is annoying.





So it was you trying to chat me up eh....:giggle:..............sun.gif.a12d6fa806ff7bc7b6c1a688f7aded96.gif

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7 minutes ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

Don't deflect. Just understand simply standing there breathing you emanate a disagreeable stench many people find annoying.



Perhaps l find diesel fumes annoying but l deal with it, in fact more folk have a ploblem with that issue than any ciggy thing.....Wonder if non smokers light up a barby, noooooo, would never put their family at risk from that air born stuff eh...

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That is just your opinion as you are desensitized to tobacco smells. Nobody starts a diesel engine inside an elevator or reastaurant.


If you stop smoking today, wash your clothes, and take a shower you won't stink of tobacco anymore. Do smoke cigarettes inside your dwelling? You may have to redecorate and replace your furniture.


Little can be done about diesel trucks until we transition to a renewable fuel economy.





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9 minutes ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

That is just your opinion as you are desensitized to tobacco smells. Nobody starts a diesel engine inside an elevator or reastaurant.


If you stop smoking today, wash your clothes, and take a shower you won't stink of tobacco anymore. Do smoke cigarettes inside your dwelling? You may have to redecorate and replace your furniture.


Little can be done about diesel trucks until we transition to a renewable fuel economy.





I don't smoke in my LOS house or my last UK house except a cigar at Christmas, the gardens came in handy..


Yes fags have an aroma that folk don't like which I can understand, but the stuff that is worse than a fag is the thing you lot are driving around in that you cannot smell, the air planes you burn loads of cheap fuel, but you all like a barbie smell that is doing you more harm......


Now if YOU tell me you don't smoke, drive a car, get on air planes and Never have a barbie I will...sarcastic-applause-smiley-emoticon.gif.16f05cad5e6c714c0985ddbad29edefa.gif

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17 hours ago, Jingthing said:

You don't quit. You keep piling on the lies. I get it, you've got some kind of "Goldbuggy" up your you know what over this issue, but it is not OK to fabricate lies about other people.


To wit --


I am not making a "big commotion" over this restaurant's smoking policy.


If I wanted to hurt them, I would have mentioned the name of the restaurant. I don't intend to ever mention it.


I've been eating there frequently. Not once a month. More like twice a week. I like it that much. I might even be their best customer as they're a new restaurant. You just made up a fiction of  how frequently you imagine I eat there. I never said. Your tactics are SLEAZY.

Yes, since the smoke out, it's likely I will brave even trying to eat there less often. But nothing has happened yet to convince me never to try it again. 


I did fail to mention that when I left the restaurant (basically forced out because of the smoke, having the second half of my meal ruined) I did quickly mention to a waitress that I was bothered about the smoke. That was reasonable to say given the spectacle of my coughing and rushing out from there as I did. I didn't demand they change their policy or even ask them to change their policy. I've never said I intend to demand they change their policy or even ask them to change their policy. Telling them why I'm running out or telling them (as a regular that they know) why I'm walking in then walking out (will do if the place is already very smoked) is not demanding anything. If I go there and see a crowd of the nationality that is their base eating and not even smoking yet, I won't even walk in the door or say anything, because I will know there is a fair chance they would ruin my meal with smoking.


I've gone out of my way to emphasize multiple times that I fully understand it's their business and their customer base which seems to be OK with the extreme smoking situation. I've mentioned my tolerance for CULTURAL DIFFERENCES. Yet you FAIL to hear any of that and instead go on multiple obnoxious rants attacking me for trying to boss them around. Accusing me of being like that ugly American actor (turns out it was probably an act) at the big C. 


As far as knowing food. You don't believe me. That's fine. I believe me. I know the local food scene and know what they are doing is distinctive. Many of their dishes are done elsewhere but the chef's style is DISTINCTIVE, I am very confident of that, and some, as far as I know, are unique to the place.


I understand many people don't care about food like I do. To them a dish called x is a dish called x. Not me. Not everyone is the same. 

What Lies?


You came here and told us that your favorite restaurant allows smokers inside. You did not mention the name of this place but two or three others got names mentioned here, which may or may not suffer some business loss as a result of your post.


You openly admitted to hating cigarette smoke. 


You openly admitted that this cigarette smoke was so bad in the restaurant one time (at least) that you suffered a soar throat for days as a result of this cigarette smoke. 


You openly admitted that this cigarette smoke was so bad in the restaurant one time (at least) that you left your meal unfinished as this smoke ruined your meal. 


When other people have suggested you just go to another restaurant that doesn't let smoking inside, you refuse to go on the context you like the food there. That in the other +600 restaurants in Pattaya you can't find no other like that. 


But again when people suggest you try "Take Out" at this restaurant, even if it means bringing your own containers, you refuse to even answer them, which in my view you refuse to even try this. 


Perhaps the biggest lie comes from you when you come here and ask about the Smoking Rules in enclosed Restaurants in Pattaya, where you must live as you eat in this restaurant 2 times a week, where everyone here and his dog already knows that this has been banned for years in Pattaya. 


Which brings into question what did you expect from us when you refuse to take good advice. Do you have the right to eat in a public restaurant in Pattaya which is Smoke Free"?


Yes you do and why I and many other smokers won't smoke there.  

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18 hours ago, Jingthing said:

You don't quit. You keep piling on the lies. I get it, you've got some kind of "Goldbuggy" up your you know what over this issue, but it is not OK to fabricate lies about other people.


To wit --


I am not making a "big commotion" over this restaurant's smoking policy.


If I wanted to hurt them, I would have mentioned the name of the restaurant. I don't intend to ever mention it.


I've been eating there frequently. Not once a month. More like twice a week. I like it that much. I might even be their best customer as they're a new restaurant. You just made up a fiction of  how frequently you imagine I eat there. I never said. Your tactics are SLEAZY.

Yes, since the smoke out, it's likely I will brave even trying to eat there less often. But nothing has happened yet to convince me never to try it again. 


I did fail to mention that when I left the restaurant (basically forced out because of the smoke, having the second half of my meal ruined) I did quickly mention to a waitress that I was bothered about the smoke. That was reasonable to say given the spectacle of my coughing and rushing out from there as I did. I didn't demand they change their policy or even ask them to change their policy. I've never said I intend to demand they change their policy or even ask them to change their policy. Telling them why I'm running out or telling them (as a regular that they know) why I'm walking in then walking out (will do if the place is already very smoked) is not demanding anything. If I go there and see a crowd of the nationality that is their base eating and not even smoking yet, I won't even walk in the door or say anything, because I will know there is a fair chance they would ruin my meal with smoking.


I've gone out of my way to emphasize multiple times that I fully understand it's their business and their customer base which seems to be OK with the extreme smoking situation. I've mentioned my tolerance for CULTURAL DIFFERENCES. Yet you FAIL to hear any of that and instead go on multiple obnoxious rants attacking me for trying to boss them around. Accusing me of being like that ugly American actor (turns out it was probably an act) at the big C. 


As far as knowing food. You don't believe me. That's fine. I believe me. I know the local food scene and know what they are doing is distinctive. Many of their dishes are done elsewhere but the chef's style is DISTINCTIVE, I am very confident of that, and some, as far as I know, are unique to the place.


I understand many people don't care about food like I do. To them a dish called x is a dish called x. Not me. Not everyone is the same. 

Time to think outside the box if you want to beat this thang.......but you may have to suffer a bit first.  Go in with a box of cheapo cigars and chain smoke them, or try a couple of packs of gauloises/gitanes.....see if you can personally enact change through reverse psy-ops.  You will be a hero on this forum if it works!

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Yeah! I agree with you.
It really has gotten this ridiculous at times. With Non-smokers on some hidden campaign and agenda to protest and shun all smokers everywhere in this world, of all colors, religion, and status.
Personally I am sick of all there bitching and whining. They have there many spots they can sit and stand on this Earth without cigarette smoke. So let us have a small piece to. 
I bet the New Santa Clause no longer has a pipe. I am sure the Non-smokers, and saviors of this world's health made sure of that a long time ago. Now he drinks Coke. I think.  

Yes probably the new low sugar , special diet , extra healthy , low carb , mountain spring inspired COKE !!!

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5 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

What Lies?


You came here and told us that your favorite restaurant allows smokers inside. You did not mention the name of this place but two or three others got names mentioned here, which may or may not suffer some business loss as a result of your post.


You openly admitted to hating cigarette smoke. 


You openly admitted that this cigarette smoke was so bad in the restaurant one time (at least) that you suffered a soar throat for days as a result of this cigarette smoke. 


You openly admitted that this cigarette smoke was so bad in the restaurant one time (at least) that you left your meal unfinished as this smoke ruined your meal. 


When other people have suggested you just go to another restaurant that doesn't let smoking inside, you refuse to go on the context you like the food there. That in the other +600 restaurants in Pattaya you can't find no other like that. 


But again when people suggest you try "Take Out" at this restaurant, even if it means bringing your own containers, you refuse to even answer them, which in my view you refuse to even try this. 


Perhaps the biggest lie comes from you when you come here and ask about the Smoking Rules in enclosed Restaurants in Pattaya, where you must live as you eat in this restaurant 2 times a week, where everyone here and his dog already knows that this has been banned for years in Pattaya. 


Which brings into question what did you expect from us when you refuse to take good advice. Do you have the right to eat in a public restaurant in Pattaya which is Smoke Free"?


Yes you do and why I and many other smokers won't smoke there.  

It's clear to me that you're not at all interested in a rational response about this topic. I don't really understand your motivation for your aggressive and sleazy personal attacks about this but as you've posted garbage again, I'll respond. What motivates you posting like this? Some personal vendetta against me? That is my best guess. 


-- Not once did I say it was favorite restaurant. It is not. It's very new so I've been exploring their menu. I like their food. I'm confident the chef has a distinctive style not available elsewhere in town.


--  I didn't mention the name of the restaurant. Your assertion that other restaurants are going to suffer business loss in this case of an unnamed restaurant and in the case of this imaginary (in your own mind) damage, I am responsible for that, is totally INSANE. Shame on you for posting such idiocy.


-- On smoke in restaurants, sure I hate it. No secret! I can tolerate minor instances especially in more open places and often do. That's not been a big deal to me before and still isn't.


--  Yes I want to return there. That's my free will choice. I wasn't seeking advice on whether to try to go back there or not. I'm a big boy and make such decisions myself. I have what I think is a high probability plan on how to continue to eat there and avoid a repeat of the other night with the smoke bomb. If it works it works, if it doesn't, oh well!


-- I wasn't aware of any specifics on restaurant smoking laws in town. It just wasn't on my radar because it hasn't been an issue to me before. I never heard of the aircon rule. Like I said minor incidents with restaurant smoking here have not been an issue to me. Occasionally I'll move tables, still not a big deal. I was aware of attempts at banning smoking in bars, and even though I'm not a barfly, I've heard they aren't really enforced. I never said once I intend to call the police on the restaurant. I was just curious. Thanks to those that had informative posts about that. No thanks to you as it's clear you're only here to hurl personal attack garbage.


-- Take out? I did already address this. I'll expand more. I like the food enough to try to eat there again in what I think is a good bet to avoid eating in a smoke chamber. If that doesn't work, I just don't like the food enough to take a baht bus ride, get takeout with their or my containers, and go all the way back to my home to eat. When I go out to eat, I'm ready to eat. Maybe this concept is too hard for you to get. There are limits to how much I like the food and doing a self delivery service crosses my line. If I go there and walk out because too smoky there are many other alternative restaurants (not the same food of course) that I could eat at. So that is not very inconvenient. The self delivery thing, for me personally, is just too inconvenient. I hope that's OK with your highness and I'm allowed to make my own decisions on such things. 


-- What did I expect? Dude, what I expected is in the O.P. A general discussion of the smoking in restaurants issues.


What I did not invite here was abusive personal garbage fabricated lying  such as you've posted here numerous times now.


Now maybe do me a favor, and Goldbuggy off. 

Edited by Jingthing
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On 03/09/2017 at 1:05 PM, GOLDBUGGY said:

Yeah! I agree with you.


It really has gotten this ridiculous at times. With Non-smokers on some hidden campaign and agenda to protest and shun all smokers everywhere in this world, of all colors, religion, and status.


Personally I am sick of all there bitching and whining. They have there many spots they can sit and stand on this Earth without cigarette smoke. So let us have a small piece to. 


I bet the New Santa Clause no longer has a pipe. I am sure the Non-smokers, and saviors of this world's health made sure of that a long time ago. Now he drinks Coke. I think.  



I am am not quite sure what you have got against non-smokers.


surely, not smoking = good, smoking = bad.


Is it not as simple as that?

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3 minutes ago, balo said:

Smoking belongs in the stoneage, our future generations will not understand why people of this generation choose to kill themselves slowly.

Well, that's extreme. It's obviously a filthy addictive habit. But we're all flawed human beings and even those that think they are perfect, well, that's their flaw!

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4 minutes ago, balo said:

Smoking belongs in the stoneage, our future generations will not understand why people of this generation choose to kill themselves slowly.

But a few want to kill folk quickly in this day and age.......


Fast food is killing folk slowly, but folk don't care, they will keep on scoffing the stuff...Sort of same, same....:stoner:

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I don't smoke in my LOS house or my last UK house except a cigar at Christmas, the gardens came in handy..


Yes fags have an aroma that folk don't like which I can understand, but the stuff that is worse than a fag is the thing you lot are driving around in that you cannot smell, the air planes you burn loads of cheap fuel, but you all like a barbie smell that is doing you more harm......


Now if YOU tell me you don't smoke, drive a car, get on air planes and Never have a barbie I will...sarcastic-applause-smiley-emoticon.gif.16f05cad5e6c714c0985ddbad29edefa.gif&key=877b75a68f376f3ce10219c579e477f743f0573aa6697d033c37fdd64321f475

I don't think airplanes or barbecues smell bad.

I don't think cigarettes must be banned is on pavements, public beaches, and footpaths.


To ban all outdoor smoking whilst it is true we have to endure exhaust from large trucks is unfair to so-called "smokers". To occasionally walk through a small puff of tobacco smoke is acceptable. Just understand that "old smokers" stink, and that cannot be denied by any reasonable person.

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3 minutes ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

I don't think airplanes or barbecues smell bad.

I don't think cigarettes must be banned is on pavements, public beaches, and footpaths.


To ban all outdoor smoking whilst it is true we have to endure exhaust from large trucks is unfair to so-called "smokers". To occasionally walk through a small puff of tobacco smoke is acceptable. Just understand that "old smokers" stink, and that cannot be denied by any reasonable person.

What is an "Old Smoker".....that differs from a young smoker.....?

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I am an old smoker and annoy no one....Let's not categorise via age mon ami eh...:stoner:

According to your own post you are an old smoker.

You claim you annoy " no one". This is inaccurate. You personal body odour and breath itself is annoying without even the cloud of toxic smoke that trails behind you. Young smokers also carry around themselves a powerful odour of tobacco.

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1 minute ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

According to your own post you are an old smoker.
You claim you annoy " no one". This is inaccurate. You personal body odour and breath itself is annoying without even the cloud of toxic smoke that trails behind you.

So you have been sniffing Trans eh.....Hmmmmm...ashamed-smiley-emoticon.png.2f75ce7f492643ff7a3a3fa40f88e2df.png

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