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Everything posted by topt

  1. Disagree. Not everyone uses faceache or similar and across continents email is often the preferred means of communication. However yes the examples posted would immediately raise red flags.......
  2. Do you mean a brush as otherwise I have no idea what that is? When I had dogs, one was long haired, I used a Zanussi wet and dry as you could reverse the flow to dry the dogs after a "shower"......... However the "suck" now seems very diminished compared to an old Samsung I had before and a lot of dust just gets blown straight through as the filters are not overly restrictive. If you want to restrict dust/allergens look for something with HEPA filters
  3. Care to disclose where your figure of 3 plus million expats comes from .........or are you including all the Myanmar, Lao, Cambodian workers as well... I have a feeling it is substantially less as last figure I saw for "expats" was about 9 to 10 times less..........If so hyperbole much.......
  4. So are you disputing the reality of the links that showed the meetings set up by the Swiss Ambassador and the French Embassy with a supposedly senior RD person present? These were some/many months ago but were well documented on here. Personally if I was being overly pedantic, like certain posters on this forum, I would say that is the wrong choice of words. As has been stated many times on here (backed up by quotes from the Thai RD code) that if you meet the criteria then you are supposed to file yourself. However if you don't then no one can say how that may play out in years to come......
  5. Are they some sort of specific tree that is protected? Otherwise why would cutting down normal trees on your own land be illegal?
  6. There are only about half a dozen tax threads open that you could look at or post your question in..... If you are a tax resident, spend more than 180 days a year in Thailand, and you remit assessable income above a certain level you are supposed to report and pay anything due......Up to you..... Perhaps you should read this -
  7. Has nothing to do with the OS - purely down to your email provider and if your email has made its way on to various lists and your email settings possibly.
  8. I appreciate your comment may have been somewhat tongue in cheek but from the article -
  9. That's not what I actually said. I said if it was existing savings from pre 31/12/2023 then it, under current regulations, is not assessable and therefore not taxable. So depends on where it comes from as to whether it is assessable and then all the other calculations if assessable......
  10. Which bit as the roads are quite long and include PP Massage in 21?
  11. Depends if it comes from savings pre 31/12/2023..............
  12. I have just read most of it through again and definitely it is not at transaction level. My guess would be that the top line may flag an inconsistency which would then lead to further enquiries. Also interestingly it talks a lot about due diligence and page 45 is about this for new accounts - which may be one of the reasons why it has got so much more difficult (according to posts on here) to open new accounts even where they already have an existing account.
  13. Pretty obvious to me and has been mentioned by others in the past. He pays a significantly lower rate of tax paying it in Thailand then he would do paying it in Norway. My understanding, which could of course be wrong, is that he does not have the option of not paying it in Norway unless he can prove he has paid in Thailand. From the figures he quoted it is a no brainer.
  14. If you are referring to the required format for CRS reporting that is supposedly one time per year according to all I have read and that seems pretty clear to me. If you are referring to Thai institutions reporting stuff to TRD or BOT then no idea.
  15. Copy of a current thread here if you haven't seen it - since you are replying to a nearly year old post.....
  16. Respectfully based on what I have quoted above plus other extensive reading I have to agree with this - Logically that makes sense as otherwise the amounts of data being sent would be massive. However that is also not to say that it won't change in the future.
  17. I read through most of the OECD CRS stuff many months ago and I do not remember seeing anything about ATM transactions. They should either fall within the overall bank account reporting or CC total figures - if reported. I just don't see from all I have read anything that says they drill down to a transaction level on ongoing spends. To be clear I am talking about international CRS reporting - not what the Thai banks may report to BOT
  18. Suggest you start reading, at least the introduction, and it should bring you up to speed -
  19. Some more for you This is a user guide for the information that needs to be input - page 250 (in the document) shows amounts - but again can find no mention of CC's. https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/9789264216525-10-en.pdf?expires=1724127149&id=id&accname=guest&checksum=A5BBC1159A96994517D898FDAA62D2CD The whole issue of CC reporting is confusing to me but I may just be goggle eyed from trying to read too much. The OECD CRS documents talk about "Non reporting financial institutions" so I am not sure if it is possible that some credit card issuers don't actually report........ https://web-archive.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/common-reporting-standard/common-reporting-standard-and-related-commentaries/index.htm left hand scrollable column page 48. Further down it then says - And also available here page 169 in their document- https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/9789264216525-7-en.pdf?expires=1724126520&id=id&accname=guest&checksum=C8F07F24AB6C61890622E26926F6937E At the moment I cannot see any way they would be asked to report by transaction and I am confused by the terminology as to whether some may not report at all........
  20. If you are Canadian, and interested...... I came across this. One section says certain "pensions" are "Ëxcludable"........however I did not fully read up. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/international-non-residents/enhanced-financial-account-information-reporting/reporting-sharing-financial-account-information-other-jurisdictions/guidance-on-common-reporting-standard-part-income-tax-act.html#_Toc475109513
  21. Go to page 61 in that link. It does not specifically mention CC or ATM but talks about reporting "gross amount" or "gross proceeds" and from an earlier page it is only reportable as a year end amount.
  22. Unfortunately from reading that my belief is that only applies to an "Entity" - not individual people. See here - https://www.oecd.org/content/dam/oecd/en/topics/policy-issue-focus/aeoi/crs_entities_self-cert_form.pdf With regards to credit card/ATM level I would tend to agree but have not read anything in even the OECD CRS guidance that categorically refers to this. However at the moment it would seem a stretch to think that all of that individual data would be reported. The CRS guidance seems to always talk about total numbers not individual. Thanks for the Thai RD link - I am amazed that they have it in English
  23. And the cost of all those flights compared to the actual tax you may have to pay..........
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