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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. For those that don't know this video was made by James Lindsay of New Discourses, an ultra-right website dedicated to Christian Nationalist conspiracy theories and anti-woke moral crusades. He was a recent guest speaker at the recent Moms for Liberty summit where a quote by Adolf Hitler was roundly cheered. From Wikiipedia - He is a proponent of the right-wing LGBT grooming conspiracy theory and has been credited as one of several public figures responsible for popularizing "groomer" as a slur directed at LGBTQ educators and activists by members of the political right.[37][38] Lindsay has referred to the Pride flag as "the flag of a hostile enemy" Always nice to have some background on these types.
  2. If a family and a doctor agree to circumcision of a young child (genital mutilation) for medical or religious purposes would you be o.k. with it?
  3. This was debunked wasn't it? Can u post the recording? Certainly other school "cat" school stories put about by lying anti-LGBT right-wing sites have been disproved. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/furry-protocol-wisconsin/
  4. I was expecting depictions of graphic sex but the most graphic images were of kissing and taking a shirt off. It might be inappropriate but it's not filth.
  5. That's not what he says. No one thing will ever solve every problem. You're just being deliberately daft.
  6. Go to 0.45. I accept your apology dingdong. ????
  7. What's funny? And I do all of the above.
  8. Yes, even a full shutdown doesn't completely re-set the system. Best to do a restart every now and again.
  9. Sorry Nong, I don't mean to be too judgemental but if you're 80 and drinking a few beers every day you're never giving your body a chance to recover from the alcohol consumption. However old you are you should give your body a break from the alcohol every few days. As we age metabolism naturally slows down. I've found that not drinking too much, taking a break from alcohol every two days and not eating after 8pm has helped my acid reflux considerably. I take one omeprazole at night. Exercise is good.
  10. It could be I guess but it’s a bit misleading. I did see a few bottles in Tops.
  11. I don't understand how San Miguel Zero can be 3% abv. I thought low alcohol or zero alcohol drinks had to be under 1% abv. ????
  12. True, An interesting person is never bored.
  13. I loved Vientiane. Easy to get to. Easy to walk around being very flat. Lots of bakeries and bistros due to the French influence. Some nice old colonial architecture. At least two excellent Belgian beer bars. Fine weather most of the year. Some nice parks. You can pay for most things in US dollars or baht. Friendly people: a couple of young monks approached me and asked me if I needed help. The only downside was the tuk-tuk ma.fia and maybe the lack of easy girls if you're that way inclined.
  14. Cocaine being found at the White House is still better than Trump being found at the White House. ????
  15. That's true. All serious scientists say they don't know but can hypothesize based on available facts.
  16. The only icons I use occasionally are the thanks, thumbs up and love icons. The others are too vague. For instance the haha icon, are you laughing at a funny comment or laughing at the poster because they've posted something silly? Equally with the sad icon, are you sad because the subject matter is sad or because the poster is? And the confused icon can have two meanings too. The benefit of icons is to provide clarity but without comment some can be pointless.
  17. Lol. I posted that just to highlight a difference in percentages. I don’t lose sleep over it. You’re overthinking this, BR.
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