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papa al

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  1. papa finds it more convenient to just urinate on the muffler.
  2. Sorry papa having flashback.? glitch in the matrix.? dunno. 😵‍💫
  3. At only 217,930baht should sell like hotcakes.
  4. Hard box looks weird on a scrambler & they vibrate too mut; a 30-, 40-liter duffle is what cha want transverse lashed w/bungies ... protects the bike if dumpage occurs. 😉 cool bike
  5. Cultivation of crops kills mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians, insects, annelids, arachnids, &c. by the galore. Very cruel
  6. Clever. Few Thai ladies know what 'consulting' means.
  7. Fuel-Injected bikes won't start if throttle is applied. Beware inadvertent opening. This mechanism may be intermittently failing. Prolly not. Cleaners like STP contain a detergent PEA. They work and papa recommends. Dirty injectors means poor fuel atomization washing oil off cylinder wall and excess wear. Shell premium gasohol contains a lot. Caltex has some, Techron. Please advise long term results.
  8. you know what ive decded this forum is a load of <deleted>e and wont bother with anymore posts as they always end like this. thx
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