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Everything posted by 2long

  1. A friend's daughter has just been given a job as an air hostess on Emirates. She has the looks and she is bilingual, so she's an ideal candidate. But she has no experience, and she got the job quickly, and has been told to start training pretty much immediately. This means flying to Dubai. I appreciate that Emirates are growing, and that Covid caused a lot of staff shortages. So it's likely to be genuine. But there's always that worry about it being some kind of scam. Has anyone heard of anything similar? Thanks in advance. Mods, please feel free to move this to the correct sub forum.
  2. But reported cases have been stable for weeks, and gone down in the past few days. We all know what this is about!
  3. Be careful... the OP is a mod, so criticism is seen as breaking the rules! ????
  4. I saw Heineken Silver in my local 7Eleven. The last two times I've been in there I wasn't wearing my glasses so I couldn't check the details. Has anyone tried it? What's it like? If you're a Heineken hater, then please don't bother to reply. I don't go in the gay, Isaan, or golf sub forums to comment because I have no interest in those topics. Please reciprocate. ????????????
  5. https://fantasy.premierleague.com/leagues/auto-join/o9qjxi
  6. I've done it... https://fantasy.premierleague.com/leagues/auto-join/o9qjxi Mods, is there any chance of pinning this, or at least unpinning last season's league?
  7. MURDER is not fair/just/correct, because the driver's action did not kill the patient. Manslaughter or a similar charge could be fair though. Problem #1 = drivers in Thailand aren't conditioned to act on sirens from behind, and there's often nowhere for them to get out of the way to. Especially when self-entitled idiots drive in the 'hard shoulder' lane on expressways Problem #2 = so-called ambulance drivers often use the lights and sirens when it's not necessary, and even local Somchais fit them to their private vehicles. This is where the punishment should be directed.
  8. Come on you lot, this is a Monday morning troll post. With a very English name, the OP has bar girl Thainglish language skills and the thread title is ripe for all us saddos to hop on with our opinions. It's nothing but a troll's call for attention.
  9. Can't connect Time out On a government app? That's surely impossible!! (sic / sarcastic) CW is Chaeng Wattana Bangkok immigration. (genuine reply for a change)
  10. - Become a YouTuber or TikTokker explaining to your audience the boring parts of your life. - Apply to become a moderator of a well-known forum. ????
  11. I read elsewhere that this individual had multiple comorbidities, and was being treated for advanced cancer.
  12. What I want to know is 'what are we waiting for?' Ok, a year or two ago we had lockdowns, some types of business had to close and we had to wear masks.... 'until we reached herd immunity, mainly from vaccinations.' But now there are new strains (always gonna be) and some countries have been laid back while others (Japan for example) have been strict but are suffering. So what are we actually waiting for before masks come off? There's no 'in 3-6 months we'll be back to normal.' Pretty much everyone has been vaxxed, and some 5 times but still get infected. Do people expect to be wearing masks (as per rules or voluntarily) in 5 years time? In 2-3 years? I would guess not, so my question again is WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR before people realise, or those in charge drop the mandate?
  13. A top Thai virologist posted on his Facebook account.... and then I stop reading.
  14. Luckily for me and most others on this forum I can't and won't ever get as low as Mr. Pedantic.
  15. Failing to stop after hitting an ELDERLY PEDESTRIAN at a ZEBRA CROSSING because he had a flight to catch. How low can you get? We have all had Thais be late or cancel appointments because of 'traffic jam' or some other weak excuse. So, how couldn't he say 'Sorry I'm late, my driver killed a poor old lady who was trying to use a zebra crossing. What did I miss at this ever-so-important meeting?'
  16. Will they be taught how to think or what to think? Will they even be encouraged to think at all? I hope so, but I worry....
  17. This is only new because of the locals lynching and arresting him. This country is in the sad and sorry state of accidents like this happening every day. But they make a big deal in the news out of so many other things. I'll leave that there, rather than elaborate.
  18. So a Thai doctor posted something on his personal Facebook page about what someone in America said about their personal symptoms... and it's news because...? Because there are groups of powerful people who have got their hooks into society (circa January 2020) and they are playing it for all they can get!
  19. Is anyone else getting déjà vu from 30 months ago? Will we all be back to square one regarding virus lockdowns? Let's not forget there's an election on the horizon and Gen. Pinnochio only just scraped through the weekend's censure debate. Oh, and Thaksin's talking of a return.... The best thing to do is scare everyone back into panic mode and 'we know what's best for you' restrictions of movement. I just hope that they don't want to check everyone's genitals to get into 7Eleven... actually, there are a couple of cuties in my local 7! ????????
  20. I often get (and send customers) taxis from the airport to Khao Lak. But of course the same team are available to destination around Phuket. They have someone waiting for me with a sign outside the arrivals hall, and the driver waits just outside the airport. When I meet the person with the sign they ask me to wait just a few minutes (normally less than 5 minutes) until the driver appears in a clean car. the company is 'Cheaper Than Hotel' and the owner's name is Boss. He uses WhatsApp and Line and speaks good English. I have used him for years, both for myself as well as customers. I'm not sure if I am supposed to post phone numbers or stuff here, so I won't. He's easy to find online or you can inbox me for his number.
  21. I think the OP / Lou is referring to the type of things being allowed / encouraged or even taught in schools in the west. For example, non-binary gender and actively promoting life choices that maybe children shouldn't be making until they've matured a bit. I haven't seen any of this first hand, as I'm too old. So what we hear and read could be inflated by people like old Lou, or it could be true.
  22. So, this was posted on Tuesday (5 days after the holiday) and I guess the 'facts' are at least 24 hours old. Yet, they're going on about people already on ventilators! Sorry, but are we really supposed to believe that a significant number of people got seriously infected enough to need this treatment so quickly after becoming in contact with people due to travelling over the holiday!? Come on. Try a bit harder! This Dr. Opas is getting quoted a lot in what appear to be fearmongering articles.
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