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Dog meat is gaining in popularity in this northern province, with an increasing number of roadside food stalls serving dog meat dishes over the past few years. Three food shops on the side of the Chiang Mai-Chom Thong highway in San Pa Tong district are enjoying the rising popularity of dog meat.

Continued .. Bangkok Post

Am I the only one who finds so many of the aspects of this story "distasteful".

especially the last sentence which really "sticks in my throat"

"feedback" from thaivisa gourmets welcome

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I have no problem with people eating dog, I've witnessed it here a few times in the village. Just because it is something that westerners find distasteful does not mean that people in other parts of world should not eat it.. lets not forget that rat is eaten in Thailand also, more or less every day where I am.

I suppose it's the same as some people not eating pork, or beef.. we may be shocked at that, but it doesn't stop us eating it.

What I do find quite shocking is this comment..

However, she said she always lied to new customers that the food was made from lamb or sheep meat, for fear that they would feel disgusted upon learning that it was dog meat

I feel that If i am to eat dog meat, it should be of my own choice... and everyone should have that choice.

totster :o

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i sort of agree with you , even though i have a special affection for our canine cousins and i find the thought of eating dog sad and awful , i know that in many asian countries they are eaten as a delicacy , although in this case it seems as if this horribly unscrupulous foodseller has just found a source of cheap meat and is quite happy to lie to her customers whilst lining her pockets ( how often do we hear that !) ,

but dogs do have a special relationship with humans , and there is not such a shortage of meat or other foods around such that we have to be eating dogmeat

but its the last sentence that really get my goat , and the fact that the journalist reporting this never queried whether lying to her customers was acceptable behaviour or not.

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Dog meat is gaining in popularity in this northern province, with an increasing number of roadside food stalls serving dog meat dishes over the past few years. Three food shops on the side of the Chiang Mai-Chom Thong highway in San Pa Tong district are enjoying the rising popularity of dog meat.

Continued .. Bangkok Post

Am I the only one who finds so many of the aspects of this story "distasteful".

especially the last sentence which really "sticks in my throat"

"feedback" from thaivisa gourmets welcome

This is absoutely disgraceful!

Aside from the extreme cruelty that killing dogs for meat involves, eaters of dog meat risk ingesting all sorts of nasties and diseases from eating dog meat.

It is doubtful to say the least, that these dogs are being bread specifically in captivity for dog meat & most people don't even like to touch a 'soi dog' but are willing to eat one!?!? Can you imagine the risks unthinking people are running!

Do people even imagine that dogs are killed in anything even approaching a humane way & in sanitory conditions?

What happened to the saying that a "dog is a man's best friend"? This practice should be outlawed as a priority! :o

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Dog meat is gaining in popularity in this northern province, with an increasing number of roadside food stalls serving dog meat dishes over the past few years. Three food shops on the side of the Chiang Mai-Chom Thong highway in San Pa Tong district are enjoying the rising popularity of dog meat.

Continued .. Bangkok Post

Am I the only one who finds so many of the aspects of this story "distasteful".

especially the last sentence which really "sticks in my throat"

"feedback" from thaivisa gourmets welcome

This is absoutely disgraceful!

Aside from the extreme cruelty that killing dogs for meat involves, eaters of dog meat risk ingesting all sorts of nasties and diseases from eating dog meat.

It is doubtful to say the least, that these dogs are being bread specifically in captivity for dog meat & most people don't even like to touch a 'soi dog' but are willing to eat one!?!? Can you imagine the risks unthinking people are running!

Do people even imagine that dogs are killed in anything even approaching a humane way & in sanitory conditions?

What happened to the saying that a "dog is a man's best friend"? This practice should be outlawed as a priority! :o

why would dog rendering be anymore or less sanitary and humane than the rendering of other animals like pigs, chickens and cows? If you are okay eating one of them then Dog is no different except for the western cultural practice of keeping them for pets.

I personally don't want to eat any soi dog but there are plenty of hungry people in Thailand and if I don't have to swerve wandering dogs on my next bicycle ride then good deal I say.

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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Dog meat is gaining in popularity in this northern province, with an increasing number of roadside food stalls serving dog meat dishes over the past few years. Three food shops on the side of the Chiang Mai-Chom Thong highway in San Pa Tong district are enjoying the rising popularity of dog meat.

Continued .. Bangkok Post

Am I the only one who finds so many of the aspects of this story "distasteful".

especially the last sentence which really "sticks in my throat"

"feedback" from thaivisa gourmets welcome

This is absoutely disgraceful!

Aside from the extreme cruelty that killing dogs for meat involves, eaters of dog meat risk ingesting all sorts of nasties and diseases from eating dog meat.

It is doubtful to say the least, that these dogs are being bread specifically in captivity for dog meat & most people don't even like to touch a 'soi dog' but are willing to eat one!?!? Can you imagine the risks unthinking people are running!

Do people even imagine that dogs are killed in anything even approaching a humane way & in sanitory conditions?

What happened to the saying that a "dog is a man's best friend"? This practice should be outlawed as a priority! :o

why would dog rendering be anymore or less sanitary and humane than the rendering of other animals like pigs, chickens and cows? If you are okay eating one of them then Dog is no different except for the western cultural practice of keeping them for pets.

I personally don't want to eat any soi dog but there are plenty of hungry people in Thailand and if I don't have to swerve wandering dogs on my next bicycle ride then good deal I say.

Well, let's see, in today's news it seems like Thai men like to beat women and children. Some posters seen to think that this is a cultural thing and we shouldn't butt in or have a bad opinion on it. Now the folks in CM want to eat dog!

Dogs are intelligent sentient animals with feelings and personalities.

BTW, soi dogs are a product of neglect and cruelty by the humans that should have taken better care of them.

I hear that dogs are often beat to death slowly because it somehow makes the meat taste better... I hear that some people like to eat puppies. Personally I find the whole idea totally pathetic and totally unnecessary. No, there aren't starving Thais who need to eat dog so that they can survive. That's absolute BS.

Anyone who eats dogs lacks compassion, which seems to be the order of the day here these days. Where is the Buddhist compassion? I guess it's a myth just like that jai yen yen joke.

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but its the last sentence that really get my goat , and the fact that the journalist reporting this never queried whether lying to her customers was acceptable behaviour or not.

The concept probably never even crossed the reporter's mind.

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Dog meat is gaining in popularity in this northern province, with an increasing number of roadside food stalls serving dog meat dishes over the past few years. Three food shops on the side of the Chiang Mai-Chom Thong highway in San Pa Tong district are enjoying the rising popularity of dog meat.

Continued .. Bangkok Post

Am I the only one who finds so many of the aspects of this story "distasteful".

especially the last sentence which really "sticks in my throat"

"feedback" from thaivisa gourmets welcome

This is absoutely disgraceful!

Aside from the extreme cruelty that killing dogs for meat involves, eaters of dog meat risk ingesting all sorts of nasties and diseases from eating dog meat.

It is doubtful to say the least, that these dogs are being bread specifically in captivity for dog meat & most people don't even like to touch a 'soi dog' but are willing to eat one!?!? Can you imagine the risks unthinking people are running!

Do people even imagine that dogs are killed in anything even approaching a humane way & in sanitory conditions?

What happened to the saying that a "dog is a man's best friend"? This practice should be outlawed as a priority! :o

why would dog rendering be anymore or less sanitary and humane than the rendering of other animals like pigs, chickens and cows? If you are okay eating one of them then Dog is no different except for the western cultural practice of keeping them for pets.

I personally don't want to eat any soi dog but there are plenty of hungry people in Thailand and if I don't have to swerve wandering dogs on my next bicycle ride then good deal I say.

Well, let's see, in today's news it seems like Thai men like to beat women and children. Some posters seen to think that this is a cultural thing and we shouldn't butt in or have a bad opinion on it. Now the folks in CM want to eat dog!

Dogs are intelligent sentient animals with feelings and personalities.

BTW, soi dogs are a product of neglect and cruelty by the humans that should have taken better care of them.

I hear that dogs are often beat to death slowly because it somehow makes the meat taste better... I hear that some people like to eat puppies. Personally I find the whole idea totally pathetic and totally unnecessary. No, there aren't starving Thais who need to eat dog so that they can survive. That's absolute BS.

Anyone who eats dogs lacks compassion, which seems to be the order of the day here these days. Where is the Buddhist compassion? I guess it's a myth just like that jai yen yen joke.

Well first of all Buddism see's animals as less important spiritually than Humans. If a human is hungry then its completely fine for a buddist to eat it. Just ask the Dalai Lama who regularly eats cow.

There are plenty of really poor thai people who lack basic things like medical attention, decent housing and if eating dog stretches their budget then why not. They eat insects and rats. I would pick dog anyday over roaches. There are just way too many dogs in thailand. They are a hazard on the road and to the ecosystem. Would be fine if they thinned the herd.

Yes some of the dog meat in Vietnam, Korea and China is pounded to soften it up and then they like to singh it with a blow torch(after the animal is dead) for that crispy outer skin. Similiar to what they do to pig here. Personally I am a mostly vegetarian but a lot of folks in Vietnam are really poor and hungry. It's their culture and they like to eat critters. Get over it.

PM me if you would like some roasted dog pictures from Hanoi.

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This is absoutely disgraceful!

Aside from the extreme cruelty that killing dogs for meat involves, eaters of dog meat risk ingesting all sorts of nasties and diseases from eating dog meat.

It is doubtful to say the least, that these dogs are being bread specifically in captivity for dog meat & most people don't even like to touch a 'soi dog' but are willing to eat one!?!? Can you imagine the risks unthinking people are running!

Do people even imagine that dogs are killed in anything even approaching a humane way & in sanitory conditions?

What happened to the saying that a "dog is a man's best friend"? This practice should be outlawed as a priority! :o

iang, could you please post a link to some authoritative site that says eating dog meat is in any way unhealthy for humans.

You also imply that other animals are humanely slaughtered. I've had the pleasure to watch as pigs were killed in villages here in Thailand. Someone took a big stick and smacked the pig in the head a few times until it was only semi-conscious. Then a wire was wrapped around its neck and twisted until the animal was strangled to death. This took several minutes with the pig squealing the whole time. as soon as the squealing stopped the pig was butchered.

In Vietnam there is one species that is specifically bred for its meat. The same in southern China. It appears the only difference here is that the Thai's will eat many species.

Plus and Galong, who think dogs have feelings, personality and inteligence, how are they different than pigs?? You're either a vegetarian or not. And if you're eating meat, especially from mammals, why does it matter whether it's from a cow, pig, horse, camel, lion, or seal, all of which are meats available in the USA or Europe? As for intelligence, I've read that the octopus is one of the most intelligent creatures and it's considered a delicacy to eat them while they are still alive.

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Every animal has personality..

To me there is no difference between a cow and a dog ( when it come to eating ). When something is lower down the food chain it is liable to be eaten.

Thats not to say I would eat dog, because my personal emotions get in the way of that, we as westerners treat dogs as friends, love them and make them a part of the family.. but I will never knock someone who chooses to eat that meat, they have a different view about dogs.

If you eat beef/pork/chicken or any other animal, I don't see you have the right to knock others for eating different animals.

totster :o

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Dog meat is gaining in popularity in this northern province, with an increasing number of roadside food stalls serving dog meat dishes over the past few years. Three food shops on the side of the Chiang Mai-Chom Thong highway in San Pa Tong district are enjoying the rising popularity of dog meat.

Continued .. Bangkok Post

Am I the only one who finds so many of the aspects of this story "distasteful".

especially the last sentence which really "sticks in my throat"

"feedback" from thaivisa gourmets welcome

To each his own, I say. We don't sell dog meat and we don't eat it, but I know that a lot of locals around town here (Chiang Dao), eat dog and yes, they also seem to think that black dogs are more delicious or something to that effect.

I know one foreigner who ate dog and that it was good. He was married to a local lady. He also told me that the locals sometimes drive around with their bikes at night and catch/kill dogs to take them home to eat.

So without going more into the ethics of eating dog, I would suggest to dog lovers to keep a close eye on their pooch. I know that I will, when I get another Rottweiler next year. They are black and a lot of meat and I wouldn't want to loose my friend to somebody's wok.

Personally, I like to walk my dog, not wok it. (I know, sick joke)

You have to remember so, that eating dog is not abnormal in Northern Thailand, just like eating rat is not that abnormal in other countries. Personally, I don't want to eat either.

If I find any masochistic vegetarians, I will tell them about this post. What can I say, I like to keep everybody happy :o

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Dog meat is gaining in popularity in this northern province, with an increasing number of roadside food stalls serving dog meat dishes over the past few years. Three food shops on the side of the Chiang Mai-Chom Thong highway in San Pa Tong district are enjoying the rising popularity of dog meat.

Continued .. Bangkok Post

Am I the only one who finds so many of the aspects of this story "distasteful".

especially the last sentence which really "sticks in my throat"

"feedback" from thaivisa gourmets welcome

This is absoutely disgraceful!

Aside from the extreme cruelty that killing dogs for meat involves, eaters of dog meat risk ingesting all sorts of nasties and diseases from eating dog meat.

It is doubtful to say the least, that these dogs are being bread specifically in captivity for dog meat & most people don't even like to touch a 'soi dog' but are willing to eat one!?!? Can you imagine the risks unthinking people are running!

Do people even imagine that dogs are killed in anything even approaching a humane way & in sanitory conditions?

What happened to the saying that a "dog is a man's best friend"? This practice should be outlawed as a priority! :o

Another person believing that they are right and everyone else is wrong.If you choose to not eat someting then do not eat it.But do not say that we are wrong about our decision to eat it.Food through out the world is different for a reason.You eat what is avalible to the people.No if ands or butts about it. :D I will try anything once.If I like it I will eat it again,no matter what it is. Gosh how I love food :D:D But here is a photo of something that I would have a hard time eating if I saw it before it was cooked. :D


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This sounds as if people are jsut going back to old ways! I'm sure they used to eat dogs more often before the tourist pandemic, but stopped not wanting to destroy Thailands then fragile economy by scaring off much needed tourism and it's wads of cash.

Good for CM I say.... bring it all back!! Bats, Monkeys... Snakes

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This sounds as if people are jsut going back to old ways! I'm sure they used to eat dogs more often before the tourist pandemic, but stopped not wanting to destroy Thailands then fragile economy by scaring off much needed tourism and it's wads of cash.

Good for CM I say.... bring it all back!! Bats, Monkeys... Snakes

Thats the spirit... Go with the flow.

Anyone have recommendations for exotic foods in or very near CM? I would like to try my namesake Cobra without having to travel too far.

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This is absoutely disgraceful!

Aside from the extreme cruelty that killing dogs for meat involves, eaters of dog meat risk ingesting all sorts of nasties and diseases from eating dog meat.

It is doubtful to say the least, that these dogs are being bread specifically in captivity for dog meat & most people don't even like to touch a 'soi dog' but are willing to eat one!?!? Can you imagine the risks unthinking people are running!

Do people even imagine that dogs are killed in anything even approaching a humane way & in sanitory conditions?

Hey,hey, what cruelty is involved in killing dogs? they kill them the same way as pigs, club them on the head and asta-la-vista, baby. May take a few strokes, though.

What diseases could one get from eating dog meat? I always eat it cooked and make sure it isn't some neglected soi-dog. Cheap, deliciiious meat - bbq is far out, with curries you loose some of the unique flavor, and get all sorts of innerts, bones and uncool stuff in it.

Relax and give it a try, brother. :o

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But here is a photo of something that I would have a hard time eating if I saw it before it was cooked.

i think a lot of us would be vegetarians if we had had some connection with the animals before they were killed for us to eat. but that is just an emotional response , eating meat is natural throughout most of the animal kingdom.

i find it hard to eat at those seafood places where you have to choose your fish from a tank full of live ones , if they would keep the tanks at the back , or choose for you then it would be easier.

if i was starving then i would have no problem.

i could not eat dog because of the very close association between dog and man , and the fact that i have had dogs as pets before.

because of this close association , and the fact that there is so much meat around these days , i do wonder how thais , and other asians , can actually eat dog , but as others have said , it's a different culture and each to their own.

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i could not eat dog because of the very close association between dog and man , and the fact that i have had dogs as pets before.

because of this close association , and the fact that there is so much meat around these days , i do wonder how thais , and other asians , can actually eat dog , but as others have said , it's a different culture and each to their own.

Fair play fella to each his own!

I don;t think the amount of choice of meat has anything to do with the reasons for eating or not eating dogs. I think it must come down to actual taste, they must taste good to some people. There is a whole list of things I can't believe Thais and esp. Chinese eat, but dog would never be on that list.

It's just red meat in a different wrapper!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I understand some people couldn't agree with eating dogs. I believe it's just because of culture gap.

I know people in Korea like to eat dogs very much. In most areas through China, people also eat dogs. Ofcourse in Thailand. I think the reason is that people don't consider the dogs as PETS in such places. For example, I find that the PET dogs in the cities are different from the dogs in the villages.

Cantonese in China also eat rats. It's not strange. Animals are animals, meat is meat. So don't think too much. Chicken, ox, pig... doesn't have so much differences from dog, cat, rat...

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I think it is all relative. Just because it is not food to you, does not mean it is not for someone else. Hindu's who see the cow as sacred would think those of us who eat beef as disgusting right? I personally would not eat dog, but that's my preference.

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Every animal has personality..

If you eat beef/pork/chicken or any other animal, I don't see you have the right to knock others for eating different animals.

totster :o

I think totster has summed it up, one animal does not really differ from another does it? Many westerners (Europeans especially) love pork sausages, but I doubt someone with Muslim beliefs would agree

My friend in uk, his family are very wealthy and actually choose to eat roadkill, deer, pidgeon even hedgehog! I think a great deal of it is what you've been bought up with

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