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Why are most old men covered in Tattoos

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You say you are introvert, yet, the mind your own business culture of Toronto depressed you?

Also earlier you sad that you go to Pattaya for the great food ,make your mind up.

I think you just need a cuddle.

I'll try to be more clear.

You see... in Europe (and I don't mean Britain.... I never went there) people are a lot more open towards their neighbors. You don't really need to "make" friends. You have friends. If you live in the same building you say hi to each-other and you also swear at each-other.... depending on a day. People generally don't talk about their work 24/7 and how successful their "careers" are. I honestly think this is why so many westerners actually come to Thailand. Not necessarily for the women, but to experience this open culture. Well, the only problem is that the average Westerner doesn't fit at all in Thai culture as they never learn the language and don't really know what Thai women think of them. As noted many times, Thai seem to smile and fake their emotions. In Serbia, you would know right away if you are as charming as you think you are in Thailand.

I told my Thai girlfriend from day one that I hate hypocrisy. She lets me know every time I am annoying. I appreciate that. I appreciate being told when I am smelly, when I behave bad and when I suck as a person. Just like in Serbia.

I may be introvert, but I'm not an idiot.

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I visit Patters once a month due to great food and proximity to Bangers.

Mostly I take advantage of really affordable 4 and 5 star hotels.

It's about Bangers, Patters.... wherever I see a tat covered Farangs

Bangers, Patters.... sounds like a new bar name

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I am neither young or old. I am 42.

In my opinion,

42 is old, too old to get a woman in your home country, too old to find new employment.

At 42 nobody in the west wants you ...... that's OLD!

42 is only old in the

farangistan labour market

if you're a dope with no

marketable skills,

42 is only old in the

farangistan dating market

if you're overweight and

devoid of personality

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I am neither young or old. I am 42.

In my opinion,

42 is old, too old to get a woman in your home country, too old to find new employment.

At 42 nobody in the west wants you ...... that's OLD!

I was 39 and dating a 25 year old Thai student (with permanent residence) in Canada. So, I was banging a young university student in Toronto.

Do you always view your girlfriend or wife like a person to be used for "banging" as you say? You could have said that you were in "love with" or in a "relationship with", sex of course is a part of it. But why use such derogatory words to prove a point?

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I am neither young or old. I am 42.

In my opinion,

42 is old, too old to get a woman in your home country, too old to find new employment.

At 42 nobody in the west wants you ...... that's OLD!

42 is only old in the

farangistan labour market

if you're a dope with no

marketable skills,

42 is only old in the

farangistan dating market

if you're overweight and

devoid of personality

That's completely true.

42 is actually very young if you're successful, qualified, fit, good-looking and healthy.

As for succeeding with girlies, the world is pretty much your oyster even into your 60s if you're successful, fit and and healthy.

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Excuse me! What you say OP?

Then again excuse me for not reading al the brains working on TV.

Most elder men in Thailand, being here on a retirement visa show little tats.

For what I see it's mostly those men that you'd better avoid in a hefty discussion on any which matter.

FWIW, my opinion is that you tattoo yourself for you belong to a certain lifestyle. Up yours, but it isn't mine.

Why are horror movies and the like mostly showing or relating to heavily tattoed people. Violence?

Edited by hugocnx
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It's not just older farangs who have lots of tatoos. During my six months in Tokyo each year, I work out at the Yokota AB fitness center several times a week. You would be amazed to see the large number of young service men and women who have extensive tatoos!

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I am neither young or old. I am 42.

In my opinion,

42 is old, too old to get a woman in your home country, too old to find new employment.

At 42 nobody in the west wants you ...... that's OLD!

^ That is so far from reality. Thanks for the laugh though

Most high salaried technical / managerial / executive type positions are tenured professionals 40 and up. In the US your peak earning years are from 40 to early 50's. Most venture start ups are entrepreneurs over 40(Except for the few driven younger guys and gals). Coupled with that at 40 you can easily find educated beautiful professional women quite easily if you associate in the right circles. Its always about the company you keep.smile.png

I clearly think what has happened here on the TVF is that the perception is derived from the old looking, over weight, balding, out of shape, Tat'd up foreigners most see in BKK(Specifically Nana and Suhkumvit), Pattaya and Phuket. So the general assumption is all men over 40 in the US, UK, Aus, etc can't meet women or get a job because they all look like that and after 40 you sit around in an apartment eating Cheetos in a bean bag chair watching porn waiting to die.

Personally I think some of the posters on ThaiVisa need get out a bit more and broaden their horizons. Many have become quite myopic due to their surroundings.

As for Tat'd 50+ and up guys, hey its their life. I am with a few of the other posters and find it completely odd and I would never do it however I suspect many come over to Thailand and think getting inked makes them look more youthful or cool. But lets be honest, anybody having lived here for a reasonable length of time knows there are a great many mentally deficient, delusional, insecure foreigners living/ mongering in Thailand. Sadly that's the perception visiting tourists see in those high traffic, seedy tourist areas. I have heard that so many times from people that came over on Holiday and went back.

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Look at the tatoo craze in the US. So many more people are inking. Women, business people, college kids, celebrities. TV shows like Miami Ink....Las Vegas Ink. Fashion derived from tatoo art like Ed Hardy and his 100$ shirts............The US Millitary now does not allow them if they are visible.

Yeah when I went back to the UK for a holiday last year I was sitting in a mall people watching over a cup of coffee and was amazed at the amount of tattoos being sported. It almost seemed that people without tattoos were in the minority.

Edited by mca
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It's not just older farangs who have lots of tatoos. During my six months in Tokyo each year, I work out at the Yokota AB fitness center several times a week. You would be amazed to see the large number of young service men and women who have extensive tatoos!


I went to Tokyo several times and clearly remember signs displayed at the gym that anyone with tattoos would not be allowed in the premises.

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You say you are introvert, yet, the mind your own business culture of Toronto depressed you?

Also earlier you sad that you go to Pattaya for the great food ,make your mind up.

I think you just need a cuddle.

I'll try to be more clear.

You see... in Europe (and I don't mean Britain.... I never went there) people are a lot more open towards their neighbors. You don't really need to "make" friends. You have friends. If you live in the same building you say hi to each-other and you also swear at each-other.... depending on a day. People generally don't talk about their work 24/7 and how successful their "careers" are. I honestly think this is why so many westerners actually come to Thailand. Not necessarily for the women, but to experience this open culture. Well, the only problem is that the average Westerner doesn't fit at all in Thai culture as they never learn the language and don't really know what Thai women think of them. As noted many times, Thai seem to smile and fake their emotions. In Serbia, you would know right away if you are as charming as you think you are in Thailand.

I told my Thai girlfriend from day one that I hate hypocrisy. She lets me know every time I am annoying. I appreciate that. I appreciate being told when I am smelly, when I behave bad and when I suck as a person. Just like in Serbia.

I may be introvert, but I'm not an idiot.

Why do you need to be told "you are smelly" surely if you shower and change your clothes often you would not smell. My tip for the day.

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To get back the OP's question, as I understand it, many older Thai men followed the tradition of adorning themselves with often crude tattoos both as a statement of devotion to Buddhism and also to mark themselves as "warriors". It sounds very tribal I know, but that is how fast Thailand has changed within the lifespan of that generation.

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It's not just older farangs who have lots of tatoos. During my six months in Tokyo each year, I work out at the Yokota AB fitness center several times a week. You would be amazed to see the large number of young service men and women who have extensive tatoos!


I went to Tokyo several times and clearly remember signs displayed at the gym that anyone with tattoos would not be allowed in the premises.

Maybe the gym was politely saying No Yakuza .

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To get back the OP's question, as I understand it, many older Thai men followed the tradition of adorning themselves with often crude tattoos both as a statement of devotion to Buddhism and also to mark themselves as "warriors". It sounds very tribal I know, but that is how fast Thailand has changed within the lifespan of that generation.

Back in the mid to late 80's I knew a member of the paramilitary Taharn Pran who was covered in Bhuddist tattoos with one big one covering most of his chest. He spent his time protecting border refugee camps from communists raiding the camps for forced recruits.

He told me he would leave his shirt front open during firefights believing the split second the opposition baulked on seeing his Bhuddist tattoo gave him the advantage.

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I am neither young or old. I am 42.

In my opinion,

42 is old, too old to get a woman in your home country, too old to find new employment.

At 42 nobody in the west wants you ...... that's OLD!

42 is only old in the

farangistan labour market

if you're a dope with no

marketable skills,

42 is only old in the

farangistan dating market

if you're overweight and

devoid of personality

That's completely true.

42 is actually very young if you're successful, qualified, fit, good-looking and healthy.

As for succeeding with girlies, the world is pretty much your oyster even into your 60s if you're successful, fit and and healthy.

I could write a book from 47 to 50 yo, the last gf was 15 years younger, the one beforew was 12, and all the ones in between,would be a great book too, even got chased out of a house b y the married guy 5555555,

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Here's some stats but not much on the older groups.....Some show 1-6 some 2-5 → up to age 40.....Zip on older except much older 1936 first tracking

A far cry from "most"

Corrected ↑

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Excuse me! What you say OP?

Then again excuse me for not reading al the brains working on TV.

Most elder men in Thailand, being here on a retirement visa show little tats.

For what I see it's mostly those men that you'd better avoid in a hefty discussion on any which matter.

FWIW, my opinion is that you tattoo yourself for you belong to a certain lifestyle. Up yours, but it isn't mine.

Why are horror movies and the like mostly showing or relating to heavily tattoed people. Violence?

FWIW, you shouldn't really be believing horror movies in the first place....................wink.png

Didn't see any tats on Carrie....................smile.png

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Excuse me! What you say OP?

Then again excuse me for not reading al the brains working on TV.

Most elder men in Thailand, being here on a retirement visa show little tats.

For what I see it's mostly those men that you'd better avoid in a hefty discussion on any which matter.

FWIW, my opinion is that you tattoo yourself for you belong to a certain lifestyle. Up yours, but it isn't mine.

Why are horror movies and the like mostly showing or relating to heavily tattoed people. Violence?

FWIW, you shouldn't really be believing horror movies in the first place....................wink.png

Didn't see any tats on Carrie....................smile.png

Carrie is a horror movie. Common.

Not in the last place, horror movies are used for spreading satanic signs and rituals.

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I am neither young or old. I am 42.

I have nothing against old people. I am just commenting on what I see every single day. I'd say more than 80% of older Farang in Bangkok are covered in them.

I will save commenting on young guys or people my age for another thread.

When I was in Canada I would think that a security guard or a cop would look stupid and untrustworthy having them.

It is my opinion, but then so what?

I think it's low class.

I think you will find out that the guys covered in Tattoos were already ugly before they had them done.

Tattoos are just like facial hair and fat bellies, you will never see a good looking guy who deliberately disfigures themselves.

One thing in common about them all is they always have plenty of money, or they would never get a woman.

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I am neither young or old. I am 42.

I have nothing against old people. I am just commenting on what I see every single day. I'd say more than 80% of older Farang in Bangkok are covered in them.

I will save commenting on young guys or people my age for another thread.

When I was in Canada I would think that a security guard or a cop would look stupid and untrustworthy having them.

It is my opinion, but then so what?

I think it's low class.

I think you will find out that the guys covered in Tattoos were already ugly before they had them done.

Tattoos are just like facial hair and fat bellies, you will never see a good looking guy who deliberately disfigures themselves.

You must be a city boy.

Where I come from a man wears a beard regardless of what he looks like and could care a less if another man thinks he is pretty ;-)

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I am neither young or old. I am 42.

I have nothing against old people. I am just commenting on what I see every single day. I'd say more than 80% of older Farang in Bangkok are covered in them.

I will save commenting on young guys or people my age for another thread.

When I was in Canada I would think that a security guard or a cop would look stupid and untrustworthy having them.

It is my opinion, but then so what?

I think it's low class.

I think you will find out that the guys covered in Tattoos were already ugly before they had them done.

Tattoos are just like facial hair and fat bellies, you will never see a good looking guy who deliberately disfigures themselves.

One thing in common about them all is they always have plenty of money, or they would never get a woman.

Have you fallen off the wagon, as that might explain your delirious post. Sober up man.

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I could write a book from 47 to 50 yo, the last gf was 15 years younger, the one beforew was 12, and all the ones in between,would be a great book too, even got chased out of a house b y the married guy 5555555,

Yep. It's a real shame if some men think they're old at 42.

You can enjoy life and get decent girlies well into your 50s or 60s.

If you stay in shape, you shouldn't need to pay for it, either.

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I could write a book from 47 to 50 yo, the last gf was 15 years younger, the one beforew was 12, and all the ones in between,would be a great book too, even got chased out of a house b y the married guy 5555555,

Yep. It's a real shame if some men think they're old at 42.

You can enjoy life and get decent girlies well into your 50s or 60s.

If you stay in shape, you shouldn't need to pay for it, either.

Often it is not a "need" to pay for it but rahther a "want" to pay for it.

I am happily married; however, I do see certain advantages to my friends that choose to only rent.

To the OP, old men with tattoos do not bother me.

When old men start getting gauges (those big hoops in their ear lobe) then I will be greatly bothered. Come to think of it, with the way our skin sags and our ears get bigger with age (fact) I bet we could have some large ones.

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I can't imagine why anyone that has access to a willing enthusiastic partner would prefer someone who's only induced to take part by a financial imperative.

I can, however, imagine why you would pretend your only option was the preferable one.

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I can't imagine why anyone that has access to a willing enthusiastic partner would prefer someone who's only induced to take part by a financial imperative.

I can, however, imagine why you would pretend your only option was the preferable one.

Some people just like to pass judgement on others as a way of making themselves feel better I suppose.

I have seen many a marriage here and abroad where finacial imperstive is all that exists.

And ofcourse you are assuming that all marriages include a willing enthusiastic partner.

Not my business how someone else chooses to live. Sorta like the subject of this thread, what business is it of mine if an old guy wants to get tattoos.

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And ofcourse you are assuming that all marriages include a willing enthusiastic partner.

I feel sorry for anyone who ends up in one that doesn't.

i guess maybe that's how paying for it seems like a reasonable option. But not all men make such a mess of their love lives.

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And ofcourse you are assuming that all marriages include a willing enthusiastic partner.

I feel sorry for anyone who ends up in one that doesn't.

i guess maybe that's how paying for it seems like a reasonable option. But not all men make such a mess of their love lives.

Me thinks thou does protest too much.

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