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Everything posted by 2long

  1. Thanks guys, and I get that. But is there like 24 hours or 7 days or what, .... to leave?
  2. But how about when would I have to leave' if I just want my current Non B WP to expire?
  3. I have had a work permit with the same company for 24 years and am very likely to want to call it a day next month. The trouble is, my visa expires on a very inconvenient date. If I tell my employer that I don't want to continue, what are my options or requirements for having to leave the country in order to get a fresh visa? A second question is a friend used to have what appears to be the perfect visa for me. Which is marriage visa without having to show 400k, but having to leave the country every 3 months. I love the idea of that. Could I get one in Vietnam or another ASEAN nation's embassy or consulate? Thanks in advance.
  4. A fool and his money are......
  5. This sentence needs proof-reading.
  6. Very sad, and unlucky and possibly naive. But these cops need dragging into the street and beating with a stick if they really said that. What absolutely disgraceful behaviour. One could be forgiven for hoping that in 100 years time the cop who said such a thing finds himself riding a (futuristic) motorcycle late at night in front of a (futuristic Red Bull Ferrari)..... karma's a bitch!
  7. I thought something had happened that made her laugh!
  8. Is there really a 'surge' as reported in the headline, or just a recent attempt at a purge and reports in the news?
  9. Last night my mate left his wallet in a taxi to his hotel. Hotel CCTV can't identify the taxi. If the taxi driver is a good honest guy and tries to return it but doesn't know who lost it, maybe he will take it to a local police station.... but local to where? Is there a national database or helpline where lost and found can be accessed? Thanks in advance.
  10. A nice little dig there about more foreigners not having work permits, which of course has absolutely no effect whatsoever on the products' quality. The OP might also want to have a quick proof read of paragraph #2.
  11. There are far too many brave ex Marines on this forum who want to destroy other creatures. Plus too many who think violence is the easy or best solution. Feral dogs are very simple creatures, much more so than pet or guard dogs. Some of you lot need to just grow a pair and face up to the dogs and your own insecurities, hiding behind weapons and Thai society.
  12. This isn't about 12-15 girls. Maybe, just maybe, the girl was a week or a month before her 18th birthday, and the guy is stated as 28. Is that really so bad? In most western countries it's absolutely fine. If compared to a guy in his 70s with a young man of 19, I know which one most societies would see as worse. Waiting for the haters..... 🙄
  13. I feel that there's some exaggeration in the OP. Anyone being repeatedly 'attacked' by dogs would surely either be too injured to return or type on a keyboard. Dogs that bark, don't usually bite especially feral dogs which do not have a fence or gate or human land to protect. If you show fear, they will advance. If you stand your ground, they will stop. If you reach to the ground (pretending to pick up a stone) they will back off. I know that there will be members saying I'm wrong, but I deal with feral dogs every day, and most are my friends. Those who want to be aggressive will always back off and not return, without anyone getting hurt. As @VocalNealrightly says, they're pretty simple creatures that thrive on fear and work in packs. Don't turn your back or let them surround you. Don't be afraid if you're an adult. Waiting for criticism, but I don't care.
  14. By 'Kiwies' we presume you mean New Zealanders, which of course were not forgotten in the post you were quoting. Are you mentally stable?
  15. All I'm saying is, that neither of the people in the incident are native English speakers (or listeners) and none of us here on this forum were there at the time. Therefore, there's no proof about which words were said and in which context. Don't get me wrong, I'm confident that the Russian is at fault, as would anyone kicking a clearly-pregnant woman. I'm just trying to point out some potential flaws in the story.
  16. Not sure what the final two paragraphs are supposed to achieve here. Some poor guy is obviously really struggling with some issue, and the article ends with a completely unrelated fictitious story.
  18. How do we know the language was abusive? Sometimes I listen to Chinese people (who maybe discussing what to have for lunch) and to me it sounds like they're about to kill each other. Is this the next episode of the anti-farang agenda? But if true, this is disgusting behaviour.
  19. But we all know that the rich here can wriggle out of all kinds of things, neck braces & cop murder by Ferrri included.
  20. It will be interesting to see how wise/foolish the voters will be, and how good their memories are come the next election.
  21. So, the mum was just 13 when she had the son. So sad!
  22. Gotta love their diligence in finding a native speaker to make sure height, width and length are all spelt correctly.
  23. This is not Holland (The Netherlands). I'm not trying to excuse these guys. I'm just pointing out that a lot of westerners think it's normal before they get here, and don't know the difference between KSR and Nana.
  24. At the end of the day, there are lots of western men who come here and are unaware that this behaviour is normal in some places, but not others. They apologised, but did it again... maybe they thought that they were ok to do it to different ladies, and they had no idea that this was not Nana Plaza. The world of social media nowadays where someone does or says something wrong and is all of a sudden a wanted fugitive is quite worrying. What about all the scams in bars and taxi drivers ripping people off?
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