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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. This rush to penalize Russia very hard on every front and the economic war on China will backfire, it will drive Russia and China much closer and Visa and Master card will loose a lot of ground to Union Pay for instance.
  2. Remember the Cuba crises? The USA threatened with nuclear arms if the Russia didn't remove their base from Cuba. The USA is 200 years at war non stop, what does that tell you? My country is bad too.
  3. Why should everybody jump into a war because the USA and Western Europe would like NATO to have arms directly on the Russian border?
  4. Sure, great solution to undermine the kids education. Let them find another job.
  5. If you don't look at what skills you need and what skills people got, it might not be difficult
  6. There are a lot of people selling, attached a picture first but noticed it was from a forbidden source. Long queues at the gold shops.
  7. No Could you put a donation link for all the countries which are being bombed by Western countries at the moment too?
  8. If she is a qualified teacher, she should know how how to teach and doesn't need you for help.
  9. Second time you quote me with something that has nothing to do with the statement / question. Try third time and come with something that relates to it.
  10. Next time name your document and add a date in the name. Like: 20220301 i want to use this file in 4 years time
  11. Like said before, let her contact the local Labor office for help. She shouldn't accept this offer.
  12. My friend a Norwegian could stay at home and got food delivered 3 times a day.
  13. The buying price is 29650 selling price is 28531 right now.
  14. You are talking about people doing jobs on minimum wages, i know loads of people who are professionals in a high skilled jobs. You have no clue.
  15. How do you know there is no good news, you aren't even here.
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