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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. Don't forget Paul Simon: Counting the cars on the New Jersey TurnpikeThey've all come to look for AmericaAll come to look for AmericaAll come to look for America It's just shorthand for the USA, for lots of Americans as well as foreigners. Americans often refer to England when they mean the U.K. but that's fine, we know what they mean.
  2. It's true that Western art was influenced and sponsored by religion because that's where the money was. However artistic and cultural expression pre-dates Christ by at least 8,000 years. Art and musical instruments have been found from the Early Neolithic period.
  3. God Bless The Child - released on a single by Aretha Franklin in 1962.
  4. So you don't accept them, think they're mixed up, are emotionally disturbed and have mental health problems but you aren't denigrating them. Hmmm!
  5. I don't care how I die or when I die, I just wish I knew where I will die. Then I won't go there.
  6. Yeah, you don't necessarily need to have done a show here to be appreciated, especially with social media these days. Elvis Presley never performed in the U.K. but had a massive following there.
  7. You remind me of my neighbour who complained about the smell of the flowers in my front garden. ???? I guess you have a keen sense of smell. You should be a parfumier.
  8. That's not why people see you as a transphobe. It's because every time there's a trans issue mentioned you and certain others are straight on here denigrating and deriding trans people. A human being has died, possibly in tragic circumstances yet you feel the need to call her mentally ill before she's even been buried.
  9. Personally I don't use these epithets to describe religious fundamentalists but I wouldn't feel too guilty if I did, particularly as some of the more extreme types want us murdered or imprisoned.
  10. https://www.gotquestions.org/Jesus-freak.html "While it was originally used as a pejorative, Jesus freak has become accepted and even embraced by many in the Christian community. A “Jesus Freak” song and album by the Christian band DC Talk in 1995 helped popularize the term. This is perhaps similar to the term Christian, which seemingly originated as an insult (Acts 11:26), but later became the most widely accepted term for a follower of Jesus Christ. If obsession with Jesus is indeed the core meaning of Jesus freak, then, yes, a Jesus freak is precisely what a Christian should strive to be (Matthew 16:24)."
  11. The headline is rather misleading. The piece refers to 'mainstream media' not Britain as a whole. Even then examples given refer to greater representation not anti-white sentiment. GB News just trying to stir up resentment again because that's what they do.
  12. + Anger issues + Far right conspiracy issues + Homophobia issues It's a heady mix. You only have see the Maga hat interviews on Tiktok to see that some of them are with him in spirit if not the method of execution. (sic)
  13. What extremist LBGTQ rhetoric and how are you being compelled to do anything?
  14. Just as an aside I don't think Jesus Freak is a particularly pejorative term. I'm old enough to remember the 60s and Jesus Freaks were just thought of as a wacky movement but nothing sinister; they were all love and peace. In fact they came to own the name, calling themselves that. https://www.compellingtruth.org/Jesus-freak.html "Jesus freak" was a term used to describe the non-traditional Christians of the Jesus Movement. "Freak" here means enthusiast, and although the term was originally used by outsiders, believers in the movement adopted it as their own. It's a rather derogatory label of course, but certainly not hate speech. A bit like bible-bashers I suppose.
  15. It'll be interesting to learn more about this man. How you get so incensed over a bloody flag I'll never know.
  16. She was demonstrating her belief, which is her right to freedom of expression. He turned up at her property with a gun, trespassed, then damaged her property, confronted her then shot and killed her. But all you can see is her imposing her beliefs on him, of which there is no evidence.
  17. The right to offend has been the stick that right-wingers have used to beat the militant left for many years. As soon as that right is displayed as a Pride flag (in their minds at least) they abandon that principle. The hypocrisy is stunning.
  18. That was exactly my experience too. I was attached to a drip for 4 days. It's an awful affliction; you start feeling better then it hits you again. i wasn't right for months afterwards.
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