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Everything posted by 2long

  1. So, it's Google vs Some Forum Keyboard Warriors in search of facts. 5555+
  2. In the same way that there's no Bangkok, only Mahanakorn.... I'm not going to try to spell it or Google it. If you were speaking English to someone and referred to the capital of Thailand, what would you say? Why have we hijacked a simple thread which was started to help someone find a bookshop?
  3. Leave the guy (and Google) alone! There's a distinct difference between Rambutri Alley and Soi Rambutri, and anyone talking to tuk Tuk drivers is likely going to mispronounce everything anyway. Plenty of places in the world have names that make no sense. The OP asked for help, and @Red Phoenix and I obliged. Maybe you need to spend some time with Liverpoo Lou
  4. https://maps.app.goo.gl/WhYMSn8ut3QobHts8 This one is really good.
  5. I've ridden motorbikes and driven cars in Bangkok for over 20 years, and consider myself to be confident and capable. But every time I rent a scooter in Khao Lak I'm slow careful and spend more time looking in my mirrors than looking forwards. The road is lethal, and has recently been made worse when it was widened.
  6. It's most unlike Thai men to fight 3 on 1 against a foreigner. ????????
  7. This is a convenient excuse to give up on a show which was loved by millions only when the three PROPER guys were on. Then getting Chris Evans was awful. I liked Matt Le Blanc and I still like Rory's Auto Trader YouTubes. Chris Harris is ok, and a great driver... but these two not-funny northerners ruin it! I can't sit through 20 seconds of either of them, and NEITHER has prior experience in motor journalism, so why on earth were they employed!?
  8. I registered for my wife. And I declared I was here (on her behalf) and the screen changed / went to blank fields as if to say 'ok done and now move on the next one' and I just left it like that. No emails. Let's see when I need to go to immigration again.
  9. The headline states it as pretty much fact, but the content of the article are less clear. Naughty (clickbaity) Thaiger headline!
  10. Charles Darwin had a theory. TikTok is playing it out.
  11. A Prime Minister making a vow! Well, that's guaranteed to be followed through with then, isn't it!
  12. The OP's seeking attention or drunk or bored.
  13. Fortuner drivers are a law unto themselves.
  14. "An argument ensued in the car, which culminated in the vehicle falling into the sea." I've had plenty of arguments in my car (2006 Honda Jazz) but it has never been so sensitive as to 'fall into the sea.' In fact, cars can't just 'fall' anywhere unless there's a bit of gravity, a smooth surface and brakes left off. For a car full of people to end up in the seas, could we presume that the driver was responsible in some way?
  15. I heard the shooter is as young as 14!
  16. Maybe a picture of a Japanese porn star! ????????????
  17. I'm sorry but I'm calling BS on this. A python nearly 5 metres long is indeed large, but looking at the picture and them claiming it only weighed 7kg doesn't sound right. 3 years ago my neighbour and I caught one nearly 5 metres long and it took me and three guys from the snake hotline to pick it up and load it in their pick up.
  18. So is it a shocking encounter as the title suggests, or an unsettling encounter as explained in the first paragraph? Without substantiated claims or even any examples, the who story appears a bit clickbaity to me. Is The Thaiger short on proper stories? And before the mods jump on me, I am having a dig at the Thaiger not at AN.
  19. So the article says that September is reliably the lowest month for tourism on the island, but the headline states that tourist arrivals drop to 2023 low! In other news, the sun will be rising in the east tomorrow!
  20. The whole point of most religions is to encourage increasing its population. - the more believers there are the more it's likely to be believed - the more believers there are the more money the church can collect - the more believers there are the better chance of winning a war against another religion As @spidermike007correctly points out, any sensible or kind god would want to put the brakes on human overpopulation.
  21. NO! Beauty is in the eye of the BEER holder!
  22. Can anybody make any sense of the English that makes up the first sentence/paragraph of the OP?
  23. Maybe because last year they weren't counting people with flu correctly, blaming some virus from China. Also, maybe people were either scared to leave home or even more scared to tell medical services that they have flu.
  24. Maybe because the authorities made sure that almost no one was allowed to die of anything else. Do we really have to go through all this scaremongering again? Australia isn't in Asean. This topic belongs elsewhere.
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