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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. I highlighted the exact comment I was responding to in my initial response but here goes again. A poster commented that "heteros don't have flamboyant sex festivals." My response showed that they do. Nothing to do with the kids issue. Another poster then started going on about kindergarten.
  2. Nice try to bring kids into it again but the comment was about no hetero overt sexuality at festivals and having sexuality rammed down "our" i.e adults throats.
  3. You must live under a rock. Google "rio festival nudity" Lots of flamboyance, overt hetero sexuality. Ladies baring their bosoms and behinds. They been "ramming sexuality down our throats" since 1723 ???? https://www.dailystar.co.uk/pics/pictures/gallery/raunchiest-rio-carnival-ever-dancers-18345550 Then there's the numerous fertility festivals which leave Pride in the dust as regards sexual display.
  4. i agree with Jingthing. I think this might be ill-advised particularly in these days of moral panic. But honestly, we haven't been told exactly what's going to happen at this event so it's a bit difficult to be judgemental.
  5. I've just watched the ad on Youtube. It seems to have nothing to do with LGBT issues but male toxicality towards women so it's bit off-topic.
  6. It might be after 500 posts rather than longevity. I've recently gone over 500 and I'm now a complete member. ????
  7. I once sat next to an enormous man and our communal armrest was taken up not by my arm or his but with his roll of belly fat. 13 hours of that.
  8. https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/05/20/starbucks-transgender-viral-video/ Spain has now spoken for the first time since the incident, telling Vice that the video only shows the end of the argument with the customer, and does not tell the whole story. “The viral video doesn’t show the customer calling us tr*nnies and going on a rant about gender. It doesn’t show how it started with her screaming about why we don’t accept cash, and demanding that we do. The internet’s been filled with lies,” Spain said. “The woman in the video was rude and abusive all the way through us trying to serve her … she was furious about not being able to pay cash, but it’s quite a common reaction from some older customers in our store, so I was ready with a response. But she just wouldn’t accept it.” Spain responded to online suggestions that Thomas misgendered her accidentally, by claiming it had been “deliberate and spiteful”. The former employee added: “She said, ‘What is it with you tr*nnies and all this gender stuff’ and ‘with you tr*nnies it’s always all about gender’. I cut her off and told her she’s not getting served. “I asked her to come to the till and get a refund. But instead, she started getting louder and louder. “She was calling me a man as much as she could, and calling my colleague, a trans man, ‘a woman’ in front of a store full of customers and colleagues. “People need to remember that we deal with all sorts of customers all the time, including transphobic ones, but nothing like this has ever happened before.” Spain went on to claim that she was fired after the incident went viral, despite management initially offering their support. After the incident was covered by the right-wing press, Luna Spain added, her address and contact details have been shared online, and “transphobes have started knocking” at her home, leading her to feel “unsafe every time I leave the house”. According to Vice, the police are investigating the incident as a potential transphobic hate crime.
  9. Nowhere is. If anyone comes to live in Thailand without having done their research thinking it's paradise then more fool them. "Where some have found their paradise others just come to harm......." - Joni Mitchell.
  10. I wouldn't place too much store what Douglas Murray says. He has some pretty strange views on heterosexual men as well as LGBT. And he often sounds confused to me. Probably because he just wants to take digs at the left. The gay community is not a club, it doesn't require membership and has no leader. It's an umbrella term to describe certain groups of people, however many or few. Within that framework there are various support groups, activist groups and clubs etc. with varying views and diverse interests. Murray isn't stupid, he knows this but is happy to play the Conservative card for cash.
  11. What are you talking about? I was referring to the gains in gay rights and you start talking about gender issues, something I generally avoid as I'm not fully up to speed on all the issues. For your information all I identify as is a gay man and I have never spoken to any child about LGBT issues so why bring that up? And I don't think equality is stupid but you're welcome to believe that.
  12. Exactly. I don't want to be tolerated. You tolerate a baby keeping you up all night or your cat peeing on the carpet. Acceptance and equality only.
  13. Christmas goes on for six months; there's Christmas fare in the shops in September and panto until March. People seem to cope. ????
  14. There's no compunction to get married. It's about equality of rights.
  15. Thank you. You've demonstrated exactly why Pride is still needed. Hard - earned equality can be lost with views like these.
  16. Like any group there will be differences of opinion. There's always been a tension between a small minority of gay men and lesbians but that's to be expected. In recent years this tension has been seized upon by the right to try to divide the community with some success with the trans issues. The truth is that many lesbians support LGBT.
  17. Narcissism is regard for the self only, rather the opposite of Pride which is the celebration and recognition of a whole group.
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