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Airport Immigration demanding work permit.

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You also get a non-b for business meetings and i think you dont need a WP for the meetings.........

And if questioned by immigration you say you do not work in Thailand and are here on business. Not relevant to the OP's situation or cause for suspicion.

Yes you are right... its very relevant for me. Having a company I could have hypothetically said I'm here on business and not working in my own company. Doubtful that would have saved me any grief.

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I wouldn't dwell too much on the letter from your lawyer. You own the letterhead & you own the lawyer; why should immigration grant any credence to what the letter said? You were lucky to get back in. You really need more due diligence next time before leaving the country.

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A Thai Consulate/Embassy issues a Non B based on evidence that the applicant supplies. An IO normally does not ever question whether a person who enters has a WP. I used to have a Non B- and was never asked for a WP. There are many B Visas issued where the holder does not have a WP because he is not working. In the OPs case he was asked and presented evidence that proved he was eligible to enter. How do you think a potential investor would react who was coming to Thailand on a Non B and wanted to spend $200 million to open a factory and was denied entry because he did not have a WP. I guarantee he would take his money elsewhere. The IOs need to start to spend their energy on those areas where most people are violating the law- Tourist Visas and working.. This situation shows that they are poorly trained and wasting the taxpayers money as well as presenting the Kingdom as unfriendly to investors.

You're missing the point. It doesn't matter what they normally do. They are entitled to ask to see a WP and if the person can't produce it they have the right to question why not. The evidence proved nothing. But IMO any IO presented with this potentially fake paperwork would allow the person to enter which they did.

Someone holding a non 'B' without a WP is more likely to be illegally working than someone with a tourist visa so I don't see your argument.

The fact that this person is re-entering Thailand with a non 'B' visa it's perfectly justifiable for the IO to ask to see a WP on the assumption that it would have been obtained already. The IO was just doing his job and I don't see anything to complain about.

It's interesting that the OP went armed with all this paperwork. It's as if they were expecting to be grilled.

Hmmmm...... Is that supposed be some sort of astute wisdom being proclaimed here by you.

As if you never have been and or will never be subjected to small minded government officials that are just doing their job...while you are living long term here in Thailand... while their enforcement of the immigration rules is obviously misplaced ...as compared...... to where they should be focusing their time and attention.

Of course they can do anything they want as that is their attitude and their sense of new order authoritarian entitlement ( as you mention ) while you also would not be happy at all about being interrogated and threatened with non entry if it so happens to be you that they decided to scrutinize and ask loads of "loaded questions" that are difficult to explain while they grill you like a CRIMINAL and or expressly imply you are a criminal trying to get away with something evil and reprehensible and they are going to expose your crimes while making you squirm and making you miserable ...at their leisure and your expense.

Think about it before you answer with an angry retort in defense of immigration officials that are just doing their job....very selectively I might add.

Meantime, literally hundreds of international criminals and Mafia members from all around the world arrive here on a regular basis and set up shop and operate illegal activities and perpetrate further crimes left, right and center...but they simply breeze through immigration coming and going and seldom if ever are they questioned or scrutinized......as in.... just plain stupid priorities.......that is, if you have any sense of where their immigration priorities and scrutiny's should be ...but seldom if ever are.


Ok I've thought about it. Here's my attempt at a non angry response.

Yes they are doing their job.

Yes I'm happy to answer their questions based on the their concerns that I'm breaking the law.

Yes I'm happy to provide every document possible to alleviate their concerns.

Now let me ask you this....

Would you be happy, if you'd been doing everything the Thai Government and Immigration have ever asked of you... and one day that just wasn't good enough because an Immigration official denied you entry based on a gut feeling of his... would you be happy?


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It may be perfectly legal for the Io to ask to see the Work Permit- but it is totally illogical for the IO to question the proof that was presented. Had the OP entered at Swampy I seriously doubt he would have been put through the ringer.. The whole Southern Immigration division seems to make their own rules and play from a different book than the rest of the country. This is exactly why people have no interest in investing any money in the Kingdom. There is no consistency nor is their anyway to be totally prepared for the IO that has no idea how to handle situations such as the Op presented. People working on a Tourist Visa are one issue but questioning whether a person is working on a Non B is rather ridiculous. The IO needs to figure out that it is up to the Embassy/Consulate to review the reasons the B Visa is being issued. In this case the Io had ample proof that everything was in order. The Op should have been stamped in immediately without all the drama that a poorly trained IO put him through.Immigration needs to gt its house in order. There are plenty of people working here on Tourist Visas- that should be their priority.

Possibly the smartest thing that has been said here in 3 plus pages.

If somebody who has been on a Non Imm B visa for 5 consecutive years, and always in possession of a valid WP... then one day turns up without a valid WP but a mass of officially stamped documents explaining why... and almost gets denied entry... what hope does anybody else have? Cause for alarm for most...

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I would say: im here for a meeting and possible investments in thai companys.....

Yes that is no problem and acceptable, but where it goes wonky is when someone is trying to live long term in Thailand on a B visa, and flipping in and out all the time, thats when the red flag goes up....as it would appear to an IO that some one appears to be playing the system...

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A Thai Consulate/Embassy issues a Non B based on evidence that the applicant supplies. An IO normally does not ever question whether a person who enters has a WP. I used to have a Non B- and was never asked for a WP. There are many B Visas issued where the holder does not have a WP because he is not working. In the OPs case he was asked and presented evidence that proved he was eligible to enter. How do you think a potential investor would react who was coming to Thailand on a Non B and wanted to spend $200 million to open a factory and was denied entry because he did not have a WP. I guarantee he would take his money elsewhere. The IOs need to start to spend their energy on those areas where most people are violating the law- Tourist Visas and working.. This situation shows that they are poorly trained and wasting the taxpayers money as well as presenting the Kingdom as unfriendly to investors.

You're missing the point. It doesn't matter what they normally do. They are entitled to ask to see a WP and if the person can't produce it they have the right to question why not. The evidence proved nothing. But IMO any IO presented with this potentially fake paperwork would allow the person to enter which they did.

Someone holding a non 'B' without a WP is more likely to be illegally working than someone with a tourist visa so I don't see your argument.

The fact that this person is re-entering Thailand with a non 'B' visa it's perfectly justifiable for the IO to ask to see a WP on the assumption that it would have been obtained already. The IO was just doing his job and I don't see anything to complain about.

It's interesting that the OP went armed with all this paperwork. It's as if they were expecting to be grilled.

Hmmmm...... Is that supposed be some sort of astute wisdom being proclaimed here by you.

As if you never have been and or will never be subjected to small minded government officials that are just doing their job...while you are living long term here in Thailand... while their enforcement of the immigration rules is obviously misplaced ...as compared...... to where they should be focusing their time and attention.

Of course they can do anything they want as that is their attitude and their sense of new order authoritarian entitlement ( as you mention ) while you also would not be happy at all about being interrogated and threatened with non entry if it so happens to be you that they decided to scrutinize and ask loads of "loaded questions" that are difficult to explain while they grill you like a CRIMINAL and or expressly imply you are a criminal trying to get away with something evil and reprehensible and they are going to expose your crimes while making you squirm and making you miserable ...at their leisure and your expense.

Think about it before you answer with an angry retort in defense of immigration officials that are just doing their job....very selectively I might add.

Meantime, literally hundreds of international criminals and Mafia members from all around the world arrive here on a regular basis and set up shop and operate illegal activities and perpetrate further crimes left, right and center...but they simply breeze through immigration coming and going and seldom if ever are they questioned or scrutinized......as in.... just plain stupid priorities.......that is, if you have any sense of where their immigration priorities and scrutiny's should be ...but seldom if ever are.


And you have proof positive and masses of evidence which supports these allegations ?

As they say: "Ignorance is Bliss"...... for people that do not know what is going on.

There are loads of articles for 30 years written about how Thailand is a haven for criminals of all types

Obviously immigration let them into the country.

I hope you can figure this out on your own.....lol


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I find the criticism of the OP way over board. This man tried to do the right thing and some of you are attempting to paint him as the 'bad guy'. Yes, anyone can write a letter, but I am sure the letter has a legal or company letter head. The IO was way out of line in questioning his documents. Any IO worth his/her salt would have read the letter and stamped him in. If they had a doubt they should have called in a supervisor who could then call the lawyer if he had any further doubt. IO officers need to be better trained and it is obvious from various posts Phuket Airport is one of the worst for IO's being untrained and giving people entering legally with the right documentation a hard time. The OP is right to be irritated. The continual inability of Io's to make proper and credible decisions are an impediment to investment in the Kingdom.

The OP has already said that the letter, although signed by a Lawyer, was on his (the OP's) Company letterhead.

PLUS I don't think there is a requirement to cancel a Work Permit before applying for another one so why not wait until the new WP is received before cancelling the first one?


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The rest of the time they were looking through my passport and apparently had a problem with me leaving the country every 90 days... even though I have to by law. Go figure.

No, you don't.

You simply do your 90-day report and get an extension of stay.

The fact that you've been leaving every 90 days like clockwork makes you look suspicious.

+1 Good Observation - This is what I also thought. Why would someone every 90 days fly out but not do their 90 days reporting and get an extension of stay. I had over many years a None Immigrant B visa but a single entry and then I would just do my reporting and get an extension of stay.

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A Thai Consulate/Embassy issues a Non B based on evidence that the applicant supplies. An IO normally does not ever question whether a person who enters has a WP. I used to have a Non B- and was never asked for a WP. There are many B Visas issued where the holder does not have a WP because he is not working. In the OPs case he was asked and presented evidence that proved he was eligible to enter. How do you think a potential investor would react who was coming to Thailand on a Non B and wanted to spend $200 million to open a factory and was denied entry because he did not have a WP. I guarantee he would take his money elsewhere. The IOs need to start to spend their energy on those areas where most people are violating the law- Tourist Visas and working.. This situation shows that they are poorly trained and wasting the taxpayers money as well as presenting the Kingdom as unfriendly to investors.

If you invest in fact over 1 million USD you can contact the One Stop Center at the BOI directly and you will have no problems in entering Thailand. The BOI will even issue a document to the Thai embassy as an endorsement. I was several times stopped in the past 28 years in Thailand by the IO but always had the correct documents with me (including a print out of taxes paid, revenues of the company, signed letter by the CEO of the company and the local Thai Managing Director. The most important document is the auditors report and how much taxes has been paid by the company to the government. What I never used was a letter from any lawyer because the lawyer sets up the company but after that he has nothing to do more with the company and it is the senior management and the HR department that issues the company documents. Just open any newspaper and you will notice the ads inside of setting up a company with 2 million Baht and get a work permit.

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>Ineligible for 90 day reporting because I'm not on Extension Of Stay from immigration

>I'm on a 1 year Non Imm B Visa which requires leaving the country every 90 days

If you have a Non-Immigrant B visa and a work permit, you do not have to leave the country every 90 days.

How could you not know this?

Leaving the country every 90 days makes you look suspicious. You're lucky they let you in.

I wish what you are saying was true. I really do.

Requirement of Visa to leave every 90 days.

Only way around that is to apply at Immigration for an extension of stay based on employment. Then your Non B Visa is cancelled and you go onto the Extension Of Stay. But the downside to that, is if employed is ceased, the Extension of Stay cancels immediately if my employment ceases or I quit. Then I must leave Thailand immediately. Its very cut throat.

With the Visa... it always remains valid until its expiry date regardless of employment or not. More flexible if you need to do what I just did, and change a work permit.

You might be possible right, however when you applied your None B-M you showed the embassy a letter from the company that hired you before but the employment was terminated. Somehow, I think this is a loophole and in our office we only request from the Thai embassy a single entry None-B.

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You also get a non-b for business meetings and i think you dont need a WP for the meetings.........

Correct but those visitors fly normally in and after a while they leave again. We have an auditor that has a None-B-M and he flies in every 3 months to check the accounting records. He works for the head-office in Europe and leaves after 1-2 weeks back to Europe. The only document he gets from our HR department is the map of the office where he will be located during his trip to Thailand and all other documents are issued by our HQ in Europe.

I have a Japanese friend that is on NoneB-M entry and he too inspects every 4 weeks the factory in Rayong and he will be 3 days in Rayong, 1 day cruising on Silom before returning to Japan. The Multiply entry visas was issued for those kinds of target group.

Non-Immigrant B Visa (Conducting Business)

Foreigners who wish to setup or conduct business in Thailand should apply for a Thai Non-Immigrant B visa

90 Days Non-Immigrant Visa (Single-Entry)

This is an initial visa issued by the Thai embassy or consulate in your home country which allows a stay of 90 consecutive days in Thailand.

1-Year Non-Immigrant Visa (Multiple-Entry)

This is issued to those who want to conduct business and intend to frequently travel in and out of Thailand.

Non-Immigrant B Visa (Employment)

Foreigners who intend to work in Thailand should apply for an initial 90-Day Non-Immigrant B visa from their home country under employment category.

90-day reporting to the Thai Immigration Office is required to the visa holder under this category.

A re-entry permit is required if the applicant wishes to travel outside of the country.

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You also get a non-b for business meetings and i think you dont need a WP for the meetings.........

Correct but those visitors fly normally in and after a while they leave again. We have an auditor that has a None-B-M and he flies in every 3 months to check the accounting records. He works for the head-office in Europe and leaves after 1-2 weeks back to Europe. The only document he gets from our HR department is the map of the office where he will be located during his trip to Thailand and all other documents are issued by our HQ in Europe.

I have a Japanese friend that is on NoneB-M entry and he too inspects every 4 weeks the factory in Rayong and he will be 3 days in Rayong, 1 day cruising on Silom before returning to Japan. The Multiply entry visas was issued for those kinds of target group.

Non-Immigrant B Visa (Conducting Business)

Foreigners who wish to setup or conduct business in Thailand should apply for a Thai Non-Immigrant B visa

90 Days Non-Immigrant Visa (Single-Entry)

This is an initial visa issued by the Thai embassy or consulate in your home country which allows a stay of 90 consecutive days in Thailand.

1-Year Non-Immigrant Visa (Multiple-Entry)

This is issued to those who want to conduct business and intend to frequently travel in and out of Thailand.

Non-Immigrant B Visa (Employment)

Foreigners who intend to work in Thailand should apply for an initial 90-Day Non-Immigrant B visa from their home country under employment category.

90-day reporting to the Thai Immigration Office is required to the visa holder under this category.

A re-entry permit is required if the applicant wishes to travel outside of the country.

And there is the difference between your examples and what some people are doing...your examples are not trying to live full time in Thailand on the back of a B visa, and "conducting" meetings....the example you give are in line with the intent of the B, they come in do what they do and leave again

It makes perfect sense that if some one appears to be living Thailand full time on a B visa, to question 1 do they have a WP ? Or what exactly are they upto ?

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You also get a non-b for business meetings and i think you dont need a WP for the meetings.........

Correct but those visitors fly normally in and after a while they leave again. We have an auditor that has a None-B-M and he flies in every 3 months to check the accounting records. He works for the head-office in Europe and leaves after 1-2 weeks back to Europe. The only document he gets from our HR department is the map of the office where he will be located during his trip to Thailand and all other documents are issued by our HQ in Europe.

I have a Japanese friend that is on NoneB-M entry and he too inspects every 4 weeks the factory in Rayong and he will be 3 days in Rayong, 1 day cruising on Silom before returning to Japan. The Multiply entry visas was issued for those kinds of target group.

Non-Immigrant B Visa (Conducting Business)

Foreigners who wish to setup or conduct business in Thailand should apply for a Thai Non-Immigrant B visa

90 Days Non-Immigrant Visa (Single-Entry)

This is an initial visa issued by the Thai embassy or consulate in your home country which allows a stay of 90 consecutive days in Thailand.

1-Year Non-Immigrant Visa (Multiple-Entry)

This is issued to those who want to conduct business and intend to frequently travel in and out of Thailand.

Non-Immigrant B Visa (Employment)

Foreigners who intend to work in Thailand should apply for an initial 90-Day Non-Immigrant B visa from their home country under employment category.

90-day reporting to the Thai Immigration Office is required to the visa holder under this category.

A re-entry permit is required if the applicant wishes to travel outside of the country.

And there is the difference between your examples and what some people are doing...your examples are not trying to live full time in Thailand on the back of a B visa, and "conducting" meetings....the example you give are in line with the intent of the B, they come in do what they do and leave again

It makes perfect sense that if some one appears to be living Thailand full time on a B visa, to question 1 do they have a WP ? Or what exactly are they upto ?

Just had an expat meeting last Sunday with around 20 farangs here in Isaan.

6 Farangs pay someone in Pattaya to do their extension of stay also they do not have the minimum of 400,000 Baht those brokers put in the money and charge 30,000 Baht yearly. For 90 days reportings the farangs mails his passport to Pattaya and gets it back after 4 days.

2 Farangs have a company on paper in Pattaya and got their NoneB-M from the German consulate in Frankfurt. No work permit really and they exit every 3 months via Mukdahan and return an hour later to activate the new entry. As I said the company is just on paper and not even trading properly.

1 Farang has a NoneB-M also from Frankfurt but this guy is flooded with cash, build a mansion owns a couple of European limos and has a GF from a bar in Pattaya. His visa however is valid as he invests a lot in the Thai financial market and is now looking to buy a hotel in Thailand.

The other farangs are mostly married to a Thai and are on a retirement visa for 400k. One got a divorce and he has 800k in the bank.

The other 12 farangs

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Correct but those visitors fly normally in and after a while they leave again. We have an auditor that has a None-B-M and he flies in every 3 months to check the accounting records. He works for the head-office in Europe and leaves after 1-2 weeks back to Europe. The only document he gets from our HR department is the map of the office where he will be located during his trip to Thailand and all other documents are issued by our HQ in Europe.

I have a Japanese friend that is on NoneB-M entry and he too inspects every 4 weeks the factory in Rayong and he will be 3 days in Rayong, 1 day cruising on Silom before returning to Japan. The Multiply entry visas was issued for those kinds of target group.

Non-Immigrant B Visa (Conducting Business)

Foreigners who wish to setup or conduct business in Thailand should apply for a Thai Non-Immigrant B visa

90 Days Non-Immigrant Visa (Single-Entry)

This is an initial visa issued by the Thai embassy or consulate in your home country which allows a stay of 90 consecutive days in Thailand.

1-Year Non-Immigrant Visa (Multiple-Entry)

This is issued to those who want to conduct business and intend to frequently travel in and out of Thailand.

Non-Immigrant B Visa (Employment)

Foreigners who intend to work in Thailand should apply for an initial 90-Day Non-Immigrant B visa from their home country under employment category.

90-day reporting to the Thai Immigration Office is required to the visa holder under this category.

A re-entry permit is required if the applicant wishes to travel outside of the country.

And there is the difference between your examples and what some people are doing...your examples are not trying to live full time in Thailand on the back of a B visa, and "conducting" meetings....the example you give are in line with the intent of the B, they come in do what they do and leave again

It makes perfect sense that if some one appears to be living Thailand full time on a B visa, to question 1 do they have a WP ? Or what exactly are they upto ?

Just had an expat meeting last Sunday with around 20 farangs here in Isaan.

6 Farangs pay someone in Pattaya to do their extension of stay also they do not have the minimum of 400,000 Baht those brokers put in the money and charge 30,000 Baht yearly. For 90 days reportings the farangs mails his passport to Pattaya and gets it back after 4 days.

2 Farangs have a company on paper in Pattaya and got their NoneB-M from the German consulate in Frankfurt. No work permit really and they exit every 3 months via Mukdahan and return an hour later to activate the new entry. As I said the company is just on paper and not even trading properly.

1 Farang has a NoneB-M also from Frankfurt but this guy is flooded with cash, build a mansion owns a couple of European limos and has a GF from a bar in Pattaya. His visa however is valid as he invests a lot in the Thai financial market and is now looking to buy a hotel in Thailand.

The other farangs are mostly married to a Thai and are on a retirement visa for 400k. One got a divorce and he has 800k in the bank.

The other 12 farangs

And people wonder why immigration is toughening up!

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Correct but those visitors fly normally in and after a while they leave again. We have an auditor that has a None-B-M and he flies in every 3 months to check the accounting records. He works for the head-office in Europe and leaves after 1-2 weeks back to Europe. The only document he gets from our HR department is the map of the office where he will be located during his trip to Thailand and all other documents are issued by our HQ in Europe.

I have a Japanese friend that is on NoneB-M entry and he too inspects every 4 weeks the factory in Rayong and he will be 3 days in Rayong, 1 day cruising on Silom before returning to Japan. The Multiply entry visas was issued for those kinds of target group.

Non-Immigrant B Visa (Conducting Business)

Foreigners who wish to setup or conduct business in Thailand should apply for a Thai Non-Immigrant B visa

90 Days Non-Immigrant Visa (Single-Entry)

This is an initial visa issued by the Thai embassy or consulate in your home country which allows a stay of 90 consecutive days in Thailand.

1-Year Non-Immigrant Visa (Multiple-Entry)

This is issued to those who want to conduct business and intend to frequently travel in and out of Thailand.

Non-Immigrant B Visa (Employment)

Foreigners who intend to work in Thailand should apply for an initial 90-Day Non-Immigrant B visa from their home country under employment category.

90-day reporting to the Thai Immigration Office is required to the visa holder under this category.

A re-entry permit is required if the applicant wishes to travel outside of the country.

And there is the difference between your examples and what some people are doing...your examples are not trying to live full time in Thailand on the back of a B visa, and "conducting" meetings....the example you give are in line with the intent of the B, they come in do what they do and leave again

It makes perfect sense that if some one appears to be living Thailand full time on a B visa, to question 1 do they have a WP ? Or what exactly are they upto ?

Just had an expat meeting last Sunday with around 20 farangs here in Isaan.

6 Farangs pay someone in Pattaya to do their extension of stay also they do not have the minimum of 400,000 Baht those brokers put in the money and charge 30,000 Baht yearly. For 90 days reportings the farangs mails his passport to Pattaya and gets it back after 4 days.

2 Farangs have a company on paper in Pattaya and got their NoneB-M from the German consulate in Frankfurt. No work permit really and they exit every 3 months via Mukdahan and return an hour later to activate the new entry. As I said the company is just on paper and not even trading properly.

1 Farang has a NoneB-M also from Frankfurt but this guy is flooded with cash, build a mansion owns a couple of European limos and has a GF from a bar in Pattaya. His visa however is valid as he invests a lot in the Thai financial market and is now looking to buy a hotel in Thailand.

The other farangs are mostly married to a Thai and are on a retirement visa for 400k. One got a divorce and he has 800k in the bank.

The other 12 farangs

And people wonder why immigration is toughening up!

And then complain when life becomes "difficult".

Apart from the alleged illegal activity there are other glaring errors(misunderstandings?) in that post.

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to the op, they let you in right?

they explained to you the conditions under which you could come back next time right?

Now compare that to the experiences of thais trying to visit your country for tourism or simply to be with their families.

stop complaining you bore me.

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to the op, they let you in right?

they explained to you the conditions under which you could come back next time right?

Now compare that to the experiences of thais trying to visit your country for tourism or simply to be with their families.

stop complaining you bore me.

When Thai people enter Australia with a Tourist Visa... they are let straight in. No questions. The reason?? Because their Visa has already been issued from an Australian Embassy and that is good enough for Immigration.

I know... because thats my business. I've sent hundreads of Thai's internationally.

Stop talking about things you know nothing about, it bores me.

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to the op, they let you in right?

they explained to you the conditions under which you could come back next time right?

Now compare that to the experiences of thais trying to visit your country for tourism or simply to be with their families.

stop complaining you bore me.

When Thai people enter Australia with a Tourist Visa... they are let straight in. No questions. The reason?? Because their Visa has already been issued from an Australian Embassy and that is good enough for Immigration.

I know... because thats my business. I've sent hundreads of Thai's internationally.

Stop talking about things you know nothing about, it bores me.

Wrong !

Anyone with an Australian tourist visa is allowed entry at the discretion of the Immigration Officer.

Try messing with the Australian Immigration department and you will be banned for a very long time.

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to the op, they let you in right?

they explained to you the conditions under which you could come back next time right?

Now compare that to the experiences of thais trying to visit your country for tourism or simply to be with their families.

stop complaining you bore me.

When Thai people enter Australia with a Tourist Visa... they are let straight in. No questions. The reason?? Because their Visa has already been issued from an Australian Embassy and that is good enough for Immigration.

I know... because thats my business. I've sent hundreads of Thai's internationally.

Stop talking about things you know nothing about, it bores me.

Wrong !

Anyone with an Australian tourist visa is allowed entry at the discretion of the Immigration Officer.

Try messing with the Australian Immigration department and you will be banned for a very long time.

Mate the point is Australian IO do NOT GIVE A HARD TIME TO THAI people who are on the correct Visa... yes they have disgressional powers, of course all IO's do. But don't take my word for it, ask the hundread Thai's I've sent O/S. They RARELY get questioned, at all!!

And why should they?? They have already satisfied an Australian Embassy and passed their screening that they pose no risk of illegal activities in Australia, and Immigration accepts that on arrival. So there is no reason to interrogate!!! Thats the whole bloody point that few are getting!!!! Thailand is the only country in the world where you can have the correct Visa but still be denied entry!!

There is a disconnect between the Thai Embassies issuing Visas and Immigration Policy.

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to the op, they let you in right?

they explained to you the conditions under which you could come back next time right?

Now compare that to the experiences of thais trying to visit your country for tourism or simply to be with their families.

stop complaining you bore me.

When Thai people enter Australia with a Tourist Visa... they are let straight in. No questions. The reason?? Because their Visa has already been issued from an Australian Embassy and that is good enough for Immigration.

I know... because thats my business. I've sent hundreads of Thai's internationally.

Stop talking about things you know nothing about, it bores me.

Er the issuance of a visa from any embassy or consulate is doesnt gurantee or give the right of the holder to enter a country the ultimate decision whether to allow someone to enter a country rests with the immigration officer at the point of entry and they are entitled to conduct any further due dilligence they deem nessecary to satisfy themselves that the person is entering a country for the reasons they say they are entering

For someone who has been involved with this....suprised you dont know this

Yes Visa is not a right of passage, I know.

But unless there is ample evidence that you have, or intend to, be involved in illegal activities then there is no real need for them to deny you entry correct?

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There is no reason why someone that is being issued a non 'B' visa to work in Thailand should be issued a multi entry. It should be single entry with an extension of stay granted once the WP is issued. Then situations like the OP's wouldn't happen.

The only applicants that should get multiple entries are those conducting business.

I think the standard response here is "their country, their rules" no?

Edited by tlock
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There is no reason why someone that is being issued a non 'B' visa to work in Thailand should be issued a multi entry. It should be single entry with an extension of stay granted once the WP is issued. Then situations like the OP's wouldn't happen.

The only applicants that should get multiple entries are those conducting business.

I think the standard response here is "their country, their rules" no?

Yes. I'm just offering opinion.

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to the op, they let you in right?

they explained to you the conditions under which you could come back next time right?

Now compare that to the experiences of thais trying to visit your country for tourism or simply to be with their families.

stop complaining you bore me.

When Thai people enter Australia with a Tourist Visa... they are let straight in. No questions. The reason?? Because their Visa has already been issued from an Australian Embassy and that is good enough for Immigration.

I know... because thats my business. I've sent hundreads of Thai's internationally.

Stop talking about things you know nothing about, it bores me.

Er the issuance of a visa from any embassy or consulate is doesnt gurantee or give the right of the holder to enter a country the ultimate decision whether to allow someone to enter a country rests with the immigration officer at the point of entry and they are entitled to conduct any further due dilligence they deem nessecary to satisfy themselves that the person is entering a country for the reasons they say they are entering

For someone who has been involved with this....suprised you dont know this

Yes Visa is not a right of passage, I know.

But unless there is ample evidence that you have, or intend to, be involved in illegal activities then there is no real need for them to deny you entry correct?

Illegal activity is not the only criteria, it can be finanical, it can be a simple case they dont believe the person will comply with the T&C's of their visas if admitted

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There is no reason why someone that is being issued a non 'B' visa to work in Thailand should be issued a multi entry. It should be single entry with an extension of stay granted once the WP is issued. Then situations like the OP's wouldn't happen.

The only applicants that should get multiple entries are those conducting business.

Yes!! Correct!!

And that is the point guys... the problem is not me, its the Visa itself. The very conditions of the Visa stipulating you must leave every 90 days is THE REASON for the problems. It gives IO's a headache and people like myself in a precarious predicment.

Should be single entry with the option of getting a re-entry permit from Immigration if the need to travel arises.

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There is no reason why someone that is being issued a non 'B' visa to work in Thailand should be issued a multi entry. It should be single entry with an extension of stay granted once the WP is issued. Then situations like the OP's wouldn't happen.

The only applicants that should get multiple entries are those conducting business.

Yes!! Correct!!

And that is the point guys... the problem is not me, its the Visa itself. The very conditions of the Visa stipulating you must leave every 90 days is THE REASON for the problems. It gives IO's a headache and people like myself in a precarious predicment.

Should be single entry with the option of getting a re-entry permit from Immigration if the need to travel arises.

Then it wouldnt be a single entry then would it ? :rolleyes:

But your not doing business, your working here...:rolleyes:

There is nothing wrong with the visa, and if you had done an extension of stay as most working people do, you wouldnt have the problem of leaving every 90 days would you ?

Its simple the intent is as follows

1.multi entry B visa = people who periodic business in Thailand and leave again

2. Persons working in Thailand = single entry non imm B, WP issued, extension of stay issued, mutiple re-entry permit issued for 12 months at a time....report in country every 90 days, dont have to go out the country

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