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Everything posted by 2long

  1. I reckon this is ANOTHER troll thread from an existing member who has just made a new account and now us sad Muppets are all going to queue up to offer our advice, because none of us have been anywhere near a bar girl but we all know someone who has. .???????? I reckon if the mods are able to check IP addresses, this profile would come up as the same as a TV member. ???? It might as well be a copy-pasted post that we have seen time and time again on here. Please close it, mods! Save us all a load of wasted time.
  2. I'm 100% with the OP here. I'm not antivax, but not keen on being told my kids need to have something so new, just to be able to study. Also the Thai wife thing is spot on! With limited umbers of in-class students, I feel that any kids who don't get jabbed will be told to continue online studying while their classmates go into school.
  3. Cinemas make most of their profit from snacks, not from tickets. Oh, and now days are getting shorter, the virus comes out an hour later!
  4. If the monk is/was 400 years old, he was around before Charles Darwin. Just saying... ????????????
  5. They have two options.... #1 Attach boats to bridges facing upstream and tell them to run their engines flat out, in order to get that bad flood water to the sea quicker. #2 Blame Yingluck ????????????????????
  6. Happy to announce that thanks to BestB's advice, this little dog has a new home, with a semi-retired farang... and we can visit her. Thanks again!
  7. But Sh*tovac/pharm aren't 'vaccines'. They're just saline solution! It can be administered anywhere with the same effect. Maybe put it in a bottle and spray it into the axilla!
  8. I'm already vaxxed thanks Rob... so you're missing my point. My analogy was just an example of how some people behave when in a false sense of security compared to people who feel vulnerable. But with my hermit-like lifestyle I can only really go on old memories of how I behaved on bikes and in bed. ????
  9. I'm finding it hard to see the point of these vaccines, or forcing people to have them, if things like this happen. Yes, I know the usual brigade will jump on me to say things like 'they keep people out of hospital' 'it's for the good of others etc' but in places like sports stadia, nightclubs, large companies etc where everyone must show they're vaccinated it doesn't seem to make much difference. In fact, it could be worse! Ask any motorcyclist how he/she rides without a helmet (slower) or with full leathers (faster). The same analogy could be used with a condom and casual sex. What I'm trying to say is that if we have this false sense of security of vaccines could spread covid more than common sense and personal choice.
  10. They should make previously-arrested convicts make these vinyl boards while behind bars! ????????????
  11. I find it quite ironic that this thread starts with a link to the Daily Fail/Mail. For those who are not British, this rag is a tabloid among the lowest of the low. Not worth the paper it's printed on. As for the whole vaccine argument, still nobody has made it clear to me how this works... 'You have the vaccine to protect others from getting Covid, as well as protecting yourself getting serious symptoms' and 'Even if you have had all the jabs, you can still get Covid and pass it on to others.' So, if vaccinated people can still become infected and infectious, how is it protecting those around them? To me, it all stinks of a plan by the drug companies to cash in on an annual basis worldwide! I'm not saying Covid isn't real, because it is. I'm not an anti-vaxxer and I have had an AZ jab. I'm not saying the illuminati is trying to reduce the world's population, because that's nonsense. But what I do think is that the huge drug companies are loving this, and they wield a HUGE amount of power over politicians, especially in the USA. 10 years from now, we will all be having annual shots that governments may not subsidise... and even if they do pay for them, the drug companies get paid anyway.
  12. Has anyone clarified how all these foreign tourists will actually get to Hua Hin? Will they land in and pass through BKK? I guess if Bangkok is still closed next week (as expected) then there will be next to zero flights... so each airline will have flights for Hua Hin! ???? This doesn't sound like it will work to me, but maybe I'm missing something.
  13. So, we all believe her to be guilty before trial do we? But the press have her name and photo for all to see. What evidence do we have? An arrest warrant and the 'word' of our wonderful police force. ???? Ok, so it's likely that she committed the crimes but please let her go to court first.
  14. The red line has two sections. #1 Bag Sue - Rangsit (stopping at about 12 stations on the way, including Don Meaung) #2 Taling Chan - Bang Bamru - Bang Son - Bang Sue This system was 'being tested' for months before they let the public on. I'm not sure why all of a sudden the trains are noisy. I really like it, although on one trip the train went really slow for the last two stops.
  15. There are the usual comments here.. - open the bars & girly bars and sell booze because that's what all tourists want - it will fail. Thailand is a failure - Chinese this, temples that But although I tend to agree in part, there is some sense in opening for people who don't just come for some local flesh and Chang beer, and are likely to kiss and grope girls & boys who then go to kiss and grope many others, all under the influence. If the government screw it up, the same people will complain and say 'told you so.' I love a beer, in a special bar as well as a restaurant, but these establishments should be the last to open. So, there's some sense in opening other places first, at least to test the water and get SOME tourists through the door.
  16. When you click on threads like this... ????????????
  17. As always, the usual negative comments and stories of valour or near-death experiences. ThaiVisa never lets us down! As other posters have said, it depends on where you plan to swim in Thailand. Some beaches are awesome and others less so. Any with boats, captained by Thais, should be avoided. But the content of the OP's first post would suggest that his/her mind is already made up, mainly from fear of pretty much anything under the surface. Living here in Thailand can be more dangerous on land most of the time. I often feel safer out at sea.
  18. Anyone want a cute, young puppy? Nonthaburi/Bangkok. While out jogging early this morning I saw a car acting suspiciously. Rear passenger door open, and street dogs barking. 45 minutes later I found this little thing, all alone at the side of the road near where the car had stopped. https://goo.gl/maps/XtjQKQkRGDh3yAay8 So, now we're looking for a home for this lovely little pooch. And the scum who abandoned her should watch this video... https://youtu.be/JMs7dkdO4YY
  19. Nice idea! May I ask for a picture of your boat? I am thinking of similar, in canals.
  20. You really don't need to be a genius to figure some things out! (Pubs closed = fewer drunk drivers = fewer accidents = fewer deaths.) Traffic and pollution have also dropped during lockdown. How many have suffered, sold their souls to loan sharks or or even committed suicide in the past 18 months?
  21. Whale = spot on! ???????????????? But 50,000B is a huge amount for some people (fair punishment) and a tiny drop in the ocean for others (no deterrent at all).
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