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Everything posted by MJCM

  1. We are using many UPS's because we have frequent Micro Power Cuts. I just received my Power Monitor and immediately nothing something strange. The UPS (where our Fridge is plugged into) which is Plugged into Main Electric is pulling 170 watts with the Fridge being on standby and from a separate test found out that the fridge is only drawing approx 9-12 watts (on standby) Even with the UPS turned off but still connected to mains it's drawing 14 watts. So can some explain the 158 Watts that the Ups is using? Battery charging? But we haven't got a power cut recently! I can think of 1 reason is that the Battery doesn't hold it's charge anymore? Any thoughts?
  2. You could always buy a Wifi Extender and place it near your Inverter / in between Router and Inverter to boost rhe Wifi if your Inverter isn't able to pick up the signal! https://www.lazada.co.th/products/5ghz-wifi-repeater-wireless-wifi-extender-1200mbps-wi-fi-amplifier-300mbps-long-range-wi-fi-signal-booster-24g-wifi-repiter-i3420211423-s12651341839.html?
  3. https://www.solarreviews.com/blog/what-are-microinverters
  4. - removed - Edit 2: Have you followed the guide? https://www.internetdownloadmanager.com/register/new_faq/bi7.html
  5. May I ask why didn't you go for the Half Cell, they are only 100 THB more expensive. And any issues with them caused by shipping?
  6. Oke the 304 up to Korat, great road almost everywhere 4 lanes, but keep to the speed limit, as there can be a lot of Police Checkpoints on that road (especially when you hit the newer section after Kabin and before Wang Nam Khiao) The 226 is almost great (97%) as it's now almost everywhere (from Korat to Buriram) 4 lanes. We travel it regularly because I am going to Korat for Hospital check-ups. Used to take us 2,5+ hours last time it was less then 2 hours. If coming from Korat City, I would now prefer taking the 226 instead of heading back to the 24! (2 years ago, it would be the other way around)
  7. ^ Can't edit no more, but a COMMS port could also be for when you connect Inverters in Parallel to talk to each other!
  8. I am not sure about this, but if the inverter has a RS232 or a USB port you in theory could connect a pc to it, but to talk to that inverter that would require software from the Inverters manufacturer. Wifi is way easier, but as @BritManToo already pointed out If I would setup an Inverter with Wifi, I would create a separate WIFI SSID (a guest network) which will not have access to my local network. https://www.pandasecurity.com/en/mediacenter/panda-security/guest-wifi/
  9. This should give you a ´small’ idea
  10. May I ask some questions? 1- what was the import duty on these? 2- How long it take from ordering till delivery? 3- And which Battery? Link?
  11. We recently drove from Sattahip to Buriram via the 331 / 359 / 3395 / 348 /24 / 218 and the road was fine. However there are some roadworks on the 331 but not to bad. https://goo.gl/maps/4XasCBgkKbMy6gh26 We only had Police check points if you go the 304 all the way up the "Korat Mountains" and then right on the 24. Edit: Tip avoid Nang Rong (on the 24) at Rush Hour as there are a couple of Traffic lights and when it's rush hour it can take a while.
  12. It does look a bit like this one
  13. I don't (Live in Buriram) only in BKK once every 3 months (Doc visit) and also looking for a good brekkie ????
  14. https://goo.gl/maps/HkMWyHVwJtEw4yMh8
  15. Mods have to eat as well
  16. Wild guess. Honey for the pancake?
  17. D2 - All day Brunch (135 THB) I guess.
  18. And what about the specs? Any comments on those?
  19. I personally sincerely doubt it, but I am just trying to help the OP by giving him a solution, no guarantees that it will work of course! Nothing ventured, nothing gained
  20. ^ Yeah but the Distributor maybe has some still in stock. I think it's a safer bet than online Shops All the lazada shops I looked at are also by Email Only!!
  21. Contact the Distributor https://www.thaikaspersky.com/en/kaspersky_internet_total-21.php Here their contact page https://www.thaikaspersky.com/en/contacts.php
  22. Anyone any experience with this Inverter https://www.lazada.co.th/products/powland-55kw90a-mppt-48v-ct-ve-ii-55kw-wifi-i3800504715-s14463629775.html 5.5kW+WiFI = 25.940 THB. Seems cheap!
  23. Wow you are taking it right up to the limit! ????
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