So I could just share my mobile internet at the home and stop paying 3BB? Or maybe buy another SIM card with yearly internet and use some router that can handle SIM cards? It's not only about money, but I also have a lot of issues with 3BB and I have to every month drive to pay for it in cash. I just like my yearly mobile internet better.
Does anybody use it like that?
Yes I do.
tp-like mobile router with a True unlimited internet Sim Card and both work Great.....
Using it for my mobile phone and Laptop..............
You could try
and / or
factory format
FormatFactory - Download (
Have fun with these two, as I use them both.
Thank you for your answer Suzanne.
Computer only, phone is for calling and SMS's only, hence need one for my laptop as I download movies and music vids that I watch and listen to together with living in a 5G catchment area.
Win ????