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One Visa For Thailand And Cambodia

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One visa for Thailand and Cambodia

Thailand and Cambodia will sign a single visa agreement enabling visitors to use only one visa for the two countries, the Foreign Ministry said yesterday.

Foreign Minister Nitya Pibulsonggram would sign the agreement with this Cambodian counterpart Hor Namhong when he makes an official visit to Phnom Penh on Monday.

The pact is a pilot project under the Ayeyawady-Chao Phya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS).

Set up since 2003, ACMECS is a joint development scheme that includes Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam.

Under the initiative of "Four countries, One Destination", the ACMECS Single Visa pact is aimed at facilitating tourism in the region.

Foreign ministers of the four countries agreed in Siem Reap in August 2005 to allow Thailand and Cambodia to implement the scheme first and the remaining members might join later if it proves successful.

Visitors could apply for an entry visa at the embassies of either Thailand or Cambodia for both countries, said the ministry's spokesman Tharit Charungvat. The arrangement would benefit tourism and visitors would only need one visa for both Thailand and Cambodia, which have many different attractions, he said.

However, the pact would not come into force until the Interior Ministry and concerned agencies issued related regulations, Tharit said. It was not know when the regulations would be ready.

The Nation

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One visa for Thailand and Cambodia

Thailand and Cambodia will sign a single visa agreement enabling visitors to use only one visa for the two countries, the Foreign Ministry said yesterday.

Foreign Minister Nitya Pibulsonggram would sign the agreement with this Cambodian counterpart, Hor Namhong, when he makes an official visit to Phnom Penh on Monday.

The pact is a pilot project under the Ayeyawady-Chao Phya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS). Set up since 2003, ACMECS is a joint development scheme that includes Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. Under the initiative of "Four Countries, One Destination", the ACMECS Single Visa pact is aimed at facilitating tourism in the region.

Foreign ministers of the four countries agreed in Siem Reap in August 2005 to allow Thailand and Cambodia to implement the scheme first and the remaining members might join later if it proves successful.

Visitors could apply for an entry visa at the embassies of either Thailand or Cambodia for both countries, said the ministry's spokesman Tharit Charungvat. The arrangement would benefit tourism and visitors would only need one visa for both Thailand and Cambodia, which have many different attractions, he said.

However, the pact would not come into force until the Interior Ministry and concerned agencies issued related regulations, Tharit said. It was not know when the regulations would be ready.

- The Nation

Oh no.......nooooooooooooo!!!!!! Thailand has the worst visa policies in the region (perhaps in the world.....just behind Zimbabwe in terms of logic) and Cambodia has the best..........what a terrible mixture if Thailand influences Cambodia. :o

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Single-visa plan for visitors to both countries

Thailand will sign an agreement with Cambodia under which foreign tourists will be able to visit both countries on just a single visa. The deal allows foreign visitors to obtain a visa to visit either Thailand or Cambodia and then travel in both countries without having to get another visa, Foreign Ministry spokesman Tharit Charungvat said yesterday. However, the deal would take effect only after agencies such as the interior ministries of the two countries had issued the appropriate regulations. He could not say when this would happen.

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It certainly opens up an untold number of visa scenarios.... it'll be intriguing if and when it's fully implemented.

I cannot see this ever happen. After it was discussed by the 'relevant' agencies, they will come to the conclusion that it will rip the many visa regulations they have just sharpened up totally apart; who would want to come to Thailand having to jump through hoops at the Thai consulate, if they can get a much much better deal with minimal hassle and financial effort at the Cambo one?

Also Thai immigration will never want to be legally bound by what some Cambo official stamped in your passport. That would be totally against the idea of 'Thailand for the Thais', wouldn't it?

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It certainly opens up an untold number of visa scenarios.... it'll be intriguing if and when it's fully implemented.

I cannot see this ever happen. After it was discussed by the 'relevant' agencies, they will come to the conclusion that it will rip the many visa regulations they have just sharpened up totally apart; who would want to come to Thailand having to jump through hoops at the Thai consulate, if they can get a much much better deal with minimal hassle and financial effort at the Cambo one?

Also Thai immigration will never want to be legally bound by what some Cambo official stamped in your passport. That would be totally against the idea of 'Thailand for the Thais', wouldn't it?

It might just be for Visitor Visa's though - I can not imagine it for anything else.

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It certainly opens up an untold number of visa scenarios.... it'll be intriguing if and when it's fully implemented.

I cannot see this ever happen. After it was discussed by the 'relevant' agencies, they will come to the conclusion that it will rip the many visa regulations they have just sharpened up totally apart; who would want to come to Thailand having to jump through hoops at the Thai consulate, if they can get a much much better deal with minimal hassle and financial effort at the Cambo one?

Also Thai immigration will never want to be legally bound by what some Cambo official stamped in your passport. That would be totally against the idea of 'Thailand for the Thais', wouldn't it?

Agreed. Talk about this sort of multi-country visa arrangement predates the August 2005 tentative agreement by years and it has always been shilled as being imminent. We're still waiting and I suspect we'll still be waiting two years hence...

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Thailand and Cambodia to sign singular visa agreement

Foreign Minister Nitiya Pibulsongkram revealed that he will engage in a signing ceremony with his Cambodian counterpart Hor Namhong soon to sanction an agreement that will allow foreign visitors to either country to use a single visa for visits between borders.

The agreement will be part of a project within the Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS).

The ACMECS is aiming to complete a “Four Countries, One Destination” project which will enable ease of tourism for Thailand and its neighboring countries, which should increase the appeal for tourism in the region. Thailand and Cambodia will be the first to enter into the agreement. Other countries include Laos and Vietnam.

The issue also has to be taken up and approved by the Ministry of Interior. The ministry has asked to study the matter first.

- ThaiNews


something tells me it will take more than a week-end to "study the matter first."

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There has been much talk about a 5 country visa for some time, I don't see it ever getting sorted. This latest version will end up going down the tubes faster than greased monkey poo! The first time one country thinks the other is making more money it will be all over.

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One visa for Thailand and Cambodia


It was not know when the regulations would be ready.

When I read the same in another newspaper today I felt that that last sentence was the most important part.



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The first time one country thinks the other is making more money it will be all over.

I don't think money is the real issue. This won't ever get off the ground because none of the countries involved (certainly not Thailand) will be comfortable with the idea of their neighbor having the authority to decide who may enter the motherland.

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There has been much talk about a 5 country visa for some time, I don't see it ever getting sorted. This latest version will end up going down the tubes faster than greased monkey poo! The first time one country thinks the other is making more money it will be all over.

For years and years. Can you imagine the 5 countries sharing their respective black lists. :o

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I had a chat with Sunbelt about this and indications were at first glance it may chop a cool 1000 ThB off a visa run. However until the ink is dry it is only a speculation.

Do they think it will cover visa's other than Visitors Visa's?

how will it chop the money off a visa run. If you have to leave the countries that the visa is valid in ie cross the border as you do now and if Cambodia can not be done as the visa is valid in both territories you would have to go elsewhere would you not?

This is we imagine Cambodia and Thailand as one country with regard to visa's and you have to leave the "country" and re-enter to validate another visa?

Of course those living and working and "Real" visa's for WP's and the WP's will not be affected by this - only mickey mouse companies I suppose whose revenue is so small they do not qualify?

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I had a chat with Sunbelt about this and indications were at first glance it may chop a cool 1000 ThB off a visa run. However until the ink is dry it is only a speculation.

Do they think it will cover visa's other than Visitors Visa's?

how will it chop the money off a visa run. If you have to leave the countries that the visa is valid in ie cross the border as you do now and if Cambodia can not be done as the visa is valid in both territories you would have to go elsewhere would you not?

This is we imagine Cambodia and Thailand as one country with regard to visa's and you have to leave the "country" and re-enter to validate another visa?

Of course those living and working and "Real" visa's for WP's and the WP's will not be affected by this - only mickey mouse companies I suppose whose revenue is so small they do not qualify?

I just ran into him at lunch and the entire conversation lasted 15 seconds. Obviously there will be some change but until the ink is dry little more can be said.

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This isnt a new idea...they've been talking about it since 2002, or maybe even further back. But yeah, this sounds good on paper but what are the implications? Even worse is that the USA just increased visa fees...meaning other nations will likely retaliate by raising their fees for americans. :-(

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Haven't come accross more rediculous piece of news, since april's fool .. Well a bit late this year.. Thais & Cambos still demand visas from each other citizens, how can anyone imagine any sort of single visa ?!? Unless it is some special arrangement for Angkor Wat package tours.. Yeah there's plenty of good examples of integration in the world ... EU,CIS,

Mercosur,Ecowas,CA4 etc.. etc.. But there's going to be Som Tam Restaurant on the moon shortly before this sweet lies will transfer from paper to reality & i can bet any money on this ..

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heard this on the news this morning....-in essence it sounds great......for tourists.


when does it start?

How will this effect Visa runners....I can see it getting very complicated with different lengths of stay permitted and re-entry regs. I can see there will be a myriad loopholes for the long=stay merchants...I can't see the 3 trips and out rule lasting .....


Will these visas only be available in ones home country?...will you be able to go to the Thhai Cambodian border and get one?

What about the $20 fee in Cambodia? will they just let you in on a visa from either country or will there be a special one?

Will it ever happen?

Will it last?

Can you see Burmah taking part in this??? - Laos maybe but Burma?

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This is a good news, if implemented properly.

Will these visas only be available in ones home country?...will you be able to go to the Thhai Cambodian border and get one?

If you want to visit Cambodia and need a visa, then you can get an ordinary Cambodia visa at the border. I don't see a change here.

What about the $20 fee in Cambodia? will they just let you in on a visa from either country or will there be a special one?

They way I understand it, this is about a special visa that lets you visit 2 (or more in the future) countries on a single visa. If this is implemented correctly, then the cost of this special visa should be below the combined cost of Thai tourist visa + Cambodian tourist visa.

Haven't come accross more rediculous piece of news, since april's fool .. Well a bit late this year.. Thais & Cambos still demand visas from each other citizens, how can anyone imagine any sort of single visa ?!?

What does this single visa idea has to do with Thais and Cambodians demanding visas from each other?

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