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  1. Not sure if you've been yet, but there was a copier a couple of years ago. From memory they decided to skip empty pages in something - my work permit maybe. They also did certified translations for me. So after messing around trying and failing to get everything done beforehand, it turned out great.
  2. I tend to ignore any article with "far right" in the title as it usually isn't.
  3. They're quite neat and tidy - and symmetrical - considering the tattooist was drunk.
  4. After all the PPE and ventilators they donated to us during April and May of 2020, we have a moral responsibility to respond in kind.
  5. That sounds reasonable. To add to TorquayFan's answer, my current 35-40a battery was 1,500 baht from a high street shop, and from Honda I think is 2,000+, but they give a 2-300 baht refund so it comes out somewhat less than that. Your battery may be a bit bigger so 1,800 sounds about right. Have no idea whether sealed or not, but I figure it's not worth worrying about - just buy a new one every three years (preferably before you get stranded) and be done with it.
  6. Any little shop with a wall of FB or GS batteries outside will do the job in 10 minutes. Or go to Honda and spend a few hundred baht more.
  7. Personally I wouldn't give 11m baht to a man in a roadside tent, but then again I'm not clever like a lawyer is.
  8. And ice cream isn't political either, but Ben & Jerry's made it political so this is what you get.
  9. The eight versus nine disparity can be solved by changing 5 and 6 to 5a and 5b.
  10. I don't have a motorbike, but I voted for clutch/gears on a point of principle.
  11. They didn't tell her to install an app did they?
  12. Their website doesn't show any alcohol at all. Is it illegal to advertise/sell alcohol online in Thailand?
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