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Everything posted by 2long

  1. "the Interior Ministry has guidelines on how they identify abandoned land plots." And who bets that these 'guidelines' are never politically motivated?! ????????????
  2. "..would add up to a possible 50,000 years for Pinky and her relatives. Though the maximum the court can give is 20 years under the law. " Surely the second part of this means that the first part should not read 'possible.' Clickbait at its finest!
  3. I think it's fair to say that IN GENERAL Thais are much calmer than us westerners, and we can get angry more quickly. My wife is forever wanting me to calm down and deal with things in the local way. However, I feel that westerners' ability to get angry quickly enables them to calm down quickly as well. When some Thais lose it, they really lose it and this incident is just one of many examples we read here and in the news. I feel so sorry for the poor child, because regardless of whoever will raise her from now on, and how well she's raised, she will still have that awful memory of this terrible event. The salon owner deserves all that's coming to him, and more.
  4. Go to Ramathibodi Hospital and ask for Dr. Chairat Supsamutchai. He's a very experienced surgical oncologist specialising in the GI tract. The government side of the hospital will be cheaper and slower, but they still charge foreigners double. The private part of the hospital is more expensive, but a fairer difference between locals and foreigners. The surgery can also be performed the surgery in a local private hospital, after the doctor refers you himself to that other place to do the surgery himself. A friend of mine is having the same surgery at Chulalongkorn Hospital for 400k. Budget for 300-500k wherever it's done, and any decent hospital will only allow the properly-qualified surgeon to perform it. The price will mainly depend on whether it's open or laparoscopic.
  5. Since when did the POLICE make up the law? They're there to enforce it, nothing more.
  6. Would love to know what this little chap is. We get Sunbirds (yellow plumage) and this is a similar size.
  7. Well, this and the smell of people smoking weed, will certainly grant the govt's wish of attracting 'high end quality tourists.' ????????
  8. At least FIVE TIMES a particular member has referred to this car as nearly two years old, when it's mentioned in the report that she's paid 16 installments. So to me that's nearer to one year than two. I usually try not to be pedantic but.... ???? The offers from the dealership are not good enough. But this lady tried asking for much more than she was due: 500,000B and the repair job. The car's cost value (new from the manufacturer before profit) isn't much more than that. She should have been much more reasonable and I'm not surprised they ignored her request. A new replacement car is a tough ask, but I totally understand that she doesn't want that car anymore because no one can be sure it will drive properly or be the exactly the same colour again. I have had the same issues with accidents that were paid by others' insurers on my vehicles. And let's face it, if the same dealership did promise to do a proper job, there appears to be some animosity there, and would they really? I would only trust it to be properly fixed by a franchised main dealer of the same brand, but a different branch. It really is a tough one. I think that the only fair solution is an independent body to agree the car's value, and give her that in cash, and she loses the car.
  9. I agree with you. But why do they all wear masks, if it's safer now or if they want to make Thailand look normal? If I was a western tourist looking to come to Thailand, and maybe keeping an en eye on the news, as well as ever-rising flight prices, then I would think twice about coming to a tropical country wear so many people still wear masks, even if it's not mandatory.
  10. Luckily my wife spends every waking hour on two phones to her friends and family. Gossip, lottery, how spicy the last som tum was etc etc. Even though Villa Market would get her attention more than I can, I still reckon that she's too busy to receive these calls. ????
  11. How can they seriously talk about this, while wearing masks?! ???????? For many many months these businesses were closed due to Covid, then oly allowed to open until 9pm, and then 11pm because of COVID... so how can they discuss opening until 4am but still wear masks? Were they wrong last year, that Covid isn't out to get people after dark, or after booze? Or are they wrong now to wear masks, because Covid is no longer dangerous? Muppets, them lot of 'em. ????????
  12. At that young age and with those big muscles, I'm guessing he's not a pro spearfisherman. Maybe he spent a lot of time doing it, almost as much time as he spent in the gym. Is spearfishing a sport, or an occupation? If the latter, his physique would be far different. Anyway, I digress. Yes, he's stupid to do it. Yes, the captain is equally culpable, and let's hope he's been nicked, too. Deport him? Ok, but blacklisting is a bit harsh. 5 years in jail is 5 years more than Boss has or will spend behind bars, so I would say NO!
  13. But unless they did the survey online, everyone that took it was willing to stand and talk to the surveyor. So, (in my eyes) the figures are fake because 'real social distancers' wouldn't get close enough to answer the questions! ????????????????
  14. I would have thought that you could easily find a bike 'in real life' rather than online. Local bike shops usually have a few for sale, ranging in age, condition and price. What sort of thing are you after? And what's your budget?
  15. None, I repeat NONE, of anyone capable, willing or likely to become the Prime Minister would do so in order to benefit the country. Any and all of them are only in it to increase their own personal power, wealth and ego.
  16. I reckon that is the best and most-relevant image for a story that I have ever seen! Who's the credit to?
  17. Why can't they just issue a summons and arrest warrant anyway? Why wait for him 'not to surrender' and how long will they wait? 15 years? It's a bit like saying to someone, "If I don't call, everything's ok." which is pretty stupid, as losing your phone, dying or being in an accident would stop you from calling! ????????
  18. It appears to me that @Orinoco seems hell bent on posting about how very wrong I was, and the sad/confused emoji reactions break my heart so much... oh no, it's going to affect my 'AseanNow reputation'! ???????????? You have made your point that I was 300% in the wrong, so please move on to comment on something else.
  19. Professional globetrotting spearfisherman or not, if he truly is someone who travels and catches fish, he should have known that there are places (usually beautiful tourist places) where fishing is forbidden! For him to reach his self-acclaimed status of prospearfishery, he really can't claim he didn't know better. But, as others have posted... it isn't as if he's been murdering children, and there are more-important things in the news and the world.
  20. From the article "all kinds of animals, such as those that create a nuisance and frighten people" So, how about geckos? The article doesn't mention what pet the person had, or their nationality. This is strange. And as for having to "pay a fine of 141,500 baht to the juristic person", well does that me the juristic person gets to do what he/she likes with all that cash? Seems like a job I'd like to apply for.
  21. The last few times I've been there, the smell was obvious. If people want to enjoy a joint in open air, good luck to them... I'd like a wee toke, myself... but no more.
  22. I have to admit that I do not feel 100% in the right. But nor can I see this lady as being either 100% right or wrong. I've ridden bikes for more than 40 years and more than 20 here in Bangkok, so I'm not a beginner. Also, this lady wasn't the only one racing up the inside of the traffic, as there was one a bit before her, and (as I found out) one more behind her. And at the end of the day no damage or injuries occurred, so it's no big deal. But the fact that she was berating me (and I'd hazard a guess I was riding bikes before she was born) did touch a bit of a nerve on the day. But from my personal experience, undertaking on single lane roads is just asking for trouble, regardless of the legalities. Quite often when I'm trying to pass slower vehicles on the right-hand side (in the middle of the road) Thai riders try to make quicker progress than me by undertaking. 9 times out of 10 I'm ahead of them by the time the road opens up. So, undertaking is not only dangerous and possibly illegal, it often isn't any quicker. ????????
  23. Parrotfish are not an introduced or invasive species and therefore them eating the hard corals (like cute turtles may do) is nature. And this was in a national marine park. The guy is a fool, and more of a fool for posting it on social. He will get his punishment... and I read elsewhere the boat crew/captain will get punished as well.
  24. They are required to, by law, here in Thailand now. This includes greater Bangkok. But a month or so ago there was a modification to places like Pathum Thani, allowing for drivers and passengers to negotiate (no meter). I think that tourists will always get ripped off here, but once 'you know how to do it' it's usually quite painless.
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