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Issan Women


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There have been a number of reports lately about marriages between Issan women and farangs bringing prosperity to parts of Issan and the women becoming farang in their eating habits. Successly relationships they seem to be generally

I am 2 years now seperated and live alone but would like to meet and possibly reside in Issan. Where do you meet prospective wives? The bars are really risky and agencies are just money making machines so it must be personal introduction friend of a friend I guess any advice on this. I don't live in Pattaya but down in Sattahip

Constructive advice only please


Isaan women tend to be ugly , there are many available Thai women mixed with Chinese blood that are very attractive and unlike Issan women they do not all look alike.

Why not set your goals a little bit higher ?

I would think by that type of comment that you "Vespa" are just unable to find one of the most beautiful woman on this earth.To wit, Issan woman.Thought you may like to see a typical Issan woman.One of the majority of Issan woman that have never seen the inside of a bar and have NO interest to.You poor poor lost soul.

As to finding a good wife.Go get yourself a place in Issan anywhere will do and learn the lay of the land.People will start to speak with you and you can take it from there.Enjoy your life.


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If looking for a wife I was given the choice between Issan , Chineese , Philappina, Malay and Scandanavian I'd choose the one with big tits. :o


read with humour

Im afraid for big tatties you inevitably get big asses, chunky thighs and thats before the much sought after breasticles head south... very south

give me a pert petite and dangerously attractive isaan lady any day of the week

I'm such a convert I've actually gone off the look of lasses back home in the uk. Lost interest.

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Well my other half is from issan ,and i think she is very good looking .Though she does go on about her nose at times lol.Though i like the look of it , And she is tanned abit though she does not like to be tanned .And i just say you are mad using all the white powder stuff ,

When most girls in the uk would die for a nice tan as she has .But she does not se it that way .Anyways this is just my view on things But i like the look of most issan woman ,Why they want to be pale looking i dont know , well i do i guess its just a thai thing .

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deon I reckon its a mix of things, when i was with Isaan girls they would point at pics in magazines of (in my opinion) average looking western girls and say "ohhhhhhhhh verr beauty fooool'

Are you bloody mad love? not a patch on you, especially with that cute button nose that sunglasses dont agree with and the tan to die for! So many times I felt like hurling that talc powder out the window

Been told they also associate pale skin with wealth and success? not too sure how right that is....

Personally I love em to bits :o

PS Blue Eyes, very pretty girl

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Glen you are right about the wealth thing , as that is what most folks have told me to ie pale you work indoors in a office, or something like that , If you dark you work outdoors with rice or on building sites .I would not say any of the girl in any of the pics are ugly infact i would say far from it .I am glad the other half does not read tv other than when i show her a thread or something .

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I can attest that Isaan women are some of the most beautiful women in the world -- and they do NOT all look alike. I grew up in California, where there a lot of beautiful women of all nationalities. To me though, the most endearing aspect of Isaan women is their desire to please you -- to make you "happy" It's kind of a Buddhist thing -- if you make others around you happy, then you create a better world for yourself -- that's my theory anyway.

I'll never forget an experience I once had returning to California from fishing trip in Mexico. After a week surrounded by wonderful and warm Mexicans, I entered the waiting area for all my fellow Americans at the airport for the flight back to LA and I thought I had made a wrong turn into the walk-in cooler. The people were palpably unfriendly and self-absorbed. Think Isaan -- think opposite, that was my experience anyway, and I've only spent 4 days there. But judging from what I've read here by people who've lived there for years, I don't think I'm too wide of the mark. Peace.

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farangstm i know exactly what you mean

had 2 trips to LOS this year, 4 weeks each time and can honestly say hand on heart every minute of every day i was happy, and surounded by smiling happy faces, be it the girls, the street vendors even the police!

Within minutes of getting off the plane at Heathrow, first girls eye you catch just give her a polite smile and nothing.. simply turn their nose up or head away and walk off as if you'd touched them in a naughty place :o

"Look here luv, you probably have a new car outside, posh flat in the city, huuuuge flatscreen tv, umpteen pairs of high heels etc so is it really that painful to smile?"

I've just spent a month with girls who have very little, if any material possessions, yet have the prettiest smiles anywhere on this planet. To me, a pretty thai smile is worth a thousand (or more) miserable faces here in the uk

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There have been a number of reports lately about marriages between Issan women and farangs bringing prosperity to parts of Issan and the women becoming farang in their eating habits. Successly relationships they seem to be generally

I am 2 years now seperated and live alone but would like to meet and possibly reside in Issan. Where do you meet prospective wives? The bars are really risky and agencies are just money making machines so it must be personal introduction friend of a friend I guess any advice on this. I don't live in Pattaya but down in Sattahip

Constructive advice only please


Isaan women tend to be ugly , there are many available Thai women mixed with Chinese blood that are very attractive and unlike Issan women they do not all look alike.

Why not set your goals a little bit higher ?

My wife is from Isaan, and is beautiful.Not just my opinion, but nearly every person she has ever met in the U.S. has told her so. I have seen thousands of beautiful women around Isaan, they do not look alike. Isaan women are some of the kindest, most honest, loving people you will ever meet.

You would be a fool to listen to this bigot's ravings.

"MOST HONEST"?? Not by my experience here.

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Within minutes of getting off the plane at Heathrow, first girls eye you catch just give her a polite smile and nothing.. simply turn their nose up or head away and walk off as if you'd touched them in a naughty place :o

This is the memory of Britain that Keeps me in LOS. It is a crying shame that people with material wealth (or a higher level of Debt, in most cases) cease to value the power of a smile or gesture of goodwill.

Very sad, But not for me, as i live in the Isaan and can enjoy the smiles of a thousand stunning ladies many of whom, I will never do any more than pass in the street.

Why do farrangs seem to look like thay are chewing on a piss soaked lemon half the time??

Ps. ENjoy another Random Isaan Beauty who caught my eye over lunch.


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so vespa states that isaan woman are ugly!! i am speechless, vespa have you never entered into a go-go bar, say happy a go-go in walking street pattaya, where you will find some of the most beautiful woman on the planet of which the majority if not all are from isaan, while i am not suggesting these woman would make good gf's or wives, they are as far from ugly as you can possibly get.


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Ps. ENjoy another Random Isaan Beauty who caught my eye over lunch.


Thanks for sharing.....so cute & sweet looking w/ little makeup too!... :o

I've found that ....the real issan beauties, the majority of them are actually not in the bar scene.

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Ps. ENjoy another Random Isaan Beauty who caught my eye over lunch.


Thanks for sharing.....so cute & sweet looking w/ little makeup too!... :o

I've found that ....the real issan beauties, the majority of them are actually not in the bar scene.

This girl is attractive , the jaw line is not as pronounced as your common Isaan Lass - she appears to have lighter skin and may even have some Chinese blood.

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Vespa - did you ever think that what "floats your boat" doesnt necessarily "float" mine or eveyone elses..

i happen to favour the issan look over the chinese mix - but i am biased - you see my wife is issan, and despite this fact, she is indeed beautiful...

so hows about we all agree that everyone has a preference on colour/race/gender etc and leave it at that >>>

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Thanks for sharing.....so cute & sweet looking w/ little makeup too!... :o

I've found that ....the real issan beauties, the majority of them are actually not in the bar scene.

I completely agree with you. The pictures posted in this thread and others I've seen of bar girls do absolutely zero for me. For some, the typical Isaan bar girl is the pinnacle of beauty, but as they say, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". I see lots of beautiful Isaan women, such as the one in the above pic, when I'm in the area and many of them don't need the heavy makeup such as used by the bar girls to let their natural beauty shine through.

As to a2396's comment about the jaw-line, if I understand correctly what you're referring to, isn't that normally considered a beautiful feature on a lady? I've seen pictures of models, movie stars, etc. from around the world and very often they have a more pronounced jaw than do average females. I myself find it much more attractive than the very rounded face/jaw of the typical Chinese lady. But to each his own I guess. If I'm misunderstanding what you mean about the jaw, please explain, preferably with an example (pic).

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Anyone? 3 random Isaan girlys

2 of them bargirls !!! :D

Correct, but lets not forget they're 'ugly' and of lower class... I've now seen the light and am setting my sights higher :D:D

Give me a clinically obese miserable western woman any day haha

Some of the posters divorced Mums ? :o

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Isn't a Vespa a little motor scooter? Maybe the girls are not impressed with his little scooter? :D

Nice one Gary. Maybe Vespa prefers Issan men. I suggest he goes to another forum more suitable for his needs.

And Isaan is the real Thailand ? :o:D :D

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Vespa, how much time have you spent in Issan?

What is your version of the real Thailand?

How much Thai history do you know?

Would you be surprised to find that all of the countries in this region have links to China?

For the original op yes you can go to the bars and find any number of Issan girls, or you can skip that little number and come to Issan. find a city not over loaded with farrangs, Udon would not be my choice for what you are thinking of. Khan Kean maybe lots of university girls. NKP would be ideal, do you speak Thai? If not it might be very difficult.

As far as if they are nice, well people are people good and bad, no matter what region, the same for appearances. But life experience does effect how a person approaches life. I doubt that the bar life is an easy one and that could very well effect a person approach to life. But if you don't speak Thai that would probably be the easiest approach.

The other would be to find and use an interuputer, romance here is not the same here as the western world and sometimes some very direct conversations can get you by and lead to what you are asking for. Courtship between an Issan girl and a farrang when they don't speak the same language, is more like a business deal. You will do this and she will do that. Then with time you learn to communicate with eachother. Not easy my friend, but it can be done.

But if you do don't expect what you have seen in Pattaya, here they are actually very shy. But if your patient you can probably find a lady that suits your liking

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We all seem to be going a little off track from the OP (sorry my friend) its just it seems the majority of us think Vespa made a pretty stupid comment (each to their own) and following the backlash, has turned his witty one-liners to poster's divorced mums? :o:D I didnt get it either

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Isn't a Vespa a little motor scooter? Maybe the girls are not impressed with his little scooter? :o

Nice one Gary. Maybe Vespa prefers Issan men. I suggest he goes to another forum more suitable for his needs.

I dont think Vespa likes men , He closed his eyes last time I kissed Him :D:D Nignoy
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Wow, how these threads get OT, but to respond to the original post from John down in Sattahip, here's some advice from a newbie. I met my fiancee in Isaan last month while attending a friend's wedding. My friend met a girl from Isaan while in Pattaya -- NOT a bar girl - there's plenty of Isaan girls working in the south as motel maids and stuff and many of them are hoping to meet a farang.

I had dated a few Thai women by this point, but none of them floated my boat until I met Pon -- my friend's wife's 1st cousin. However, when I was in Isaan, it seemed that everywhere I went women wanted to meet a farang husband -- they kept telling my fiancee to ask me to bring them back farang husband from America too! My buddy called me from a jewelry store in Khon Kaen just yesterday, and said that all 3 young ladies who worked there wanted a farang boyfriend.

If you can get invited to an Isaan wedding that would be great, but otherwise, take a week or two and just go up there. I recommend picking a decent-sized city like Khon Kaen or Khorat, and just stay there -- the longer you do, the more chance you have of meeting people -- and it's really, really easy to meet women in Isaan.

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You come close to the dream of many woman in Isarn: A honest franag who wants to live with her in Isarn.

Your one flaw is: you are separated, but not yet divorced. I think 8 out of 10 of this Isarn woman would consider this a minor detail. But you should not. The chances, that this will be the source of misunderstandings and/or pretence for troubles in your relation with any woman, are real.

You should know what you want.

For fun, go to Puket or Pataya and meet a lot of Isarn ladies in a casual environment.

If you want a wife, you should be ready to get married. In Isarn this means to get ready to live with her and all her family . Naturally you should be free to do so too.

Some posts suggested that Isarn woman are not so sexy as other Thai woman. If that concerns you, go to Puket and Pataya and look for yourself. It is a fact that most of the more pretty Isarn girls are not in Isarn, but went to BKK or other places where the economical situation is much better.

If you are not primary looking for beauty, you will need an introduction. You may start with a PM to me or other board members.


Thedi ************

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