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  1. Utter nonsense. The annual extension needs a 90 days report. 90 day reports are free but there's a 2000THB fine at annual ext time if you have not done 90 day reports.
  2. It's 90 days for each strike and if the count goes over 2 at any time the account is banned from YouTube.
  3. Thai bank statements can be printed online yourself these days showing your address in English.
  4. It's only a requirement if you move home in Thailand or have a change of visa.
  5. An IO tried that on me when I applied for a marriage extension also. I fired back that on a marriage extension I could also get a job in Thailand.
  6. OK I finally got an OTP, no idea why I did not before. There seems to be 9 days with multiple time slots available but only until 11-Jul so its only working for one month ahead and no further.
  7. Without knowing how this works now they've changed it, when you say only 5 days left you mean only 5 days left in June and now full or over what period is full? When should one check availability again, from 1-July? How does this work?
  8. I wonder if anyone can do online appointments for extension of stay?
  9. Does this work? I typed in my email for the Verify OTP process and never receive any email. Tried it with more than one email account, same failure.
  10. Certainly not the one in the op. That's what is used further north from Laos to China and is very misleading in the op. In Thailand it will be the older diesel locos but they will go all the way into Laos whereas now they have stopped on the Thai side from Bangkok.
  11. You'll be able to feel smug about contributing to building a better infrastructure for the country, less the amounts siphoned off in brown envelopes of course.
  12. Give or take a billion. The B.Post said 2 billion Baht in an earlier release.
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