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Everything posted by jacko45k

  1. Those teeth go into the handbag when earning!
  2. I guess the Russian guy was too, perhaps he was soliciting!
  3. All too common we see motorcycles without lights.... or there is shopping in the front basket blocking it off. About being able to see and being seen......
  4. Haha, yes exactly my first thought too......
  5. Slap on the back of the neck for him then!
  6. With the glistening waters gently lapping over the feet of those urinating into the sea!
  7. I might worry more about fiat currencies in such a situation.
  8. Yes, my thought too. If it works well, keep going. Is the jet-ski scam still ongoing? I hear it happens with motorbike rentals now, if you are crazy enough to let them hold your passport.
  9. Back to the situation here....no gas stations on Beach Rd these days. It's The Mall if it is still open, or the Beach!
  10. Ahhh, great for that slice that disappeared Friday night and got kicked under the bed... Classy....
  11. Sorry, I reread and see this actually was on 3rd Rd. Explains why I didn't end up in there too....
  12. Ever had a taxi driver stop en-route and do that.....not unusual. Spend the next 2-3 minutes looking over my shoulder worrying about an out of control 12 wheeler oncoming!
  13. I didn't make the original sarcastic comment, simply answered your subsequent question that had 3 question marks. I thought you might be seeking an answer.
  14. Couldn't find any Yorkies in BigC-X yesterday, wonder what that is about.
  15. What do you expect.....where are the public toilets?
  16. People whizz around quite fast on Sukhumvit these days, as I experienced yesterday myself when I took the motorbike, and decided to avoid the bike dangerous and abysmal road surface of the South bound Railway line bypass. I would expect there to be traffic control measures some distance ahead of this ruddy great hole in the road.
  17. Shhh, don't shout, then everyone will know. That's Youtube's job!
  18. Simply that you should have used 'lose', rather than 'loose'.
  19. Burning of trash and other items like cultivation fields is commonplace here, you can smell it most mornings when you get up. So human induced would be my guess, there also seems to be a disconnect between cause and effect that often ends in tears.
  20. Trouble is often getting back across that damned road!
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