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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. Once these multi-billionaires realise their State Pension is frozen they'll be back. Lol.
  2. I'm sure U.K. penises were larger before Brexit. 🙂
  3. The liver is there to flush out toxins. If you drink every day and don't give it time to process the bad stuff it will store the waste as fat causing fatty liver and stressing it, possibly leading to cirrhosis. If you drink in moderation and abstain for a few days a week it will lessen the chance of damage. No amount is totally safe but if you choose to drink, moderation is the key and it's crucial to monitor your weekly units if you're serious about controlling your intake. Drinking every day is a recipe for eventual ill health.
  4. In English please because I have absolutely no idea what you're getting at.
  5. Maybe it's a Polish cultural thing. https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/mans-staggering-response-after-causing-29897700?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=reddit Again this guy couldn't see anything wrong.
  6. Yes, what's shocking is the fact that he thought he had the right to do it.
  7. Yeah, it wasn't written to be a gay anthem but become one pretty quickly, not least because of the iconic gay garb of that time and their playing all the gay clubs. Anyway, now it's the Republican anthem.
  8. I didn't say they were hypocrites. I said that they opened themselves up to accusations of hypocrisy and greed, which, if you read the gay press is exactly what has happened. And it's not just the inauguration, they have agreed to appear at several other of Trump's events. That's their right of course but its also other people's rights to criticize. What's more worrying is that they are now saying YMCA is not a gay anthem despite milking it as such for years. I'm all for that as I could never stand it, but it's bit rich of them to deny it. Even Trump called it "the gay national anthem" in 2022. Initially the band threatened to sue Trump for using the song but changed their mind when the money started rolling in. "......lyricist Victor Willis changed his mind and wrote on Facebook that he no longer had an issue with the Republican candidate playing the band’s songs because “[they] has benefited greatly from use by the president elect”, and “estimated to [have grossed] several million dollars” since the tunes began being used." So much for keeping music out of politics.
  9. ".........Despite not supporting Trump in the election, the band decided to put politics aside for the occasion." Obviously they're putting politics aside if they're happy to perform for someone they opposed to be President. They also open themselves up to accusations of hypocrisy and greed which they don't appear to deny.
  10. Myanmar is beautiful and would make a wonderful place to live but there are massive challenges for the next 20 years at least. Any foreigner living there would be a perpetual target at the moment.
  11. I love how they're putting politics aside by performing at an inauguration. 😀
  12. Here in Thailand it can be found in most pharmacies at 95b a bottle.
  13. I swear ny Nasol. It unblocks the nose so quickly. Years ago I tried numerous sprays but Nasol was the clear (sic) winner. Nowadays they have those wretched actuators but I kept some of the old squirty bottles.
  14. That's just concerning itself with definitiions of Islamophobia. To pass restrictions on Islamophobia and pass them into law it would need to debated in Parliament, amended and voted on.
  15. You might want to change you profile pic then. Michael Sheen is a supporter of the Welsh Labour Party and Plaid Cymru. 🙂
  16. You're making the same mistake. He was convicted for contempt of court, a serious criminal charge he didn't contest. That he was arrested for telling the truth is just you putting your spin on it. There is no crime in law called telling the truth.
  17. You can always try one out in the shop. 🙂
  18. Keeping your valuables on you is rule no. 2 of flying.
  19. Tell her she can find you on here about a hundred times a day. 🙂
  20. Still can't get the IPA here out in the sticks for some reason. I'd like to compare it to the Snowy and Beerlao IPA's which are both nice.
  21. https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/petitions/48352 Government responded This response was given on 5 August 2013 As this e-petition has received more than 10, 000 signatures, the Government department have provided the following response: Sharia 'law' has no jurisdiction in England and Wales and the Government has no intention to change this position. Sharia principles are the code of personal religious law governing the conduct of Muslims. They can extend into all aspects of people's lives, but provided an activity prescribed by Sharia principles does not contravene the law of England and Wales, there is nothing that prevents people living by Sharia principles. Britain has a proud tradition of religious tolerance, within the law. We expect individuals and groups to exercise their religious beliefs in a courteous and considerate manner and to respect the rights of others. [Edited for fair use policy]
  22. Yes, this is nothing new. Just The Daily Telegraph stirring the pot again. But Parliament must be diligent in case of overreach. "Sharia councils – also known as Sharia courts – have existed in the UK since the early 1980s. The Islamic Sharia Council (ISC) based in Leyton, East London, was established in 1982. Its website states that it was formed to “solve the matrimonial problems of Muslims living in the United Kingdom in the light of Islamic family law”, for example marriages, divorce and inheritance issues. The ISC is a Registered Charity2 and not a formal court of law, and therefore only deals with the Islamic Nikah marriage ceremony rather than civil marriage contracts." "Sharia councils have no official legal or constitutional role in the UK. Their work consists primarily of adjudicating on religious divorces, usually at the request of women. They may also give verdicts on other aspects of day-today life, for example on Sharia-compliant finance or on halal food.4" https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/CDP-2019-0102/CDP-2019-0102.pdf
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