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Everything posted by topt

  1. Does that include all the Chinese, Koreans and Russians who are, in many cases, more recent "visitors"...............
  2. If you say you want a TIN to be able to reclaim tax withheld on interest then they should provide as long as you have all the information they need - and that will possibly depend on which office you go to.
  3. The OP may want to have a look at the Jobs/Economy/Banking etc forum as there were some recent reports about "issues"with Dee Money - mainly on time taken from memory. Otherwise I would have agreed.
  4. As you would have no assessable income definitely not. On your second question not sure. It has been mentioned in the tax threads as being a way around the changes effective 1/01/24. Some others will, I am sure, be along shortly to argue either way.......
  5. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 97 seconds  
  6. Is it just my eyes but the guy second from the right in the picture above - is he talking on some sort of phone - looks like an old style original portable?
  7. Sorry don't have a mac but noticed nobody has replied. Worth having a search through here if you are not aware of it - https://forums.linuxmint.com/index.php
  8. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 118 seconds  
  9. Interesting that I don't see this at all. After posting I actually checked and unless it is something to do with my browser settings then is definitely not an option for me. This seems strange to me considering it is the same bank but there we go. You do get used to it after a while........
  10. This is why they say you have to take advice before paying out for missing years as every person is different. I am like @BritManToo in that although I had some missing years that I could have paid very cheaply, they were before 2016, they would have added nothing to my pension. There was a big campaign in the Money Mail online about this as some people had paid many thousands in top ups and were then being told they weren't getting any extra. So info may be incorrect for some but for many it isn't/wasn't.
  11. I think so - but that is just me....... And I don't think there will be a clear steer on this, and similar scenarios, for some years unless TRD start chasing and enforcing. Even then it may be different at different RD offices....... Personally I am very dubious that unless the gain has been crystallised and the money is in cash at 31/12/2023 that you can call it "savings". But of course very happy to be proved wrong on this
  12. On Windows - Brave click the lion shield item (top right on my set up) and there is a setting to Forget me when I close this site or go into Settings and under Privacy there are a number of settings. On Android -Brave -Settings- Brave Shields and Privacy - Clear data on exit button. Also Settings - Site Settings - Content
  13. Was it not from Heathrow before?
  14. I believe it was included in at least one of the links I gave originally. A search will find a number of sites many of which give the same information. Here is one - https://www.cloudwards.net/how-to-uninstall-microsoft-edge/ Follow all the steps. The last step in setting the new registry key should stop it coming back. However I also purged a lot of entries from the registry and file system without any issues. YMMV
  15. There is a registry setting that you can set that should stop it coming back. Has worked for me since the original posting.
  16. I just hope you haven't fallen foul of this potential issue which was raised a while ago -
  17. I did the same as @scubascuba3 but not long after the change. The sign wasn't there then and there were definitely no blue road markings at that time. I cut left into LK Metro when I realised.......
  18. The Government Gateway showing missed years says I can pay for some early 2000's years very cheaply. However there would be no point as they would not result in any uplift for me. So don't take what it says at face value. Will you be on the new or old pension and how long ago are the missing years?
  19. Would be nice but unfortunately I think they would be inundated with queries on it and service levels would get even worse.....if that is possible.......
  20. Yes but for checking NICS and basic tax issues it is better than waiting on hold for 45 minutes plus (done recently) if it has the answers. Certainly better than waiting for the post - especially if you have a postal delivery issue.....
  21. Do you have a Lloyds Business account? That's the only place I can see where they have that and apparently also a card reader option. I have Lloyds personal accounts and have been receiving OTP (one time password) for more years then I care to remember and no way to remember a "trusted device"
  22. Presumably you did this by going online to your Government Gateway account where you can see all the payments - or non full years?
  23. Interesting link here shows limits by country - no idea how up to date it is. https://www.europe-consommateurs.eu/en/shopping-internet/cash-payment-limitations.html Looks like France, Greece, Italy and Belgium and others on that low list you mention which surprised me. However from "scanning that I don't agree with "most countries" when buying a used car. Just to be clear I am not in favour of CBDC's and very much in favour of maintaining cash as an option. Although I value my personal privacy however, I would still choose to use a bank transfer or credit card for larger amounts.
  24. Generally I agree but that limit is 10,000 Euro's from memory and only for "commercial" transactions. How many people are likely to want to make transactions for more than that in cash unless hiding source of funds or similar? For most people it is easier and safer to transfer direct from bank to bank.
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