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The casual passerby can almost always see directly into a Thai men's bathroom. Usually the door is open and the urinals are in full view (no blocking walls as per most countries). You can stand there pissing and watch people walk by outside.


This seems to be everywhere from gas stations to offices to medium quality shopping malls to restaurants.

Please explain why they can't build a blocking wall.

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After a few years in Thailand I wanted to do a photo book of photographs taken from the roadside urinals of Thailand. Often, standing and glancing back one sees the most amazing and beautiful sites. Whilst taking a whiz I marvelled at the lotus ponds, the rice fields, the cows, so many amazing views. Such a contrast to service station urinal experiences in North America (please, no George Michael jokes!). Anyway, many more years have past but every once in a while I find myself standing at a urinal taking in grand evidence of the Creator's creation! I have yet to snap a photo or compile a book, next life!

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The casual passerby can almost always see directly into a Thai men's bathroom. Usually the door is open and the urinals are in full view (no blocking walls as per most countries). You can stand there pissing and watch people walk by outside.


This seems to be everywhere from gas stations to offices to medium quality shopping malls to restaurants.

Please explain why they can't build a blocking wall.


Many years ago while I was in Vietnam I was always amazed that the local bargirls would always turn out the lights before coming to bed or undress only with the lights out.

Yet a "nice" girl would be willing to take a shower outside the house from a vase of water wearing only a thin silk sarong which when wet showed just about everything you wanted to see.

I finally got a girl to explain to me that sex was "dirty" but taking a shower in front of everyone was "clean".

Therefore, by that logic there was nothing to hide when taking a shower because your intentions were good.

Same logic with urinals.

It is a natural function, so why should it be blocked?

Also someone noticing you taking a leak in the urinal, would lose face by noticing it to the point of commenting about it.

Losing face by commenting on your actions is to be avoided at all cost in Thailand


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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Why go through the expense of a wall when most guys stop whenever, wherever and whip it out?

The thing is, there usually IS a wall of some description. It just doesn't block off all the urinals from most angles.

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I think this is probably because Thailand isn't anywhere near as prudish about such things as the USA. I mean taking a piss is a natural function, why bother hiding behind walls and partitions? They cost money to build, serve no useful purpose other than 'modesty' which is a subjective thing, anyway, and obviously not so important in culture here.

I say, get over it! Noone's probably that interested in looking at your schlong, anyway. :o

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I think this is probably because Thailand isn't anywhere near as prudish about such things as the USA. I mean taking a piss is a natural function, why bother hiding behind walls and partitions? They cost money to build, serve no useful purpose other than 'modesty' which is a subjective thing, anyway, and obviously not so important in culture here.

I say, get over it! Noone's probably that interested in looking at your schlong, anyway. :D

You're right on the money, Pete. All the restrooms in our university are wide open to view (students/faculty). The fact of the matter is that no one looks. I've had to totally retrain myself! :o

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Also makes cleaning and ventilation easier, as well as cheaper to build.

Plus the obvious benefits in reducing vandalism and so on.

Makes perfect sense to me, much like motorcycle taxis, van buses, coupon system at food courts and many other things that apparently are unfathomable 'up in here'.

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I say, get over it! Noone's probably that interested in looking at your schlong, anyway. :o

In my experience the locals are not too embarrassed to stand two feet away from you and gawp gratuitously at your schlong while you go about your business. It can be most off-putting. Fortunately a guy like me has nothing to be ashamed of.

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Just love going to semi respectable public toilets where the cleaning lady is mopping around, hoping I've got a

lazy lob on , :o so that she will be mightily impressed should she catch a glance as I whip out the mighty

tallywacker, one handed of course, just to show my dexterity. :D

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Nothing that I encountered in Thailand was quite as disconcerting as these public urinals in Amsterdam

Beat me to it mate, I was just about to say it's not just Thailand (or even Asia), try France with it's village pissoir, Belgium, The Nederlands even Italy. Pretty much everywhere except the UK and the US doesn't worry about building any form of wall.

The local pub near my place in Teveuren (Belgium) had the urinal screwed to the outside wall in the car park, very convenient.

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It is great for us flasher types, no need for a trenchcoat in Thailand :o

Perhaps it is more so that your mates will actually believe you when you tell them that toilet guy really was giving you a shoulder massage.

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The casual passerby can almost always see directly into a Thai men's bathroom. Usually the door is open and the urinals are in full view (no blocking walls as per most countries). You can stand there pissing and watch people walk by outside.

Yes, you're going through a difficult time now ... but when your re-orientation surgeon

finally attaches that brand new willie, you'll be gagging to show it off to all and sundry :o


Edited by naka
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Nothing that I encountered in Thailand was quite as disconcerting as these public urinals in Amsterdam

It's been 10 years since I was there, but from memory the street urinals in Paris were even worse.

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[You're right on the money, Pete. All the restrooms in our university are wide open to view (students/faculty). The fact of the matter is that no one looks. I've had to totally retrain myself! :o

retrain yourself to what? to not look?

so you're the one we're all paranoid about... :D

Edited by junkofdavid2
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I think this is probably because Thailand isn't anywhere near as prudish about such things as the USA. I mean taking a piss is a natural function, why bother hiding behind walls and partitions? They cost money to build, serve no useful purpose other than 'modesty' which is a subjective thing, anyway, and obviously not so important in culture here.

I say, get over it! Noone's probably that interested in looking at your schlong, anyway. :D

So that would suggest that having sex, being a natural function, needn't be hidden away either, right? :D

I think some natural functions, if not most, deserve to be hidden away to spare your fellow human beings the anguish. I acknowledge that customs vary according to culture, but if you were to run the whole gamut (burping, farting, taking dumps, vomiting etc.) in public just because they are natural functions, well... It would be anarchy! :o

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I think this is probably because Thailand isn't anywhere near as prudish about such things as the USA. I mean taking a piss is a natural function, why bother hiding behind walls and partitions? They cost money to build, serve no useful purpose other than 'modesty' which is a subjective thing, anyway, and obviously not so important in culture here.

I say, get over it! Noone's probably that interested in looking at your schlong, anyway. :D

So that would suggest that having sex, being a natural function, needn't be hidden away either, right? :D

I think some natural functions, if not most, deserve to be hidden away to spare your fellow human beings the anguish. I acknowledge that customs vary according to culture, but if you were to run the whole gamut (burping, farting, taking dumps, vomiting etc.) in public just because they are natural functions, well... It would be anarchy! :o

Really I think taking a discreet piss in the designated location is not quite the same as running around town vomiting and taking dumps wherever the fancy takes you!!

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