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Everything posted by 2long

  1. Thanks and yes to 1, 2, & 3. I'll ask for the letter, and maybe visit my local immigration office, although Nonthaburi can be stubborn fckers sometimes.
  2. Thanks, but not confused. The work permit will expire on the 15th, but I prefer to leave a week before that and come back on a 30-day stamp. If I didn't have a multi re-entry, I guess it would be simple. However, what I don't want is the multi re-entry to be used and me only get a week (until the 15th). I would like the IO to stamp me back in on a 30 day exempt stamp.
  3. Thank you. I am not planning on another Non-B. I want a 30 day stamp for now, because I will leave Thailand again after a few weeks.
  4. My Non-B expires mid May, and I have a multi re-entry. I don't want to leave it until the final day to leave. I want to leave a week before and return on a 30-stamp. Does anyone have experience of asking the IO at the airport to either cancel the Non-B on the way out, or ignore it on the way back in, and giving a 30-day stamp instead? I don't need or want advice on staying in the country and changing visas, or asking my employer to cancel it in advance. I just need to know if it's possible to do at the airport on the way out or back in. Thanks in advance.
  5. I bet you lead a very lonely life! All you ever do is quote on others' 'posts and pick holes in what they say! Some of us are sometimes wrong. But most of us write what we think or feel at the time. All you ever do is pick up on things which you don't agree with or feel that you can prove are wrong. Yes, sometimes you're right and we're wrong... but I bet most members om this forum are happier than you. Oh, and we all know you want the final word, so go for it... while you're quote a load of other members.
  6. It could be one of three 'failures' including what @worgeordie said - failure to apply the brakes, or driving to fast and the poor brakes failing to manage - failure to have the brakes inspected and maintained like every vehicle should be - failure to use engine breaking down hills instead of the actual brakes. Engine breaking is using a lower gear DOWNhill so that you don't overheat the actual brakes, which renders them useless in the time of need. EVERY driver should know this, especially drivers of manual gearbox buses in hilly areas!
  7. I regularly/currently travel to Don Meaung for just 20B, from Talingchan, at the other end of the SRT. I love it!
  8. I was first to reply! 😉🤭🙄
  9. Ok, my visa and work permit expire on May 15th but I would like to leave Thailand a week before that and re-enter on a 30-day stamp. I have a multiple re-entry, so the automatic process would be for them to stamp me in again on the same visa, for a week. Does anyone have experience of asking the IO not to do that👆, and to just start with a 30-day stamp? Or maybe telling the IO when I leave. The reason I ask is that I'm not sure how much I can trust my employer to cancel the Non-B visa.
  10. I think the Thaiger were a bit tongue in cheek!
  11. The last time I tried this nonsense it just wouldn't work. As I write this my wife is at immigration doing in in person. Good luck with Thai government websites!
  12. Thanks Jack, Thai bank account no problem. But my question was about going out and coming back a lot, especially in the first few months and if I get a multi entry. Also about the KR2 / 22 document, considering we got married in the UK
  13. I'm planning to apply for my first Non-O spouse visa in Saigon/Ho Chi Minh. A couple of questions. #1 I'm planning on multiple trips out of Thailand, especially long before the first 90 days. I hear the multi entry forces you to leave every three months, but is there a limit? I'm happy to go out at least that much. Would a single entry Non-O with multi re-entry be better for me? #2 I'm planning to follow the consulate's directions for what's needed, but to ask you guys, would just our UK marriage certificate be enough (plus passports, 400k proof, etc)? This Kor 2 / 22thing has never been anything I have needed before. We got married in the UK and I've been on a Non-B for 20+ years. #3 If Saigon is a bad choice for any reason, please let me know. I could go elsewhere but prefer not to. Thanks in advance
  14. After a whole month to notice, and the photo of the dive shop being pretty clear, the report still says 'Roctapus' at least twice. 🤔🤨
  15. 50% of what? How do you know I support the abolishment of big game hunting (which I do)? Fox hunting has nothing to do with vermin or weak individuals in the 21st century.
  16. I don't push past anyone. I stand up, and walk as far forward as is polite... which is easier without having to get and drag a carry-on bag. What makes you think I push past people?
  17. It's very frustrating if the space above your own seat is full, and your luggage gets put above seats behind you. Can you imagine having to walk through everyone the wrong way to get it. But as others say, it's a free for all. I actually put my bags in the first available space near the front, so I get get off the plane sooner.
  18. There's no such thing as a domesticated elephant. These naturally-wild animals are only able to serve humans after being broken. I have been guilty of attending elephant shows in the past, but from now on I will have nothing to do with shows or working elephants. Like orang utans and Pata Zoo's gorilla, some creatures are beyond the point of being released into the wild, and 'sanctuary is the best that they can hope for.... but I still harbour mistrust in many ASEAN 'organisations' who claim to be santuaries.
  19. Although it's hard to judge distances, I would say that the driver did nothing wrong and showed no signs of almost hitting them or impatience. This moron needs be to locked up in a Thai jail for long enough to learn some humility and get food poisoning.
  20. Maybe he was thinking "If only I had my goddam guns, like what I carry back in the Land of the Free!"
  21. Well, most of us have performed shocking behaviour in Soi Nana, but this is in broad daylight and not really what Johnny Foreigners' reputation needs right now. Has anyone suggested his visa be revoked yet? Just saying, because that appears to be the normal knee-jerk these days. On a side note, I was feeling fat until I saw him.
  22. I'm not sure how the final paragraph is 'related news' and is far sadder and more serious than the main topic. Can't it have its own thread?
  23. I'm happy to leave the country, and it might even be convenient. I guess our marriage certificate (kids' birth certificates & Thai passports) would be required docs, plus anything else?
  24. Thanks guys, I'm eligible for spouse, retirement and dependent visas, although don't have 400k that has been there for long enough. Did I read somewhere higher in the thread that suggested the first non-O multiple entry visa (marriage) might be possible with 400k just on the day of application? That's easy enough for me, but there's not enough time for the 2 or 3 month 400k requirement. Thanks in advance.
  25. Is this revoke his visa' official stance something that's been around a while, or new?
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