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Posts posted by seasia

  1. I live here, quite content, not perfect but don`t expect any place to be.smile.png

    The negative posts/criticisms don`t bother me, they`re only peoples views/opinions/experiences.

    Often some validity in them or maybe letting off a little steam.

  2. I bought an AIS air card/dongle a few months back, about 1500 baht, then pay for data useage as I go, seems to work OK, based in naklua.

    Alternatively World of Sport in naklua is a 24 hour sports bar/restaurant that claim to have wifi.

    I`ve never tried using the wifi there.

    Good Luck.

  3. To the op of this thread, and a lot of other people. This is Thailand, right? When your talking about prices, how about using Thai Baht, not £ or € or $, We are people from many countries, here on TV, so it would uncomplicate things when comparing prices. By the time pounds are Baht, then back to dollars, the original amount is lost. And why compare prices here, to back home? Its alright to compare to different shops around town, but I havent a clue what your pound is in Thailand, and I dont want to know.

    Oh, another pointless post from someone who has posted in a topic they are clearly not interested in taking part in. I compare prices in UK £ because that's what I get my salary paid in whilst working in Thailand. If you can't be bothered taking part in a discussion I suggest you take your comments elsewhere. Much like you are not interested in knowing what the currency rate of the UK Pound to Baht is, I and many others who have taken part in this discussion, are not interested in your pointless comments. I bid you a good day and hope you are fruitfully being ripped of right left and center each and every day.

    I personally agree with him. Why talk about prices for stuff in the stores here in terms of your home country? This is TVF and since we are talking about things in the local market it only makes sense to discuss them in terms of the local currency. Or are you trying to exclude folks from your discussion that don't get paid in GBP?

    Or perhaps with the help of Naam we can start discussing pricing for all items in terms of grams of gold.

    Yes, you`re right, it`s Thai baht that the shops here are pricing in and taking, not UK £, US $ or Euros.

  4. Hmmm....not familiar with that wine place in Nakluea. Will have to check it out.

    OP: For pizza, do a search in the Pattaya forum. There's a loooong thread on this.

    ONE??? laugh.png

    The wine place in Nakluea carries also a good selection of imported cheese, salami, ham etc. Not necessarily cheap.

    sent from my Android phone


    How far down soi 12 from naklua road is it please?

    I don`t live far away and will take a look sometime.


    To the OP.

    Best Supermarket at the Dolphin roundabout, pattaya nua/naklua has a reasonable selection of wine, prices OK.

    They do some continental style bread also, quite probably not the best but I buy there sometimes.

    Open from about 6.00 AM( might be 8.00 AM} to 1.00 AM I think.

    Not a particularly big store.

  5. In Pattaya it always runs from 12th to 19th April. 19th April being the wettest day. I always escape from Pattaya during Songkran...


    Last year I escaped it, this year stocked up before hand and mostly stayed in.

    Might take a trip to a neighbouring country next year.

  6. JSixpack: eh, cheese at 13s7d on the net! The net was but a glimmer in Tim's eye when decimal currency was introduced into the UK. Or are you being funny?

    By the way cheese lovers, have you tried the locally produced cheeses which are usually on sale in Friendship and Best. The Lancashire is especially good, and it is only 110 baht for 200 grms.


    Yes, I`ve been buying some cheese recently in Best, seems quite reasonably priced to me and tastes OK..

  7. Richard W

    Yes, it is what you have pointed out in your 1st paragraph that concerns me.

    Just boarding the return leg back to Thailand with a different passport number to the one I departed with.

    To clarify I will also obtain a new visa whilst in the UK after obtaining the new passport.

    So my query is really down to how important is the passport number with regards to the airline.

    Thanks again.

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