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Everything posted by 2long

  1. "He had a history of violence and making threats and had engaged in self-harming." As a previous poster mentioned, this needs to be taken further.... I'm sure the locals or mother's family would be happy to arrange a lynch mob, some gasoline (maybe a car tyre around his waist) and some form of flame. This monster needs removing from society.
  2. I would rather have my kids taught by a homo or a tranny or a pre or post-op ladyboy than by a dirty old man with ill intentions. These transpeople can be hardworking and fun. Farangs usually only see the type that give them a bad name, such as in red light (type) areas. However it looks like 'culprit' in this case is just a deviant man with long hair, and the punishment for 'it' needs to be severe!
  3. When we have heavy rain for more than an hour or so, FISH ????appear on the street! I'm not joking, and it has happened several times. We live in a gated community next to a large/wide canal, and it appears that these catfish are being pushed up out of the drains. Just wondering if any other members experience this.
  4. Lots of members on here are keen to destroy all of Thailand's stray dogs... but here they could have saved a human life! ????????????
  5. Probed by WHO? Other corrupt officials, I guess.
  6. I very much doubt more than 2% of AseanNow members have completed an Ironman, so hats off to this young land and everyone (for everywhere) who finished. I can't even type the word ironman without having to have a sit down and take a breather! @ikke1959 How many Ironmans have you entered/completed/won?
  7. If only my genitals were long enough to get anywhere near my feet! ???????? Did you hear about the thalidomide porn star? He had an arm like a baby's c*ck! I'll get my coat. ????
  8. What I can't understand is when the cops are in the process of the 'rescue' there was one who had time to take photos. It was either important (no time for pics) or not (too many cops on the job). As for locking the door when alone in the house, I think nearly all Thais do it mainly out of habit but also out of 'what if someone breaks in while I'm here.' I poo with the bathroom and front doors open... better to get the fumes out! ????????
  9. In any country immigration officials are responsible for allowing or refusing entry, based on criteria, official policy and their judgment. Some individuals are more polite or strict than others, and I feel this is a global trend. They are not the reception staff at your hotel, and they're not obliged to be polite. I am always polite, respectful but not over friendly, and I expect the same from them.
  10. What size brain do you need to have to steal from criminals, which could be controlled by criminals in uniform? ????????????????????
  11. @The Hammer2021 has the best answer! Doctors here are VERY cheap. Get it looked at.
  12. Get Augmetin 1G and Ciprofloxacin 500mg and take both for 5 days. BUT I'm not a doctor and this forum is not a medical one. Last month I had a foot infection and I'm lucky enough to be good friends with several doctors.
  13. I started reading this thread with an open mind (on my 3rd beer) but seeing others point out it's his first post, or at least the first post of this profile... it appears that this is a wind up.. and a good one too. This week we've had 'did you marry a bar girl' and during Covid we had some great attention seekers. For improvisation, I would give this a solid 9/10. For suture reference @JamesR7it might be prudent to develop the alter-profile a bit before going in so heavy. ????
  14. Backbreaking work! Sweeping leaves and cutting grass! Send them to a North Korean labour camp and see how things compare!
  15. We all know that there's nothing SAFER than a rushed building project in Thailand, and a long sea bridge built in haste will pose no safety issues whatsoever.
  16. Slightly off topic... I just followed this Muppet on my way home from Wine Connection. Because the entity that brings us good luck is colour blind & easily fooled, but can read Thai! ????????????
  17. Not many, and not much.... but that's not the point! ????
  18. - Bed heads not pointing in a certain direction - Cleaning the temple will get the winning lottery ticket - Me saying I behaved myself on a night out ???? Actually now after 20+ years, she has learned one thing for sure... and that's not to tell me what she believes!
  19. REad the breaking news on Mr Pinocchio! ????????????????
  20. Can we have a slightly-reworded topic... "Is your ex-wife (now) a bargirl?" ????
  21. I'm viewing this fantastic thread on my phone. There is no way I could do it credit with a proper reply, given limitations of the keyboard ????
  22. I think we all know that this is a very 'clickbaity' topic thread, and many members will view. Some (who voted yes) will look for solidarity in numbers. Many (who voted no, or refused to vote) will look to take the high ground and look down on others. My hat goes off to @4MyEgofor his honest post. ????????
  23. Then why are you viewing and commenting on this thread? I don't go into Isaan farmers and gay threads to peruse or comment there, nor do I watch or comment on cricket or flower arranging.
  24. Bail for blatant murder, which he's charged with premeditated murder makes me sick. Also, he has already shown that he's a fleeing coward when he raced of on a motorbike. And the police apposed bail... so what is the judge doing here? Sadly, I think that we all know exactly what's going on. ????????????
  25. I wonder how may brave guys would attempt to show up and claim it as theirs, even if it wasn't?! But the value has surely dropped now that one of the 'orifices' is now unavailable. ????
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